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  1. This game will be rocking on for years as a FP2 MMO failure to remind people that if you fail at even copying WoW and advertise for an MMO when what you release is a single player RPG with CooP thrown in you get squat.
  2. Seriously? Obviously the gameplay isn't exactly the same as Mass Effect tries to incorporate FPS elements... The rest of the game is the same. Too much story/VO make it feel like an interactive movie, except Mass Effect isn't boring. The combat system feels as unpolished as a poor budget B movie though, something you can't say for Mass Effect. I don't want to insult Mass effect either, as its actually somewhat enjoyable the first playthrough and this pales in comparison.
  3. lol, than clearly you can't see squat. TOR is not even close to being the best in its own genre, and I'm not sure that genre is the MMO genre since so many mmo features are lacking. World of Panda's as you called it is still going strong and they've seen crap like TOR assume they will kill it only to once again turn out to be a niche mmo that might go F2P in a few months. Don't insult WoW or Diablo 3 by comparing them to this.
  4. Why post crap like this. This game isn't even in the same ballpark as WoW. WoW is an MMO, this isn't even that. It took me 3 hours to find a group for a flashpoint earlier as a tank. Guess how long it would have taken in WoW? The only thing SWTOR is killing is itself
  5. Great enjoy your mass effect with coop thrown in. Too bad you gotta pay 15$/month for it. Other players in this other game you mention actually want to play an MMO. Swtor isn't a heavy contended by any means and will be a niche MMO that might go FP2 just like LOTRO.
  6. You clearly didn't play at launch. Molten core and Onyxia were available and required attunements that ensured you kept the dregs of the MMO community from ruining the experience. No BGs is not a negative and World PVP was actually a memorable part of the experience with Tarren Mill/Southshore battles being an absolute blast. Getting to 60 did not take 1 month for the majority of the population as opposed to the few weeks it took anyone here. Blues and Purples weren't handed to you for smashing your head against the keyboard. Even when PVP BGs were implemented, High Warlord/Grand Marshall were not easily attained titles and they were the way to get your PVP weapons. Yes there were bugs, perhaps even more than SWTOR, but the game was an MMO and not a single player RPG that pretends otherwise.
  7. Here's what SWTOR offers: 3 pathetic WZ, where one consists of a crappy version of a football game that imperials have to suffer through because of lack of any republic players. Void, lifeless and sterile worlds that offer no incentive to group and encourage soloing from 1-50 with even solo quests having phases ensuring you never see someone else. A pathetic outdated way of finding groups by spamming General on a fleet that looks as interesting as smashing your head against a brick wall. The difficulty level tailored for a drooling grunting 7 year old that can smash his head against the keyboard and get to lvl 50 in 2 weeks tops. Linearity that ensures you never get any quests besides for the planet you are on. Absolutely zero community, which is ironic because people arguing against a LFD claim it will destroy this non existant entity. An endgame that is severely lacking to say the least, replaced by the fact that rolling an alt is considered a valid suggestion when you reach 50. I don't feel like going on anymore it's just too easy.
  8. Played wow from vanilla to wrath. Guess what? In 2004, WoW at launch was better than this game. You know why, because I didn't smash my head on the keyboard and voila! level 50. I didn't have my hand guided in a linear boring fashion that puts single player games to shame. There weren't phases for almost every damn quest. I could level in 2-3 different zones at any level range, I wasn't jumping from planet to planet and never getting any quests for any areas besides the one I'm in. There was actually you know, a *COMMUNITY*.... ever heard of that? Not people playing a single player coop rpg. There was actually world pvp, gasp! I've seen 3 republic players leveling up my sith juggernaut here, how delightful. It didn't take a mere 2 weeks to get to lvl 50. Raids actually took attunements and cooperation. Today's MMO community is a bunch of whiny babies that want their epics spoonfed to them with little to no work. The level of skill needed to do anything in this game amounts to a grunting lunatic drooling over his keyboard smashing it to gain purple loot. Oh no you say! But it didn't have VO?!?! How could you like a game without VO that makes absolutely no difference even in the class stories. Here's how VO works in this game... Listen to NPC's life stories until your ears bleed, select any of 1-3 according to your alignment and move on. Whoopdie do, so innovative!
