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  1. Crowd control is not taken into account by medals and even if it were...CCing randomly a marauder VS CCing during a gore window is not the same... and kiting, Peeling... and being focused first.... ''LOL U MERC U DEAD SO NO MEDAL" Consider that the difference between a good merc and a bad one is not damage/healing, it's 10 sec. The good one will die 10 sec later. That's an additionnal 10 sec for your team to ''freely" focus on the ennemy team. Btw, the very same goes for objective based pvp (famous old video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1ycgaUZ7GY ). Defending far from the node to avoid being detected? your're not gaing points any longer! Kiting and using LoS? no damage done ! Any medal system / formula would be meaningless. (edit : evolixe was faster)
  2. In case some ppl didn't notice, OP is not lvl 60 yet. As already stated, DO NOT use a mix of expertise and non expertise (like EXP crystal on a PVE lightsaber). If you do, you break the bolster system and get downgraded stats. Your purple gear is probably better overall. Lower lvl blue gear generally has Endurance/Stenght/1stat your new gear has Endurance/Stenght/POWER/1stat While your strenght is slightly lower, your have much more power to compensate. That being said, if you are a beginner, you definitely chose the worst class to pvp. Marauders are hard to play, the hardest class to master, and in a bad spot right now. I would suggest you to try an easier class first (like powertech, or if you want lightsabers, juggernaut)
  3. Am i missing something here? Every classes have 5% base defense (10% for sorcs/sins). So to hit 100% with your special attacks, you'd need +5% accuracy bonus (+4 from gear, +1 from pets) on the average guy, and +10% acc bonus against sorcs/sins. Not that you should put accuracy on your gear at the expense of surge, but i'd say that accuracy is always required in pvp if you want your special attacks to always hit.
  4. Next to every quest hub in Makeb, there is a GSI machine. Clic on this, and enjoy your upgraded stats. (you have a buff telling you that you are getting lvl 55 stats) Beware : Dying cancels the effect, you will have to clic again on the machine if you die.
  5. Well, i guess I should be brief. :/ I probably failed to realise that in you example, the simulated PVE guy had 50k+ HP, like it would be the case in a bolstered environment (thus having a much better TTK) I also failed to realise that since you equipped pvp gear to get to 1000EXP, you of course didn't loose any main stat compared to a 192 Item. I'll stay stupid ; I just better understand why E.Musco stopped checking the pvp forums.
  6. As stated previously, i'm NOT denying the fact that with PVP gear on, you will do big crits, and take low damage. That is intended. I personnally find that the difference between a bolstered guy and an optimised dark reaver guy is too much (something like +30% dmg done, -15% dmg taken), but it's precisely why the video is not showing anything usefull. He is either in full PVP gear, duelling a naked guy, either the opposite. the results are OBVIOUS, and simply show that having pvp gear is better than not having pvp gear. (actually, results are not obvious, there happened to be a time where you could get the highest efficiency with bolster exploit rather than pvp gear...) You take bigger crits? OF COURSE you do. in my example they would be 4.29% bigger... As for your sorc, i'd say that you are mistaken : if you crit for 10k on a geared player, you will hit the other (with 1000EXP) for only 20% more, that is 12k. When you have a lucky 13k crit, you have a tendency to think ''it must be an average crit on a naked guy", instead of ''WOW 13k is so much on a geared player!". That's how our brain functions As I said, if you have actual data comparing a 162's and a 178's+ player in PVP, i'm all ears. But i highly doubt that you will find a big efficiency difference. An execption might be made for healers though, since they are being focused more often in regs (thus they need more survavibility to be efficient)
  7. Do you have data showing that LD-Siris is wrong (or that you are right)? So far, as he said, YES, in 162's, you get 2018 EXP BUT, you have more stats and HP, and that should make up for it. While I can definitely take notice of the argument of gear optimisation (more accuracy, decreasing renders...), i doubt that you actually TESTED whether having 162's is better than 192's for pvp. True, it's REALLY hard to do the testing, but you shouldn't consider this obvious. Example between 162's and 178 (both with pvp relics, i don't have anything else): -45665 HP in 178, 41327HP in 162. That's a 9% HP difference. And guess what? the difference in damage reduction is 4.29% only. You might conclude that you have a BETTER survavibility in 178's. - My ravage does 14072 average dmg in 178 (once crit, surge, average hit is factored), 12787 in 162. That's a 9% difference. the difference in damage bonus from expertise is 10.2% - I would be ready to argue that if i was to put more STR and less END on my gear, i would have the same TTK and the same damage, whatever the PVE gear used. conclusion : -- PVE guys tend to have PVE relics, which is BAD for pvp cause the proc is desactivated -- PVE guys with optimised PVE gear wil have a sucky optimisation for PVP (way too much accuracy, stats slightly hit by decreasing render). I emphasize on the slight effect because many PVP specs are full PWR/SURGE, which means that they also hit decreasing renders on surge, and PWR is not affected at all even in PVE gear. -- While there is a huge efficiency difference between dark reaver gear and PVE gear, the bolstering smoothes the differences between two different PVE equipments -- My numbers are definitely not accurate. I used the average of the window given on the tooltip ; some abilities have an autocrit (so I gave too much value to crit), and I simply gave a +% at the end to take EXP into account. I doubt that's how it works. -- I'm hungry -- If a dps has lot's of HP, you KNOW that he has no gear, you know that he probably suck, so you are going to focus him to get big numbers and easy kills. TLDR : the difference between a 192's guy and a 162's guy is probably lower than you think. both will equally suck against a veteran pvp player.
