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10 Good
  1. The one and only odd thing I've seen in a WZ is... While guarding west base in Ald WZ, my guarding buddy decides to go aid mid turret. So he runs towards mid wall, then proceeds to jump over it. Not in one big jump, in several smaller jumps from point to point. But he got over. I was at the time thinking more of 'wow I'm so gonna learn that'. Still not 100% it was a hack, but I guess so. 'Cause it's not doable by normal means right? Other than that seen nothing. I'm abit suspicious about some stealth detects I'd admit. You're not supposed to be that easily detected and backstabbed by shadows when you have stealth+3 as an Op right? Then again I can't be sure it wasn't me looking away at the moment. I'll admit this is 99.5% likely to not be hacking going on But other games had all kinds of hacks, so why wouldn't SWTOR be hackable too? Majority of reported 'hacks' likely have other explanations than the ones given by the poster though.
  2. The problem with comparing classes is that the subject of exactly what we are comparing is almost always very unspecific. I'm not saying OP is wrong...what he/she writes makes sense...but as an example... "outperform" What does this term mean exactly? Do you mean... - gets more medals, under same condidtions - gets more heal/dmg out, under same conditions - dies fewr times, under same conditions - statistically increases their teams chance to win, under same conditions. ...etc...etc 'Conditions' above btw, is also something you must specify exactly or the comparison is moot. You can easily add to the above list too, with varying degrees of complex comparisons. We don't know what BW means when they refer to 'metrics'. It could be anything. Also it is not official. Because of this it is totally useless to us. So any referal to BW's 'metrics' is...moot (I like that word). It also means that since it's such a complex system to analyze, any educated guess is as good as the next one. Just know that it is just this - an educated guess. You can't assume PTs and Mauras are OP based on population for example. You can make several educated guesses on why. What we do know from MMO history is that the so called FOTM is a big factor in population numbers. So people flock to the class they believe is OP at the moment. Effects of this is largelly negative as it leads many derps to actually assume this must be so, and as a natural consequence they refuse to take other classes in their premades. For example. But ofc, some people have actual practical experience of team-setups and have learn wich classes fit their tactis. Thus they are right when limiting their class-inclusions, assuming they are in it for maximizing wins. Different classes have different skills of varying degrees of importance in different WZs, as has been said. - Shadows in Huttball? - Stealthers guarding bases? - etc Some classes have more utlity than others in PvP in general too, from design. Valuable abilities in PvP: - Stealth - Able to inflict damage while moving - instant cast abilities - Save your life 'Bubbles' In this respect the classes are NOT equal. Doesn't mean they should be nerfed either ofc. Basically what I'm trying to say is nothing. I was bored and waiting for coffee. This post will be of no use whatsoever to humanity When the community starts limiting players from taking part in the game, by for example rejecting certain classes from groups, we have a problem. But is it a problem with the classes or the community? I have spoken.
  3. You saying that OP has no point because of one arguable detail you consider a fact? This is what a quick google gives via Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_massively_multiplayer_online_games#The_first_virtual_worlds "The term MMORPG was coined by Richard Garriott, the creator of Ultima Online, in 1997.[18]" Other games had many players in one "world" before...back to the 70s even. I share OPs thoughts in much. This "not daring to think outside the box" is praxis in most all buisness today. Corps are to afraid of loosing large investments. But now and then someone innovative comes along and we get progress, hope the gaming industry will see such an innovator soon too!
  4. Can't say I'm familiar with their laws, but just a quick reflection: If you round up the goods and the bads an uncensored internet has brought us, I'm not 100% sure the positive side would win ^^
  5. ^Both. Especially no 1. Also... ...teleport players back YES YES YES ...let HCs be part of the selection YES ...cross-server is not needed now (otherwise pro cross-server ). Adding bonus for tanking or healing would make the problem quoted above worse. More people would check 'tank' or 'heal' just to get in fast, despite not having ANY clue how to heal or tank. This is already an existing problem imo. I don't mind beginner tanks or healers. They should just be passionate about doing it, not just trying to get past que.
  6. Indeed the way BW handles their community reminds me of how politicians "handle" people.
  7. I don't get the reasoning: "We want you to have the best playing experience, so we are gonna REMOVE the experience completely for the reminder of your evening while we try to provide that."...speaking from a EU point in time. Also I don't get how they manage to time after time after time after time after time generate so much rage. It's odd.
