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    castledawson, N.ireland
  1. ModaanOfTarq, thanks for the 7 days free sub link, just installed the game again myself today. been away for ages:D. used to love the battlegrounds in this game , fleet also had terrible lag from what i remember lol.
  2. im playing a guardian for the first time and i havent a clue about the best place to spend points in the talent tree. i would like to be a tank but i also want to do some pvp as well. is there a build i could use that lets me do both, or does it even matter and i should just stick with using the defense tree. thanks for the help
  3. i play as sith and i applaud you for trying to bring some open world pvp to a game that has none or very little. as for killing low level players and NPC's, who cares, thats what i want and expect on a pvp server.
  4. i support this, they need to bring in rewards for open old pvp kills and they also have to change things round so that you can actually meet the other side in questing areas without having to go looking for them. from what i can see theres very little difference between pvp servers and pve servers at the minute. i wish they would just leave your starting planet and the fleet safe but the rest should be open to both sides, with questing areas mixed together. open world pvp is great if you can actually find someone to kill
  5. me and a mate play as imperials and we are only at level 27 on the uthar wynn pvp server. we have seen very few republic players about and i know we are only half way through the levels, but we are considering starting again on the republic side as finding empire players to fight is bound to be alot easier. we might even change servers if there is one thats more populated than our current one.
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