  8. I'd say that if ppl have pvp gear, they WILL use it to pvp. The only real question is : "is it better to get full expertise with 162 items, or use my awesome PVE gear?" And the answer is probably : ''You have the same DPS, but lower survavibility if you use 178+ PVE items". I know some people are stupid, but not to the point of using PVE items if they have a dark reaver set in their bags...
  9. Definitely not a hack/cheat, since apparently it happens with several ppl. Try to tweak your options (stuff like ''target closest'' might switch targets if you get out of range). http://dulfy.net/2014/10/13/swtor-disciplines-calculator-swtor_miner/?link=dGEAAAAKAgACAAAAAAAAAAAA No, Sins are not OP. Since having force shroud was clearly not enough for them, they now have 2 Force shroud on separate cooldowns (heroic ability : Shroud of madness)
  10. Do you want us to draw conclusions with this? like.... VG/PT probably Qsynch more than any other advanced class? If you are to talk about class balance, you should on the contrary EXCLUDE the top 100 (which is mostly biaised), and consider the numbers between rank 100 and rank 1000 (top 20%). And even then, my question is ''what is balanced to you?'' Half of the population is consular/inquisitor (they are over-represented according to your sample). in a rock/paper/scissor game, a class strong against consular/inquisitor, but weak against smuggler/agent --in a word :balanced--, will be overperforming just because they will be mainly fighting inquisitors.
  11. You need to be in a WZ to check your stats. You might think that you are bolstered correctly in Ilum, but you aren't (bolster has been nerfed there cause of lvl 40 lowbies doing the dailies for FAST XP -- I mean REAL FAST)
  12. Yeah that's what I am saying. The questions will be taken from this post, but the dev team will not read *the whole* post. The rep should *add* the rest of your post, and not *only* the question. That's what I was talking about when I said walls of text.
  13. I'd say that since we only have 3 questions, we can elaborate and detail a bit. While E.Musco *probably* reads the forums, the development team *probably* doesn't. A question like is not specific AT ALL. The *elected* rep should probably add the reasons why we think the spec is broken. Even though it's obvious stuff for those who read the forums, the devs *might* already have fixed it if they knew it was broken... (YES, I want walls of text for each question !!!)
  14. Le plus simple, c'est d'aller poster dans le forum suggestion (boité à idées) un truc du genre : "Bonjour, afin d'optimiser les graphismes en zone de guerre, et de limiter l'usage intensif du moteur grahique du aux nombreux éclairs / cailloux, je propose quelques solutions : -- Nerf les assassin/ sorc. Si on en voit plus en warzone, plus de problème. -- Remplacer l'abilité ''lancer télékinétique" (celle qui lance plein de cailloux), par un simple jet de caillou. Au moins, c'est faisable à la main et le consulaire n'a plus besoin de puiser dans les ressources de force. -- Supprimer les effets graphiques des éclairs. De toute facon, avec les lags/bugs, c'est assez courant qu'on prenne des dégâts sans savoir pourquoi. On est pas à ça pret." <-- Ceci est une rackgoul, pas un troll.
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