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10 Good
  1. Thank you. Once you mentioned bitraider it all sort of clicked. I remember having problems with it before. So I'm going with the last option, the one to remove bitraider. Sadly I had already uninstalled so it will probably take a while before its playable, but at least its updating now. Hopefully your info will help the original poster as well. Anyway, thanks again.
  2. Because that is what it looks like if you don't know any better. Game says installing 100% updating complete... never actually loads. Patch notes link next to the unclickable play button is for the update version number that is not due till the 2nd. I've not played or updated the game in a long time myself, so I'll probably just uninstall/reinstall everything and go from there. Do wish I had made sure it was working before I restarted my sub. Oh well.
  3. Except thats not what you are doing??? You are not directly stopping his plans to have the republic ally with the empire. The quest dialog says you are obtaining proof of his intentions only so you can reveal them to the public that elected him. Its up to the public that he is supose to be representing to stop him. Unless they re-word the quest, it makes absolutely no sense for that choice to be darkside.
  4. Something that kinda bothers me with the whole legacy system is character slots. Have they said anything about a way to increase the # of them? It looks like you can get alot of different buffs from multiple characters. So I can kinda understand if it stays at 8 per server. (More than what was just said in this post, maxed companion buffs were mentioned elsewhere for example.) On the other hand though... it seems to counter the purpose of the legacy system itself. I like the idea of unlocking most things instead of outright buying them. But in reality I may find myself saving up and buying anyway. I don't have any problem leveling up a character or earning the unlock, but with only 8 characters per legacy/server I don't see myself wasting slots on character concepts I don't like just to unlock one I do. IDK, its just something I was wondering about. Overall I think what I've heard about the legacy stystem seems great.
  5. Not realy. While I'm sure he has to put his stamp of approval on everything, this game takes place in the expanded universe, not just stuff from the movies. The rules of how things work may or may not follow to the letter what lucas has said in the past. That said, I see no reason to go against what he has said... until such time as something related to the game declares otherwise.
  6. The only thing wrong with using balance in a prophecy about the force is that almost no one in the real world understood what it meant. The jedi see the force as a living being with a mind and will of its own. Hence all their references to the Living Force. They see the dark side as a disease afflicting the Living Force. So naturaly they see it so that balance could only exist when the Living Force is disease free. No Dark Side at all. Just as a person's body can't be in balance if they are afflicted with a disease (such as the common cancer reference). Most see the word balance and think equal numbers, but that isn't what the balance of that prophecy was meant to be. Would also note, that it doesn't matter what balance means to the galaxy as a whole. As this was a jedi prophecy, it would have been written by their views. If they thought anakin was supose to bring about an equal number sith to jedi, they would probably have refered to him as a harbinger of darkness instead of the chosen one.
  7. A traitor is not a valuable resource... unless its on someone else's team.
  8. No. Sith follow a specific belief system that they teach to their own. Plenty of non-affiliated force users out there, but like I said, those are generaly reffered to as dark jedi. No one just wakes up one day and decides they are Sith, they are either born into it or taught by another Sith. Some have been taught by spirits of long dead Sith, but they were still taught by Sith. What I said about a "good" acolyte was that they wouldn't *knowingly* let one graduate. And no teacher would want to be known for passing weak students (the Sith see goodness as being weak), for fear they'd be slaughtered themselves if nothing else. Also while dark side force users can draw on positive emotions, Sith society itself frowns on using those, especialy love which is often seen as a vulnerability. A dark jedi might not have an issue with it, but Sith see it as a weakness. As for the code. The Sith were a race, that had their own evil mini-empire before the jedi ever came around. 12 dark jedi (exiles from the Hundred-Yeaar Darkness) came and took over that empire. They became the dark lords of the sith or Darths. It was one of these dark jedi exiles that was acredited with writing the Sith code. It was written to blend with Sith (the race) tradition to help the darths teach and maintain their control over their new empire. Also, the original question wasn't about the empire, just the Sith. I am sure tha there are branches of the empire that are not evil. However, the OP was talking about the Sith order. That order is undoubtedly evil.
  9. Someone somewhere else suggested they should just let you pick which story to follow (the SI or SW one) based on the race rather than which Sith class. Not seen how being a different class would make that much difference so far (other than the cutscenes). Would be ultra-cool if they added a third completely race-neutral story. It follows the lore as several Sith Lords have broke tradition and trained their personal acolytes seperately. Add something to it at some point where the player performs some feat - betrayal - whatever to join the true Sith community. Honestly though, that'd probably take way to much work.
  10. Depends on what you mean by concept. The Sith code was written by evil people in an effort to teach their evil ways. If you mean drawing on emotions as a concept, thats a bit different. The truth is that it doesn't matter wether or not the concept is good/evil. The Sith organization in the game is a group of evil people, run by even more evil people, to further their evil intentions. So (exceptions aside) the Sith as a whole are evil. The OP mentioned a couple Sith and said those "cast a dark light" on the Sith as a whole. I don't know what lore he read, but almost all Sith have always been evil. Those two were the rule, not the exception. There are plenty of good "dark-jedi" and such, but you have to be trained by the Stih to be Sith. And they aren't knowingly going to let a good acolyte graduate. Remember that most aren't saying that all force-users that draw on their emotions are completely evil. Just the Sith. Idk, this topic keeps going round and round. Someone brings up a point, someone counters, then 10 pages later someone else brings up the same point again.
  11. Twi'lek lore has always been pretty muddied. I've not read all of the books, but one of them has the race originaly geneticaly engineered. They'd still reproduce normaly, but the origin of th race is what its refered to. Of course another place mentions some unknown long lost human colony ship on their home planet and suggests that was their origination, contradicting the other. Not unlike how for years the only source said they couldn't procreate with humans, and now a TV show reference says the can. Anyway... the story is possible, but still pretty far-fetched for a twi-lek inquisitor. With the upcoming legacy changes though, its gonna get alot weirder. Suposedly, once you get a race to lvl 50 - you can use that race for any class. Gonna fall back to my original comments and just say some things you might have to just ignore for the sake of gameplay.
  12. Of course you would have twi'lek parents, but if you were born into slavery you mgiht have never known them. Slavery isn't always seen as a bad thing to the twi'leks though. Suposedly it was pretty common on their homeworld. Where they often sold their young into slavery to both get them off their harsh planet and spread the species throughout the republic in mass. A twi'lek child (born into slavery and never knowing their homeworld) might not agree though.
  13. Except the rattakki (my spelling is crap, whatever) situation is almost as complicated as the twi'leks. The masses of them seen in the game were suposed to be enslaved by the empire After the current empire/sith war started, when some Sith Lord tried to make a power grab with his own personal army of rattatakai alien warriors and force-sensatives. So give or take 15 years ago. At least they are believed to be evolved from regular humans however, so its more reasonable that some ancestor between you and Kallig mated with one. Though if you are one of those recent slaves the story of how the line found the empire, merged with kallig sline, left the empire, returned to their homeworld, and then wound up enslaved by the empire again seems overly complicated. It is addmitedly possible though.
  14. That makes it pretty much clear as mud. Sources contradicting one another, so of course they can inter-breed now, when for years they couldn't. rofl. It does kind of end the debate however, as if you go by the TV show then any of Kalig's ancestors could have mated with a twi'lek. As you said. Not everyone knew of the TV show's retcon of the lore though.
  15. Where was this established? Pretty much most of the posters said it was impossible except under extreme circumstances (dark force alchemy and such as an example).
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