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  1. Any word on when we can transfer to consolidate our toons?
  2. Just sayin it shouldn't be that hard to do soon. I just want all my toons on one server not on two different servers.
  3. I rerolled when my old server was dying to Canderous Ordo. When Transfers were available my toons on Tarro Blood had to go to Corellian Run. Well I moved them there but it hasn't given me the motivation to play them. When can we consolidate our toons to one server? I would like to move my pub toons to Canderous Ordo and I'm rolling alts but don't want to pick up double crew skills if I don't have to.
  4. Seems you're missing the fact that UM+EM combo is way better use of energy than useless KP, UM procs UH. I guess its a matter of play style. I use cool head typically on cool down. I can dump my energy in NM situations and pop CH then DS to get close to top and start spreading the hot love. But yeah the "guides" have been done on sithwarrior with numbers crunched so I'm not so sure this is necessary, no offense.
  5. bobudo Thanks for expressing how I feel. You nailed it. I hope the devs are working something up based on your outline.
  6. Any chance of balancing healers a little more so that raid leaders won't feel gimped without bringing sage/sorc heals to nightmare modes? Specifically energy regen for smug heals?
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