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Mitochondria in Star Wars?


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After hearing Qui Gon Jinn talk about mitochondria in the phantom menace I wonder why something in a cell would have to do with being in connection with the force.. Anyone have an answer thanks. By the way I already looked up a video on what they have to do with the force and the guy in the video seemed confused about it himself lol.
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It wasn't "mitochondria" - which as you mentioned is a real part of human cells, in Star Wars the connection to the Force is through "midi-chlorians" a fictional micro-organism, which is what Qui-Gon was talking about.


Midi-chlorians were almost certainly inspired in part by mitochondria, possibly because of how mitochondria have separate DNA from the host cell but function as an integrated part of it (as well as being the "power plant" of the cell)- this may make them seem interesting and mysterious.


In the end, the fictional midi-chlorians provide a connection to the Force because that's what the author of this universe says they do.

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