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What happens with my 50 on other server


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I am an aussie (awesome luck i know)

I have re-rolled on the new pacific servers and am awaiting the end of april to transfer my main to the new server.....


Now should I create a legacy on my alt (level 34) or wait until my 50 comes across with its legacy and valour level??


i am at a loss as i dont want to lose my 50's higher level that i gained through hours in illum etc

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One of the Q and As on legacies - perhaps about 3 weeks ago - dealt with this issue as I recall. I THINK it said that if you transferred a chapter 2 avatar to a server that already had one the higher of the two legacies would override the other. Don't rely on my memory though - it shouldn't be hard to find the Q&A.


If it was me I would wait just to minimize the chance of something going wrong or the final version of the system not quite matching all the earlier answers (devs being human they can screw up). Creating a lower level legacy won't give you that much of value over the 2+ weeks before the transfer.

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i would finish ch 1 and make sure to claim your legacy name. if you wait there is the possibliy that someone else will get that name. I'm pretty sure they will not be giving charater transfers priority over names already created on the server
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I dont care too much for the name... I have one on the other server...which i have already seen someone with a similar (probably stolen..cause its awesome) on this new server.

them the brakes,,, its more the points. i dont mind if i am in the Spongebob legacy really

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