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Does anyone else really hate Starkiller ? After seeing a lot of these who would win threads and most powerful force user list I've just come to hate Starkiller for being such a Mary Sue. I just can't stand how he is more powerful than Vader and one of the most powerful in canon. He isn't even that interesting of a character.
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Honestly, I kinda like him. I thought the first TFU was pretty good.


I understand people disliking him - but hating him seems to be a stretch.


Also, what's the canon status of the games? Is it canon that Starkiller has all these wicked powers?

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Honestly, I kinda like him. I thought the first TFU was pretty good.


I understand people disliking him - but hating him seems to be a stretch.


Also, what's the canon status of the games? Is it canon that Starkiller has all these wicked powers?


If you mean game-wise, no that is not canon.


If you mean book-wise, when he is actually close to a "normal" power level who struggles at times and nearly dies a lot, then yes, that is canon.

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So because people like him and put them at the top of their list you are upset ? Almost feels like a "I HATE REVAN" Thread .

Starkiller is probably in my Top 10-20 Idk at this point but he is pretty powerful .

He beat Vader in TFU

His clone beat Vader in TFU2


So yea , hes pretty powerful . The Books are the standard in his power and George Lucas approved (Well that matters not anymore) !

Before someone comes in to flame me or troll , I know the games were the most extremely stretched out version of StarKillers powers , but he did CANNONLY beat Vader x2 with Vader in all intent on killing him .


What I find horrible is the fact that Luke Skywalker beat Starkiller with a quick version of "How to be a Jedi for Dummies" , his training was not as long as any Jedi before him or even close but somehow Luke learned in a short time how to woop a Trained in the Jedi arts Starkiller who had years and years of training in Lightsaber arts .

I am sorry but the FANBOYISM is the most DARKEST and EVILEST thing in StarWars .


Further more , I am sorry not all of are dull and stuck with the notion that StarWars should be ONLY about Luke , Han , Leia , and Chewy ! I guess its just easier to hate others opinions than it is to see past your own.

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Does anyone else really hate Starkiller ? After seeing a lot of these who would win threads and most powerful force user list I've just come to hate Starkiller for being such a Mary Sue. I just can't stand how he is more powerful than Vader and one of the most powerful in canon. He isn't even that interesting of a character.


Mary Sue Definition :

Mary Sue (sometimes just Sue), in literary criticism and particularly in fan fiction, is a fictional character with overly idealized and hackneyed mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the author or reader. It is generally accepted as a character whose positive aspects overwhelm their other traits until they become one-dimensional. While the label "Mary Sue" itself originates from a parody of this type of character, most characters labelled "Mary Sues" by readers are not intended by authors as such. Male Mary Sues are often dubbed "Gary Stu", "Larry Stu", "Marty Stu", or similar names.


While the term is generally limited to fan-created characters, and its most common usage today occurs within the fan fiction community or in reference to fan fiction, original characters in role-playing games or literary canon are also sometimes criticized as being "Mary Sues" or "canon Sues" if they dominate the spotlight or are too unrealistic or unlikely in other ways.


Mary ""Stu"" is EU FANBOY GOD "Luke Skywalker"

Edited by mefit
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Made a thread explaining Galen Marek, should have yourself a look see.




Wolf I didn't read your threat on him before , would like to just say it was a good read and thankyou for writing it . I also agree with your look at the who Mary Stu issue that is being claimed .

Problem with KotoR 1 & 2 , TFU 1& 2 ............etc , is people cannot seem to seperate the games from what really happened in cannon via Books .

Games of course were made to be more visual to be more fun in epic , but I also agree with what you said at the bottom .

My take is :

If the force is unlimited in Nature , why cannot people like Starkiller who is a watered down in power Anakin do what we would assume Anakin probably could do with ease if he was allowed to stay unharmed and grow up well trained ?

The scene where Galen brings down that Star Destroy will always be the most Epic Scene in my mind in that games , I am though able to see that canonly it didn't happen like that.


Again Malek is likely not so much one of my Top ten , I really do not keep a paper around with me to know . I do in fact like all StarWars Characters ..................well besides JarJar but I am not saying people should not like him either !

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