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Being ganked by 50's on a PvP server.


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Are there any measures set now to prevent the people who already got in that RUSHED to 50 who will then be bored out of their minds, who WILL come into the lower level zones and just grief everyone?


This staggered release probably looked good on paper but what is really going to happen is what I mentioned. Allowing these gaps in player invites is going to wreak havoc on people who don't get in for several days.


People who got in 4 hours ago, I'm sure many of them are rushing to stay ahead of the curve and if they knew what they were doing and are skipping through dialog are in their mid/high teens by now. An entire day from now they will be 30 and SO ON. They are going to end up 50, bored and come into the lower SHARED zones and grief people (I would).


I am guessing there is nothing to prevent this but I'm sure you can see the problem.


I will just take my beatings from the bored 50's when I am able to play and eventually get to 50 as well but was that even considered at all?

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Are there any measures set now to prevent the people who already got in that RUSHED to 50 who will then be bored out of their minds, who WILL come into the lower level zones and just grief everyone?


This staggered release probably looked good on paper but what is really going to happen is what I mentioned. Allowing these gaps in player invites is going to wreak havoc on people who don't get in for several days.


People who got in 4 hours ago, I'm sure many of them are rushing to stay ahead of the curve and if they knew what they were doing and are skipping through dialog are in their mid/high teens by now. An entire day from now they will be 30 and SO ON. They are going to end up 50, bored and come into the lower SHARED zones and grief people (I would).


I am guessing there is nothing to prevent this but I'm sure you can see the problem.


I will just take my beatings from the bored 50's when I am able to play and eventually get to 50 as well but was that even considered at all?


Don't roll on a pvp server? You will get ganked at some point regardless what level you are.

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Are there any measures set now to prevent the people who already got in that RUSHED to 50 who will then be bored out of their minds, who WILL come into the lower level zones and just grief everyone?



PvP server = PvP


If you don't want to deal with a PvP environment then there are plenty of PvE servers available for you. I'm not being condescending, so please don't take that the wrong way. I'm simply stating facts. It has been previously stated by the devs that aside from town guards, you are on your own.

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That's sort of the point of a PvP server.


Remember, a PvP server is not the be all end all of PvP options. There's just as much PvP on a PvE server, it's just more organized and strategic.


PvP servers are like a FFA shooter.


PvE servers are more like Team Death Match.


I love PvP, but I roll on PvE servers because I don't like the chaos of a PvP server. I prefer ordered, structured, strategic PvP because I like that feeling of a real battle, not some insane murder party.

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While it's certainly possible some hardcore people will hit 50 in a short amount of time, I do have to point out that 1-30 in a day is unlikely and that leveling does slow down at 30.


To your point, it's the risk you take when rolling on a PvP server, you should be safe until your mid 20s so just keep plugging away. Do what I do, level 2 toons at one time, if I start getting ganked and camped, I log onto my other toon and level it for a bit then go back to the main when I think the gankers have moved along.

Edited by Temeluchus
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I like the PvP aspect of PvP servers, and I have had my fair share of being whooped by high levels in every MMO I have played. All I'm saying is that because of this staggered release it is going to cause lots of extra griefing because of the major advantage of being able to play sooner.


Telling me to roll on a PVE doesn't solve the problem it just removes me FROM the problem. I would rather get killed every 30 seconds by a 50 than play on a PVE server. Just wondering if they are aware that this staggered launch is going to cause excessive grief and if there was ANY sort of measure they have done to prevent it.

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I don't see the problem - those of us that play on PvP servers know and accept this as a way of life in our MMOs. Even if they'd let us in at the same time, there still would be a group of power levelers that would get to 50 before you.


In the end, the only person who's to blame for those concerned about ganking is themself, for not pre-ordering sooner. Suck it up mate, and roll with the punches. Or roll on a PvE server. Enough with the handholding already, if late-comers have to get a few lumps from the Power leveler sorts, well, so be it.


I suppose next people will be complaining "well what about those of us that have to work, the jobless people are getting an 8 hour headstart on us!!"

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If you don’t like being ganked, then don’t play on a ganker server.


This is not a difficult concept, the only difference between a PVE server and a PVP server is that ganking is allowed on the latter.


On the former PVP still takes place, but by consent

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A lot of people missed the point of this thread and just felt like attacking.


I will close with. I will NEVER roll on a PVE server EVER. I accept that I will get ganked by high levels and that it can come at any time just as you accept that I have the right to gank and grief you until I get bored or you log off due to frustration. I don't care when I get killed, I am used to it and I will continue with whatever I was doing after I respawn. If it becomes a major problem I will bring friends or go quest somewhere else....but I will NOT EVER use a PvE server no matter how many times I get ganked.


As said, i would rather get ganked every 30 seconds by a 50 than roll on a PvE server.

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