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  1. According to Wookiepedia, a top portion of the lekku contains brain tissue that controls basic motor functions and houses repressed subconscious memories. It notes that force to the top portion of the lekku can incapacitate a Twi'lek or cause brain damage. It also notes that Rianna Saren's right lek was cut off, but this must have been below the actual brain matter as she suffered no brain damage. Seems like kind of a weird way for evolution to go. Basic motor skills--let's keep them on the outside where they're more easily damaged!
  2. Gault has been taking careful measures to hide the fact that he is an excellent cook. Blizz eats the filling out of all the sandwich cookies to annoy Skadge. Now that he is joined by my Party Jawa, Skadge is getting pretty miserable. Torian is actually interested in Mako, not me. I'm just being a genderswap Don Pedro (Much Ado About Nothing) and romancing him for her.
  3. Agreed--even if it's a Hutt-controlled world, there's still plenty of possibilities for slaves belonging to Imperials stationed there. Quesh seems like another possibility to me. All the NPCs there seem pretty miserable to me, and I'll bet they'd go to some pretty far lengths for luxuries. (Not that owning a slave is an extreme action in this galaxy. I'm thinking of someone without a lot of money/power purchasing a slave--that person would be less likely to be able to hide/otherwise hang onto the slave when the slave's force sensitivity is discovered.)
  4. The EU has always been my favorite part of Star Wars. For me, I feel like doom is in the air because I'm worried that Disney might do away with the EU entirely. They might yank the novels and comics and video games off the shelves so that, if we want more Star Wars, we will be forced to read about their EU. Or that they might try to buy up and destroy books and such from the current EU so that, if they don't completely replace it with theirs, they can make more money by re-releasing them with Disney's logo on them. I hear that's what they did with the original Tron--destroyed all the copies they could get their hands on so they could re-release it and make it cost more. I realize that I am overreacting, being irrational, and probably vastly exaggerating the lengths Disney will go to in order to make money. But there's a part of me that has Thrawn and Lieutenant Kettch in a death grip, screaming "NOOOOOO!! SOMEBODY WAKE ME UP FROM THIS HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE!!!"
  5. To quote Wookiepedia: The back story is no longer strong with this one, but I've always thought that (apart from Mand'alor and clan chieftains) the Mandalorians didn't actually have any sort of formal structure.
  6. It worked out quite well for me. At times it took me longer to kill things than it would have if I'd gone DPS, but it was handy having a companion who could heal herself when she started getting low on health. (Or heal me if I got distracted and let too much heat build up or something.) I continued using Mako after I could have switched to Gault, mainly because Gault took a little while to grow on me. There were times that I did use Gault, thinking I'd need to hit extra hard on a certain quest, but I really can't recall a significant performance difference between the two. (Except for when I'd forget that Gault can't heal himself and didn't keep a close enough eye on his health.) Torian bugged me at first too, so I kept using Mako all the way to Hoth. At that point I think the lack of damage-dealing (and resulting slowness of fights) started to get noticeable. Fights with anything stronger than a normal mob started getting more drawn-out, so I'd have to concentrate on heat management more. Honestly, I think my main incentive for finally swapping out Mako for Gault and Torian was that I landed a new job that was very stressful in the beginning, so I really wanted explosions and bodies piling up when by the time I got home. And as the stress there subsided I got Blizz, whom I adore. TL;DR: Go for it. You might take longer to kill stronger mobs, but you shouldn't have too much trouble soloing. And by the time you might start having trouble soloing, you'll have access to DPS companions. I can still attribute most of my deaths as a Bodyguard Mercenary to family members coming into the room and demanding my attention "right now! As in immediately! No, it can't wait even ten seconds while you get out of battle!"
  7. We'd all better get our DVDs and Blu-rays now before they go into Vault Disney.
  8. It doesn't matter to me if it's representing Disney in an official capacity or a fan capacity. I don't want to be associated with them.
  9. I'm hoping so hard that this is some kind of cruel joke. I feel like my world is crashing down around me. Unsubscribed. Canceling my application to the 501st Legion. I refuse to represent Disney.
  10. I would totally watch it. How about a cooking show? "Today Blizz make womp rat stew. Blizz start with nice, fresh womp rat--hotshot kid in T-16 Skyhopper just leave them by the side of the road! Skin womp rat, put meat and guts in hot pot with chooca nut oil.You want crispy crunchy meat, you shoot with blaster and put in bowl for later, just use guts right now." "Hey, runt, what's that @#$%! smell?" "Blizz show people on HoloNet how to cook womp rat stew!" "I'll cook your womp rat!" *crash, bang, zing, pow* "Skadge take nap while Blizz finish stew. When womp rat get browned, you add two helmets' worth of stock. You not have enough womp rat to make stock, you use bantha, taste just as good. Dice two pika, add to pot with big handful of kiwip grass. You feeling really fancy, you toss in some munch-fungus. Put lid on pot, turn heat to low, and simmer until everything squishes." *stir stir stir* "This take a long time to cook down, so Blizz show you one Blizz made earlier. Serve with nice, crusty Tatooine flatbread, wash down with Jawa beer. Utiini!" I don't really know Skadge's personality well. He annoys me so much I never use him.
  11. We can probably attribute much of this to Vader's suit. Supposedly it was heavy and restrictive, to the extent that it was difficult for him to raise his arms over his head, though he could if he really had to. His prosthetic limbs were sometimes slow to respond, his audio sensors transmitted too much ambient noise too loudly, and he lacked the full range of peripheral vision. Before Mustafar he had suffered some sort of serious neck injury, though we don't know the extent of the damage to his spinal cord. His suit also sustains a significant amount of damage between the time he is put into it and the time he duels Obi-Wan. Repairs may have had to have been made the same way the original suit was--hastily and subpar. Later on moving him into a better, upgraded suit was considered but deemed too dangerous. He had to adjust his lightsaber style both to compensate for his new physical limitations and to protect his chest panel, which was extremely vulnerable. So when you consider that the guy's basically dragging around an iron lung and a regulatory system for every function of his body, it starts to make sense. Not that it wouldn't have been cool to see the more showy lightsaber work he was capable of before Mustafar. Our main person to blame is, of course, George Lucas--lightsaber combat was revised from A New Hope to Return of the Jedi to be "faster and more intense" and was completely rethought for the prequel trilogy. I'm getting all my information from here. The backstory is no longer strong with this one. Vader's suit: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Vader%27s_armor Lightsaber combat: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber_combat
  12. Blizz: Boundless enthusiasm for life, especially if there's snacks and shiny things today. Blizz became my favorite companion very, very quickly.
  13. Why, no, my main incentive for creating this thread was not to share my Sith Warrior friend's one-line description of Quinn that I still find hilarious. *shifty eyes* No sir, not at all. But it's: Even the stick up his butt has a stick up its butt. I think that Gault sums himself up pretty well, depending on what conversation choices Bounty Hunters make toward the end of Chapter 1. "No, I'm all talk." Or the classic: I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am. Because of the ego in that sentence more than actual degree of awesomeness.
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