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  1. Another possibility could be changing them to be like the WBs for the Gree event. Where everyone at least gets a Favor item on top of the loot rolls. Or 5 comms for the planet or something.
  2. They don't provide anything for the levels they are intended to if you HAVE to go outside of general all the time. Before this change in loot, you saw general messages up all the time forming WB groups...now only those that haven't learned yet still do. As like today...someone said "If anyone is forming to kill the WB I will go" I rushed to the scene to confirm...and sure enough...a 50 showed up. I asked to join JUST for credit...he could have changed the loot spec to master loot to keep his trinkets. And aren't pubs supposed to be the "good" guys? I get more cooperation on my Imp toons. He told me to form a group. I replied what good would that do as it won't be back for several hours and to try is to invite another 50 to come kill it. H gave a LOL and put me on ignore. Priority Targets I is already green to me now...by the time it shows up again...it will be gray. Hence worthless.
  3. Posting this thread will probably compound the problem even more, but at the same time may open the devs eyes to fix it or at least make it not profitable for the few that know only. The World Bosses mainly drop loot now that is Binds on Equip rather than Binds on Pickup. I am sure this was so that when a boss drops loot that no one in party can use at least it could be given to a guild mate or sold to someone that can use it. Problem now is, the lower level WBs can be soloed by 50s easily. There have been several times I have seen a WB up...and this is mainly on the Republic side...and have tried to do a party form in general chat and a 50 runs in and kills it, won't even accept party invites, even telling them you just what the mission credit, because of their greed to get the items and sell them on the GTN. So now we have the dilemma of no one will ever get credit for a lower end Priority Targets mission unless they in a huge guild that always has several members on or a 50 to run to them and help, or face it, you aren't getting credit for it until is is well into gray and you can solo it yourself. Possible fixes: 1) Make the equipment back to Binds on Pickup...if want make it Binds to Legacy on Pickup if want to make it more usable by those that kill the thing. 2) Level restrictions on killing WBs that you need to be within 10 levels of it or are ineligible to attack it. 3) Minimum group level. Say you have to have a full party at least to attack it, or you are ineligible to attack. 4th fix...Just get rid of Priority Targets missions as they have become worthless at the lower levels.
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