  9. Thinking of doing the same thing. This game has been a major letdown. 4 years waiting for mass effect with coop.
  10. All of them? They are all empty, lifeless and sterile while being littered with phases so you don't forget you are playing a single player game while paying for an MMO
  11. Don't waste your breath OP, you are only getting flamed. The leveling is pathetically easy in this game and aimed at people that probably get by smashing the keys on their keyboard grunting like psychopaths. The game is extremely linear and easy and every zone is outleveled by the simple fact of doing its quests. Its quite funny really because the endgame is complete crap so they should actually make it a slow leveling process so they have time to actually implement something waiting for you there, but instead cave in to today's video game player: the noob. I could have called him the casual, but the true term for casual implies you cannot play as much as a hardcore player, not that you want the game dumbed down, because you are incompetent and your definition of challenge is playing halo on normal mode. The game as all other ones before it have copied WoW's post WoTLK period. The introduction of nerfs to the leveling process and cakewalk endgame that robbed WoW of its Vanilla greatness and delivered the crap we know today.
  12. That was awesome! It was funny and true and he's actually spot on on most points. Too bad most of the bioware defense force will be bashing it instantly. Still will watch again and recommend to friends.
  13. Again, choosing to ignore what I post and say that my point is moot because I haven't cleared it fully is very effective, I fully applaud it. Thinking that my post was about the endgame when 3/4 of it was about the incredible easyness and linearity of leveling and alts is also amazing... It's ok though, I've yet to read anything refuting any of my points, as much as I wish I had. It's becoming increasingly clear that the people defending this game have no concepts of MMOs and are becoming the root of the problem. The only post that actually had something of value is from the player who mentioned seeing TOR as a casualfest to distract yourself while waiting for other games to release content. As sad as that is, that is probably correct. As for me I'm done, I guess there won't be anyone suggesting anything useful going forward. Hopefully this game is distracting enough to play until Diablo 3 is released.
  14. Really? So my argument is moot, because I haven't done everything... So then only a handful of people should be allowed to post anything on these forums since they have taken the time to play through the horrible crap. I have maxed my tradeskills, guess what its completely useless. No gear matters from it whatsoever. Gotten all datacrons? Yes almost all of them, again that isn't what makes a game fun. No I haven't beaten all raid content on all difficulties. Beating an encounter that is the same besides for HP differences is again not fun, only longer. Not only that, but its an incredibly short affair (few weeks) and you have accomplished everything. Bioware promised a game that introduced the story pillar and made it as relevant as the progression, exploration and combat pillars in their MMO, while incorporating all features than made other triple A MMO's great and catering to all players. Guess I should have read between the lines which said : we are going to kill progression and exploration introduce buggy combat and milk the story pillar for all its worth until people realize they subscribe to an MMO, not a single player with a lame excuse for a coop thrown in. Still I can't believe the Bioware defense force arguments here. Pretty soon people will be bashed for posting anything about this game that isn't positive.
  15. Fully agree OP. Sadly modern MMOs such as this one have turned into an easymode that lacks any meaning or motivation. The leveling in this game is borderline yawn inducingly easy. I'm only half paying attention to anything. The quests are easy and soloable, hell even the Heroic 2+ ones and the Heroic 4s are an afterthought that you can easily skip like most casual EZ mode players do. The flashpoints are laughable with next to no CC needed, no coordination, no sense of tactics. Just run through, grab the mobs and burn em down. There is never any sense of danger, I can just cast my super short cooldown skill and make myself nearly impervious on my sith jug. As of now, I'm looking forward to playing Diablo 3 on hardcore mode. I can't remember the last time I haven't facerolled my way through some of these games.
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