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HK-51 for leveling


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Hello all. I have a level 25 Inquisitor that I'm loving. I'm pondering paying for a legacy HK-51 to be my companion. Has anyone tried it? Does it seem viable? I'm a healing spec sorcerer, so I've been using Khem as my tank. I'm wondering how having a non-tanking companion would work for my healer. If he's geared, will be be viable as a semi-tank?


Also, did they implement companion dialog in cutscenes for the HKs? When Khem would chime in, do the HKs instead?

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Hello all. I have a level 25 Inquisitor that I'm loving. I'm pondering paying for a legacy HK-51 to be my companion. Has anyone tried it? Does it seem viable? I'm a healing spec sorcerer, so I've been using Khem as my tank. I'm wondering how having a non-tanking companion would work for my healer. If he's geared, will be be viable as a semi-tank?


Also, did they implement companion dialog in cutscenes for the HKs? When Khem would chime in, do the HKs instead?


I did that on a new Inquisitor I made, it won't be super powerful, but he'll still be viable. Since he's all ranged dps, he has no tanking stance like Khem does, so you can easily switch between Khem and HK-51 if you want.


And as for the dialog, unless they recorded a bunch of dialog for HK-51, he won't chime in.

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My Assassin is Tank based (also lvl 25 now, but got HK at 23)


since I'm already tanking, Khem isn't really needed... (and his dps isn't... all that great)

so I got HK... and love it! although he's not really geared (all his lvl 50 stuff can't be used) I have to make my own...


although I'm cybertech, I can't really make any decent parts until lvl 30... which is a downer... but other than that, he's pretty good as a dps, while I tank... many times by the time I get a mob of 5 around me, 2 of them are already dead...

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