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So, how about these Tactical Flashpoints, huh?


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I like Kuat quite a bit, for a number of reasons.


1) I like Reputation. I don't know why I like it as much as I do, but I do. The one time quest gives a purple token. You get two blue tokens guaranteed every run (one for boss, one for mission completion) PLUS a chance at extra greens as a bonus. I'm a Rep locust, and I'll easily have this track maxed in the minimum possible time.


2) It's great when you're low on time. The role-neutrality means a faster queue, and the FP is pretty short. I had 45 minutes before I needed to leave for work. I was able to queue, run the Flashpoint, buy the Bomber paint scheme from the vendor, and still run to the store real quick before work.


3) The variable nature of it. The RNG will make the experience different for everyone, but I have run the FP on two characters, one Republic and one Imperial, a total of five or six times. I still have yet to play one of the five scenarios, and I have only fought two of the five bosses. This is keeping it fresh, despite my running it back to back to back.


4) Repeatability. It's not a daily, or a weekly. There are no lockouts. I can choose to run it again and again and again. Getting the xp, the credits and the rep as much as I like. The only thing slowing down my progress is the weekly cap on rep, but I can still run the mission and save tokens for next week.

Edited by DaxCalvo
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I think the issue if all Flashpoints going forward become Tactical, there will be no need for tanks or healers for such content. The smart choice would be taking all four DPS to clear content the fastest. This could lead to Heals and Tanks being kicked which I think would further disincentivize people from rolling those much needed classes. After all, one of the main appeals of these classes (in my opinion) is how quickly flashpoints pop.


They can just switch to dps, especially healers. What's the big deal.

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You can get Basic comms once a day for Tactical Flashpoints from the Group finder. After that, it's all Planetary comms. As long as they sick to that formula, and I hope that they do, these won't replace regular Flashpoints for endgame comms and gearing. Which means that healers and tanks will be just as needed as hey have ever been. Tactical Flashpoints, as they are right now, add something for characters of all levels: variety.
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Because it's hard to repeatedly run SM content for all the tokens you need.


Out of 6 runs, I ran a roll once. So I'm sorry but tokens being randomly rewarded is a terrible design especially when none - absolutely none - of the reputation out there requires you to hope for a lucky roll. Even the Czerka FP with the green tokens dropping there are a different matter since you can get your weekly cap by running the dailies.


This reputation is the only one that makes you compete against the other people of your party and I can't see how they would think it was a good idea.


When the way it was designed actually pushes you to run group content alone it is a sign that this design is flawed. But I shouldn't be surprises, this game has a long history of bad ideas.

Edited by demotivator
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I ran it at level 15 just to check it out. I don't see anthing wrong with it. Fps and heroics are boring to me. I do Esse and BT for old times sake and that is about it. I pvp also so xp isn't a big thing. I also do the bonus quest on most planets so that keeps me busy. I have the time. Not everyone does. I might putter with it but like I say FPS and heroics aren't what I am into.
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Out of 6 runs, I ran a roll once. So I'm sorry but tokens being randomly rewarded is a terrible design especially when none - absolutely none - of the reputation out there requires you to hope for a lucky roll. Even the Czerka FP with the green tokens dropping there are a different matter since you can get your weekly cap by running the dailies.


This reputation is the only one that makes you compete against the other people of your party and I can't see how they would think it was a good idea.


When the way it was designed actually pushes you to run group content alone it is a sign that this design is flawed. But I shouldn't be surprises, this game has a long history of bad ideas.


You are GUARANTEED two Blue rep tokens per run, one for mission completion and one for the boss. The greens and/or blues that drop from earlier mobs are like a bonus. You're also guaranteed one free purple per character for doing the one-time mission. Between that and two blues per run, you can EASILY cap rep without ever winning a single roll.

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My only real "gripe" is with the dialog Republic side. The dude on the holoterminal said the Imps were going to violate the treaty of Coruscant by attacking Kuat.


Seems odd, given that by Act II in the story quest the war is back on and is in full swing.


Hmm, I do not recall that dialog. Didn't you do the conversation on a character that hasn't done Act 2 yet?

Or maybe I just did not pick the right responses...

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I loved this flashpoint. It is a great training exercise and really good practice. It was just challenging enough without being overbearing, and it reinforced basic behavior that people need to learn for later flashpoints and operations (i.e., "Don't stand in red circles"). Kudos, BioWare.
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Dull, dull, dull, dull, dull...


I've only run KDY three times and am already more sick of it than I've ever been of Ess/BT. The Czerka ones are better, but barely.


They aren't hard; they certainly aren't "tactical;" and they are painfully repetitive.


BW if you really wanted to help the DPS problem ... Cross-server queues.

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This is just fine, if Bioware keeps it this way. I hope this is not first step for getting all classes all same if differences are needed no more. But its ok for learning game. And if it shortens DPS wait time even better. But if all FPs and new content become like this its just stupid:-/ I know there is shortage of heal and tank, and this may be part of solution but its not whole solution. Maybe healers and tank could for example get 10% more XP them peepz would play these roles more.:o
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