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10 Good
  1. Hello, I enjoy the feeling of customizing my character. I like choosing equipment that may be different from others', and choosing what modifications to make to it. I like focusing on some attributes over others, and selecting skill trees that make me different from my neighbor. I'd like even more customization of character if I could have it. Cookie-cutterness would not appeal to me, even if it made balance easier. --Anthony
  2. Hello, Anakin is only desirable if he is the best. Why would Sideous lament the loss of a loser who couldn't beat Dooku?
  3. Hello, Barring a bizarre detour into the territory of some violent combat veterans (I guess the ones I know are better behaved than the ones you know) what you are describing is not good versus evil, but rather innocence lost. The Jedi order seems very concerned with keeping their people as blank, innocent children, and their rigid rules make their membership ill prepared for the realities of life- realities the Jedi will have to face once they leave the walls of their temple and move through the many passages of life. Their philosophy is that each Jedi should become a fortress unto himself, separated from the 'darkness' in the world he is tasked to protect. But fortresses inevitably crumble, and because the Jedi focus on removing oneself from temptation rather than dealing with it, they are left utterly powerless when their walls come tumbling down. The entire Jedi philosophy is a failure of extremes. There may be good reason why the old Jedi yearned for a chosen one who might bring balance to the force. Their philosophy was not in balance, and neither were the Jedi. Peace can not be found in secluding yourself from yourself, or yourself from the horrors of the world. It is only possible to find peace by making peace. This is why the Jedi fail. Every act has a consequence, but that isn't a thing to be feared for its own sake. It is a part of learning and growth. The Jedi philosophy has no answer for those who 'sin.' They are considered tainted, and no one in the order seems to be deeply concerned with helping people cope with the inevitability of not achieving a 'perfection' that only exists as a philosophical extreme.
  4. Hello, Surprised and delighted, I see. It's reassuring to know that these sorts of things are becoming commonplace in these sorts of games.
  5. Hello, Perhaps the Jedi actively retard the progression of technologies that would make them obsolete, and so the galaxy is in stagnation.
  6. Hello, My biggest problem with the Prequels was in the first Prequel movie. I will not belabor Jar jar binks except to say that I did not enjoy his character. 1) Child actor playing Anakin was not enjoyable to watch. Scenes with him felt leaden. 2) Jedi allowing a young Child to participate in deadly race for their benefit felt irresponsible. One of the Jedi should have performed the race, if we wish to believe that Jedi are wise and responsible adults. 3) Child 'accidentally' launching his fighter and destroying orbiting station is an unsatisfying comedic development amidst scenes of otherwise escalating tension. 4) Darth Maul suddenly becomes a rather poor fighter with slow reflexes just so Obi-Wan can defeat him in the final moments of their battle. This was quite a let-down. It made me feel the fight choreographer couldn't come up with a convincing solution for Obi Wan to win the fight, or perhaps he wasn't given enough leeway in planning the fight more believably. Either way, an anticlimactic end to an interesting battle. This final inexplicable blow also served to rob the villain of much of his 'cool factor.'
  7. Hello, My suspension of disbelief is my limiting factor. It says something about good vs bad storytelling when I can buy the idea of aliens and hyperdrive and ancient humans in far-off galaxies, but I can't buy bounty hunters missing their targets from across the table, or smugglers choosing to wait for an assassination attempt to be consummated before defending themselves.
  8. Hello, So the defense of the scene is that Qui-Gon is incompetent. Which is evidently the case, but hardly makes for a good movie.
  9. Hello, Allowing a child to run a death race is unwise, even if the only desire is to achieve a goal. The best information suggested the child was unsuitable to the task. So even if we are to believe QuiGonn enjoys endangering young children for his own benefit, allowing the child to run the death race is a hard decision to justify.
  10. Hello, My biggest problem with the Prequels was in the first Prequel movie. I will not belabor Jar jar binks except to say that I did not enjoy his character. 1) Child actor playing Anakin was not enjoyable to watch. Scenes with him felt leaden. 2) Jedi allowing a young Child to participate in deadly race for their benefit felt irresponsible. One of the Jedi should have performed the race, if we wish to believe that Jedi are wise and responsible adults. 3) Child 'accidentally' launching his fighter and destroying orbiting station is an unsatisfying comedic development amidst scenes of otherwise escalating tension. 4) Darth Maul suddenly becomes a rather poor fighter with slow reflexes just so Obi-Wan can defeat him in the final moments of their battle. This was quite a let-down. It made me feel the fight choreographer couldn't come up with a convincing solution for Obi Wan to win the fight, or perhaps he wasn't given enough leeway in planning the fight more believably. Either way, an anticlimactic end to an interesting battle. This final inexplicable blow also served to rob the villain of much of his 'cool factor.'
  11. Hello, I saw Yoda fight. I saw Vader fight. Is this really even a debate? Vader is cool and all, but jumping jack Jedi wushu hadn't made it to Western Cinemas at the point that Vader's fighting prowess was established. It's not really fair, considering the decades between films, but there it is all the same.
  12. Hello, This is not true. Our messages can travel at the speed of light, and the nearest stars are less than 5 light years away.
  13. Hello, I am hardly a lore expert, but it seems to me this light side/dark side business is largely propaganda. The Jedi will tell you that once you cavort with the dark side, it will forever shape your destiny. The Sith say that there is no resisting the Dark Side. It is more powerful, and you cannot escape it. These are propaganda lines, not truth. Truth is based on evidence, not political statements. The evidence shows that a person can make a brief dark side decision and come back from it. (Luke gives in to a dark side impulse briefly in his encounter with the Emperor.) The evidence also shows that you can wallow in the Dark Side for decades and come back from it. (As Vader did.) The Jedi and the Sith may do more harm to the galaxy with their absolutist propaganda than the Light and Dark sides themselves have ever done. Teaching immutability may make people feel 'locked in' when they don't have to be. If these groups didn't deal in absolutes they might miraculously discover a happy middle ground. Imagine if a Jedi made a bad decision and the order said, "We all make mistakes sometimes. It doesn't define who you are. You can always choose to do better." Or if two people were in love and they said, "Love can cloud judgement, but it's not inherently evil. Please let us counsel you during your relationship and help you deal with the feelings you feel, and teach you to maintain balance throughout." Instead of forcibly separating lovers and treating them like they've committed a criminal infraction. If the Jedi were less extreme, they wouldn't have to send trainees to spy on one another. Their students would feel free to be honest with them.
  14. Hello, I assume you jest here. Ha ha! Of course in the 'reality' of the game universe force users are not inherently superior. They merely enjoy a different skillset. Note that often when someone needs a force user hunted down and killed or captured, a bounty hunter is sent. Such a mission would be impossible if force-using was the sole measure of superiority.
  15. Hello, If people decide to leave over this issue, I'd like to express that you will be missed. Some of the most intelligent and thoughtful people I've met are regular posters to this thread.
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