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  1. BUMP. Lets keep this string alive.We want more from Master Dural!!
  2. I really enjoyed the videos of the history of the galaxy narrated by Archivist Master Gnost-Dural.I noticed he didnt complete his research,and there are several topics he didnt touch on that id really like to learn about.Will he get the chance to complete these videos??? Im sure I was not the only one who enjoyed them. So how about it Bioware??
  3. BUMP! Any answers to this BW ??
  4. I was wondering if Archivist Master Gnost-Dural. plans to finish his archives of galactic history? I kinda liked hearing the history of the great wars,the heroes and villians who played major parts in it. Are there any plans for new archive records to be added to finish them?
  5. SWTOR seems to be doing a decent job of that AS IS and WITHOUT all that extra "if you dont have the exact same gear as me or better,then i WONT carry you or you cant carry me so i dont want to group with you" mentality (you did use this word) that you hint to. All that did was make it that much more difficult for people who didnt have that type of gear to GET it.A LOT of people also left wow because of frustration from not being allowed to join groups because they cant sit in front of a computer for 8 hours building gear sets due to the issue of actually having a life OUTSIDE of wow. I wont even touch the situation where you had people asking for 380 item levels and people STILL managed to sneak into groups wearing GREEN items...and turned around and either OUT HEALED or OUT DPS`d people wearing FULL post deathwing gear sets....but they would NEVER have even been given a chance if they didnt meet the 380 IL req up front. Heck...ive seen people in wow trade making high item level requirements ...and they DIDNT have that item level THEMSELVES. My point? There are players out here who know their class,but dont have a high item level and can do just as well (or BETTER as weve all seen) as someone who does...but are not being taken on groups because they are being "carded" at the front door like an under age child trying to buy beer. The only problem i have with this game as is...is that my server is DEAD due to low population.Ive spent long periods of time on many planets grinding out levels and have seen days go by without one single heroic request on general chat (and when you make one yourself the only response you get is the sound of chirping crickets).If you are a new player and didnt scout the server out first (as was / is my case),and got a character leveled to 30 or so...you wont get much in the way of heroics. Im REALLY looking forward to server transfers as a result of this. So id have NO TROUBLE with a LFG or a similar feature,just NOT the addons which make people "racist" about who can or can not go on a group.
  6. I can argue your post ...and with relative ease.however,please keep in mind that my rebuttal is just that....and NOT intended as flaming. I doubt BW created SWTOR for the sole purpose of being an "anti-WoW"..I kinda get the sense it is in fact the end result of the great KOTOR games that came before it.It is also the star wars game that MANY fans of the franchise have been waiting for since even back to the old X-Wing vs TIE Fighter days....and as you know those games were around LONG BEFORE World of Warcraft ( Star Wars itself was around when the idea of wow was just a twinkle in someone`s eye).So you cant sit there and say that SWTOR is a result of wow. As far as your comment about SWTOR needing wow players to survive..while its true that a LOT of players came here from wow...it is also true that possibly an equal amount of new subscriptions are from fans of the franchise (Star Wars) who just want to play in a make believe SW universe...who have never even touched a WoW game. Again,this is not meant as flaming,just a different viewpoint. PS:DONT TURN SWTOR INTO WOW.
  7. Ive been watching the dev forums (and a lot of other forums concerning SWTOR on different fan sites etc),and ive noticed a disturbing trend slowly occurring.When reading the "wish lists" of a lot of players,im seeing that a lot of what theyre asking to have put in the game are the same things that were in world of warcraft. Let me say right now...PLEASE DONT allow these players to influence you to turn this game into a clone of wow!!! A lot of this (if not ALL) is coming from people who played wow for the last 5 years and have gotten used it,and now want to drag that junk into this game.Most of us who also played wow LEFT it in order to get AWAY FROM a lot of the foolishness that was going on there.Im seeing people in SWTOR asking for damage meters,"item level" or "gear score" indicators,and all that junk which over time just made wow more of a job to play than a game. SWTOR is a brand new game with a great future ahead of it.Dont let these people cause you to ruin that by crying for stuff to be added to it from a game that now sees panda`s as it own bright shiny future.... The day i log into SWTOR and see someone in chat saying "LFM Foundry +350 IL req or no invite pst" is the day i cancel my SWTOR subscription....and believe me,there are people out there who are asking for exactly that. If you want stuff that was in wow...then go play wow....dont bring that DISEASE over to SWTOR.
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