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10 Good
  1. Unless of course the goal was to incentivize people to become subscribers in hope of some awesome rewards. In which case they would definitely want to give people time to do so.
  2. Sexual compatibility is not a prerequisite for romantic feelings. Nor are romantic feelings the only form of attachment.
  3. No, but that's not really an accurate comparison. The class isn't broken. It'd be more like if you leveled a Jedi Consular, but then found out that you hated the particle effects for Disturbance; to which I absolutely WOULD reply, then play something else. YOU not liking the sfx or gfx for a particular ability/proc doesn't mean they should change it. I'm certain there are a great many ability sounds that people don't like, but they're not going to waste the effort to go through and let us cherry pick whether we hear each individual one, and they're not going to give ONE group of people the option to disable a sound they don't like and not another group. None of us are special little snowflakes. I'm sorry that your enjoyment of a character has been ruined or lessened, but it is what it is.
  4. Probably because you don't even get him till the Class stories are essentially over(~level 45ish), and his personal quest so short if you blink you miss it, having little if anything at all to do with any kind of training or apprenticeship. BT2 is not scrawny, but given that video games generally deal in the idealized form* it is "small." Also, almost all male companions (let alone romanceable male companions) are already BT2. Variety. *More so the case for depictions of women. Notice that even the heaviest female model is still relatively shapely compared to the male.
  5. That would be fine and dandy, IMO, if that was all that it was. There are tons of companions I have no desire to recruit, and so wouldn't even bother with. Except that they're using recruitment mission completion as a gate for recruiting OTHER companions. So if for instance you wanted to get Lokin back on your Agent, you MUST complete Qyzen's quest. To an extent this is already the case. You MUST complete Yuun's mission to unlock further recruitment missions, you MUST complete Qyzen's mission to move on to Lokin. Indications are that this is how the system will continue to function moving forward.
  6. Gotta agree with Jaesa, Nadia, Kaliyo and Quinn. Man, Quinn and Kaliyo wouldn't even be on my ship if I had the choice. Notice how this list is HEAVILY skewed towards Male Character+Female companion. Actually, the only romance I've ever done -intentionally. No seriously Risha, go away. I flirted with you ONE TIME and only because my options were [Flirt], [Flirt], and [be a d***]- is Theron Shan.
  7. Sad fact of the matter is there are a LOT of people who do get upset when there's a sale on things they already paid full price for. The more recently that was, the worse it tends to be. Anyone who's ever worked retail can attest to this.
  8. Do note, however, that he reuses the same face as another notable NPC, and I believe there's some lore/codex entry somewhere that states that his actual face has been greatly affected by dark side corruption. Apparently just showing it to some officer who displeased him drove said officer to kill themselves. So while you CAN see the face that his model uses, that's not likely to be what he's actually SUPPOSED to look like.
  9. I fully support romanceable male force users for all! I'd like mine Human, Cyborg with minimalist implants, Sith PB (Face 3 only), Cathar (Face 1, Pattern 6 preferred) or even Togruta (but only NPC Togruta. player male Togruta montrals/lekku are fugly:mad:). I'll even be the odd man out and say Nikto (that speak basic) are cool too. (Wish I could have taken Jory as my first BH companion, though I like Mako well enough.) Body type 3 Please. I like em big n strong. SGR-able Snarky, sarcastic, funny and/or playful. Not interested in some boring Light Jedi droning on at me about how my flirting with him is against the Code or something. Likewise, no crazy murder eyes/inevitable betrayal. Sorry Dark Sith, I've got no interest in wondering if my bedmate's plotting to kill me in the morning. I'd prefer a caster (Sage/Sorcerer/Something) honestly. Literally ALL of the force using companions we have are melee for tank/dps. How about a little variety? Imp, Pub or otherwise, doesn't matter really.
  10. Well, no. Sith and Humans share the upper echelons of Imperial society. I was really more commenting on how backwards the racial representations of the two factions seemed compared as a whole against each other. The notoriously Anti-alien state has 3 aliens out of 4, where the far more Pro-alien state has absolutely none. Perhaps the wording of my first comment was poorly chosen, drawing attention more towards the Empire's lack human representation where I meant more to emphasize the Republic's lack of non-humans.
  11. Ah yes, the Isotope-5 droids. I never had an issue with the last droid Imp side (the one with the Hutt riding inside), It was always the one in the volcano base (with the gangways and the consoles you had to click to activate turrets and such) that gave me trouble. I don't remember the Imp side final droid having the insta-death ray, only republic side. I ALWAYS die at least once to the final Rep side droid. Admittedly it's been a long time since I bothered to finish Makeb, rather than ding 55 and move on to SOR. I had a really hard time with the Emperor on my JK until I figured out which spell he was one shotting me with (which I will sadly confess took me a few deaths).
  12. Rather off-topic, but it strikes me as ironic that none of the 4 Imperial class pictures are Human, and ALL 4 Republic class pictures are Human, given the Empire's rather rampant pro-human/anti-alien attitude vs the Republic's far more inclusive one.
  13. I want to put him in the B-100 cybernetic boots, cause as much as he got beat up just in SOR, there's no way he went 5 years without something horrible and disfiguring happening and those boots are just about the only Cybernetic gear piece that I actually like the look of.. EDIT: See, I don't really buy in to that, because companions have always featured rather heavily in cutscenes (some more so than others) and with the exception of those with non-standard models (Khem, Blizz, droids) we've always be able to modify their appearance with gear.
  14. I've tried it spec'd as both Lightning and Corruption... but my Scorpio is rank 30, so if 15-22 is optimal then that might be part of the problem. I could also simply suck at it. Also YAY City of Heroes! That's the origin of my handle. @Oathbound was my global in City of *
  15. Yeah that's the name that pops into my head, I just wasn't certain I was remembering it correctly... It been a few years.
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