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    Literatur, Filme, Psychologie, Religion
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  1. Ahm, dude, if anything, than the Draeneis are a copy of the Sith race... For all the other issues you have: Just because you haven't known those races before doesn't mean they haven't existed in the Star Wars lore/universe. The developers didn't invent any new races, they took what was already there. So please, before getting frustrated and flaming around, you should really get to know the EU of Star Wars a bit better. But I agree with you in one point: I would have liked to see more playable races, especially due to the fact, that the race choice is only optical. I would have loved to play as a Nautolan or a Togruta.
  2. By the way, a number of Jedis and Padawans survived Order 66, due to the fact that they were on missions on their own or on totally other planets and without clone troopers. Some troopers, if I remember it right, even ignored Order 66 and helped their assigned Jedis and Padawans to survive. The movies don't explain and show everything, they're just the product for the mass. Same goes for the Sith: Vader and Sidious weren't the only Siths left. There were a number of other Siths, working on their own stuff and hunting down Jedis. Balance for me means, that the Force is in a state, were neither the Light Side nor the Dark Side have an upper hand but are equal or neutral. But that is only possible for a very short fraction of time or when all force-users lose their abilities. So no, I don't really think that Anakin brought balance to the force. PS: I've always asked myself, if there have been any other troopers besides the cloned ones during the clone wars era.
  3. With my Sith Sorcerer I'm choosing exclusively light side answers, because I really want him to be a moral character, due to the fact that he used to be a slave and knows the suffering of the simple people (I'm playing on a RP realm). My Jedi Shadow chooses the answers he feels are suitable. At the moment, he has 750 points, 1000 Light and 250 Dark. So, with my Shadow I just go with the flow. But I guess that he'll get the first rang of the Light Side eventually, while still having Dark Side points.
  4. Gleichgeschlechtliche Romanzen sind momentan noch nicht eingebaut, werden aber seitens Bioware nachgereicht. Und zwar unabhängig der Sprachversion Glaube keine Firma würde sich den Aufwand machen, für EU und USA separate Spielinhalte bereit zu stellen
  5. Oh, sorry, hätte ich ausschreiben sollen EU = Expanded Universe = das gesamte Star Wars Universummaterial, welches über die Episoden IV-VI hinausgeht
  6. Zu Zeiten der alten Republik waren die Regeln bzgl. Heirat bei Jedis noch nicht so strikt wie zu Zeiten der Episoden I-VI. Hochzeiten konnten vom Rat genehmigt werden. Jedoch schaute man misstrauisch auf verheiratete Jedis und wurden nicht immer von allen besonders gemocht. Erst mit zu Zeiten der Filme ist die Heirat bzw. das führen einer romantischen Beziehung strikt verboten. Dies wird dann im EU durch Luke und dem neuen Rat der Jedi aufgelöst. Nachzulesen heir: Marriage
  7. Mal davon abgesehen, dass es ein Sci-Fi-Universum ist und nicht das reale Leben? Aber um im Star Wars Universum zu bleiben: Jede Benutzung der Macht kostet den Anwender 1. Konzentration und 2. offensichtlich auch körperliche wie auch psychische Kraft. Sonst würden die mächtigsten Jedis und Sith ja nur noch Leute durch die Luft schmeissen und konstant Blitze um sich werfen. Zudem sind Machtanwender keine (Halb-)Götter sondern ganz gewöhnliche sterbliche Lebewesen, welche ganz normal getötet werden können. Insbesondere Lehrlinge/Padawane und junge Jedis sind vermutlich noch relativ leicht um die Ecke zu bringen. Insbesondere mit technischen Hilfsmitteln oder einer ruhigen Hand und einem Scharfschützengewehr. Im Spiel äussert sich das technischbedingt in der Ressource Macht bzw. dem Äquivalent der Ritter/Krieger. Irgendwie muss man das ja darstellen. Und wie bereits andere erläutert haben, sind die gezeigten Jedis in den Episoden IV-VI einige der mächtigsten Jedis/Sith: Obi Wan, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious (Der Imperator) und Luke (der noch zu einem sehr mächtigeren Jedi wird im EU, der dann übrigens auch die alten Verhaltensregeln der Jedi lockert und Ehen sowie die Nutzung der dunklen Seite der Macht bis zu einem gewissen Grad zulässt bzw. selbst nutzt).
  8. I would like to see that option in-game, even if it is only for the sake of being in the game. Bioware did a great job implementing same sex relationships in their other games like Dragon Age I & II, so I'm sure they'll do a great job in SWTOR as well, if they decide to deliver that feature in a later stage. But right at the moment, it doesn't bother me much that there is no option for such a relationship. It's a computer game after all, not real life. So I can adjust more easily to the circumstances And no, I'm not one of those guys who absolutely wants to see two computer game women make out with each other. The fact that I play only male characters would make that pretty darn difficult
  9. He's in TOR? Didn't know that, well, my highest Level char right now i a Sith Inquisitor Level 17, so I haven't seen much of the game yet
  10. I really like that quote from Obi Wan. He seems to be one of the few Jedi, who actually recognizes the relativity of the Jedi views on the Force and morality. My main char is a Sith Sorcerer, because I like the fact, that they don't deny or try to rationalise their emotions. But I began to become a bit dissatisfied after I've figured out that they think that love leads to weakness. I was hoping, that they see some strength in love, even if it would have been through the possible dark emotions it can generate, like hate, jealousy etc.
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