  8. Many enjoy grinding their gear and later using it on people with less gear. Fair enough. Many enjoy PvP on a level playing field. Also fair enough. So how about giving players an option - let us have one WZ where gear is reset and everyone has equal stats (depending on class). Say for example you'd have one "Special Huttball" where gear does not matter. You also have all the usual WZs. Then let people que for either just "Special Huttball" or for the normal ones. It doesn't have to be Huttball ofc, it's just an example. Maybe a random WZ every week? Pro Choice.
  9. From what I can see the ratio healers:rest in WZs are less than the actual healers:rest players. Might be wrong but (too) frequently find myself as only healer. I think it's (a little) too unrewarding when it comes to medals. People play dps instead. Furthermore if you are the ONLY healer in a WZ you get focused all the time meaning in PUGs you mostly spend your time ressing. This further keeps people from playing healers. Boost heal rewards a little in WZs and we might se a more natural balance between roles in them. In some cases you can end up with ~x medals having (lots of moving and only focusing on heals...ie teamplay) solo-healed an entire Ops, while dps easily score around ~2x-3x. Not very fair.
  10. Why is it, that with so many PvPers it's either black or white? Either no pvp at all or pvp without any "rules". Having that mindset is just utterly stupid, unless you have at least thought about the options. Options could be plentiful tbh, for example (as alrdy stated above) : * Negative consequences in the form of bounties or valor or whatever for attacking players of X levels below you * N number of sanctuaries on planets, for the sole purpose of allowing players to ress and possibly leave an area. * ...alot more, not hard at all if you think about it. Not all must be about protecting lowbies. The reason you have rules in for example sports is that it makes the game more fun than if played with no rules. The same goes for PvP. Who is to say PvP wouldn't be more fun if slightly regulated in a well done way? Why must there be either all-out pvp or no pvp at all? Point is to improve the fun-factor imo, and if some rules would do this...why not?
  11. Yea they said so it's obviously their plan, but they are unfortunately misguided and...well wrong Reading this they will clearly see their mistake and change their minds.
  12. Common misconception: X-server LFG makes people behave like arses 'cause they can be anonymous. I think this is wrong. Most of us have seen a change in how "some" people behave online in (for example) WoW over the last years, for the worse. It is easy to pin this on the x-server LFG server system, but I really don't think this has anything to do with it. I think the online climate has simply changed, regardless of x-server. As people have played and become self-proclaimed MMO experts over the years, some of these people also became the jerks you run in to occasionally. This has nothing to do with x-server. You might claim x-server makes it so these jerks can be anonymous, and that this would be the reason for the behaviour. But lets face it - even on your local server everyone is anonymous. What would actually happen to a ninja on for example your own local server? The person being ninjad might rage-spam trade chat a few times, resulting in absolutely NOTHING, except for the victim of the ninjaing likely also being trolled in mentioned tradechat. The ninja will continue being as anonymous as before. Wether on another server or not. So I claim that the argument that x-server promotes bad behaviour is moot. The bad behaviour is already there online and will stay there no matter what. Some games have more of it, some less. There might be the odd exeption, but generally speaking. Another common misconception: The reason party-chat is empty is because the group was formed x-server Nah, the reason chat is empty is because the vast majority of players are virtually MMO-pros by now and are running the instance for the 400th time on their 20th alt. They wanna get through smoothly. They are being social in their guildchat. They'd rather not socialize as in "Hi where are you guys from xD xD?" with every new player they meet. This has nothing to do with x-server. Also - if you actually say something not too mindnumbingly dumb or weird in party chat, people usually respond in a normal fashion. It is strange to see so many players thinking local-server-only LFG will keep them somehow protected and shielded from the occasional . It will ofc not. Joining a good guild and running with that guild will protect you from almost all bad experiences. It has nothing to do with x-server or local-server implementation of LFG. Rather than working towards isolating player groups by choosing the local-server-only LFG approach, BW should be working towards bringing people closer x-server. Don't stop at LFG. Implement x-server friendslists, x-server chats, LFG, WZs. The more the merrier. I have spoken.
  13. Can it be saved as in brought back to first month number of players? Nope, extremely unlikely. Possible ofc, but why would they put so much extra resources in the game...given the amount they already put in? But does it need to be "saved" ? Rather needs to be "fixed" I'd say. When it's fixed...no dead servers, no more broken stuff...it'll be a fine piece of work and a pretty good game. At least for a month or three. Or as something you pop into now and then for some lightsabering. It's just not currently something you want to stick around in for long, for other reasons off-topic. Def worth the original money though.
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