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Endar Spire On Taris? Really?


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If a ship is designed for not just war but war in the extreme environments of space I believe it can survive a crash landing. Think about it in space it's either hundreds below zero or hundreds above zero depending on the distance from a sun. All of that heating and cooling would cause havoc in a ship infrastructure of it weren't designed to take it. On top of that it's meant to get the **** beaten outta it. Yes it blew up pretty good, yes fall hundreds of kilometers only to make the hardest landing imaginable. But there is something call suspension of disbelief. Learn to use that or every story will be ruined because it can't happen in real life.


On a side note since it took such a beating I would have appreciate holes in the haul either from colliding with buildings, erosion, or even cannon fire but hey that's just me

Edited by Diablo_Cow
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"...Revan, Ulgo, and Onasi engaged the Sith and made their way to the ship's main bridge in search of Shan, who had already escaped. Shortly thereafter, Revan and Onasi got in an escape pod and fled as well, with Ulgo sacrificing himself so that Revan and Onasi would survive. Realizing that Shan was no longer aboard the ship, the Sith fleet opened fire on the Endar Spire, completely destroying it."


If Wiki says so it has to be right :o


(from one big ship to dust in 1 second with no chunks, nothing) tells me it is just a technical limitation. The game is 9 years old, don't be so picky about what you are seeing and don't take it for granted.
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Dude where have you been? When Spock went back in time in that last movie he changed history and now Star Wars is heading off in a completley new direction. That movie came out between Kotor and this game. It doesn't matter what you saw in kotor. It is all different now. Jeez


.......*grab rolled up news paper and smacks Pcolapat head.* Bad treky Bad. This is not Star Trek This is Star War Spock Has nothing to do with it. Bad Treky Bad stop trolling. *keeps smacking with the news paper.:rak_03:

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You see the big red ball of gas it was turned into. Watch the scene again. That can not be the big chunk of ship we see on Taris in this game how that explosion happened. It was bigger than the ship itself as there was nothing of the ship to see in that explosion.


This is editorial freedom many script writers take. I can think of many examples in Sci Fi where you see a ship "explode" in space, and then later the wreck is found on a planet. Star Wars is certainly not the first nor will they be the last to use a "plot device" like this :)

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The problem is you are only watching videos from the original version. Lucas went back and rewrote the plot line of the original KOTOR wherein the main character must pilot the Endar Spire into a controlled crash landing. It's in KOTOR - The Special Anniversary Directors Cut Gold Edition.
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Dude where have you been? When Spock went back in time in that last movie he changed history and now Star Wars is heading off in a completley new direction. That movie came out between Kotor and this game. It doesn't matter what you saw in kotor. It is all different now. Jeez


I... I want to stab you a little bit now. :p

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Ok let's pretend it matters. What the hell you think they are going to do about it? Remove 2 quests to take it out?

It's an Easter egg, a shout out to games past, who gives a **** if according to kotor it was reduced to ash completely. According to my kotor, revan was a Sith Lord in the end, yet here he is preaching Jedi nonsense you don't see me complaining for a change. The writers ultimately decide what happened in kotor, and they have decided a piece of the endar spire survived DEAL WITH IT!!

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