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10 Good
  1. Role play = on : /Role Play = off Traduction du message en Basic Je vais m'enroler solo ... ou alternativement combler les vides dans ...n'importe quelle équipe... inscrite en classé... ajoutez moi à vos ... contacts et faites moi signe.. je combattrai aux cotés des sacs à viande de n'importe quel clan en échange de l'opportunité d'ajouter des encoches à la crosse de mon blaster. HK-ssss
  2. the blanket nerf is not lazy, if healing is a problem lets focus more on endurance TTK and lest on HPS ttk hence the blanket nerf, justified by 1 - all healers perform the same in pvp, and they perform fairly well, 5% won't hurt the game, no change wont hurt it either. 2 - pve is a joke in this game and the hardest challenges are on farm mode very early after their release. this taunting thing you describe is not adding to the game it makes an out of gcd spell that has to be used mindfully at the moment become equaully intresting regardless of whom it is thrown upon, it makes the game shallower, not deeper.
  3. @ OP Stupid idea, i vote agsint. blanket nerf heal in both pvp and pve by 5% or something else, this taunting mechanism you speak about just feels ridiculous, I'd hate to se such a thing implemented. there are healing debufs in the game already there could be more, but I certainly don't want taunts to be an ability you can mindlessly throw on anyone everytime it is up.
  4. @deaddogbarking , you are so full of sh.t. you post ins't worth quoting for breakdown point by point disembermend, every sentence , every assertion you make is more ignorant, ridiculous, and incredible than the one preceeding it. Come back to reality, play an operative healer, or whatever spec, I dare you pull even a single one of the tricks you describe.
  5. @DarthRaika That is a very bitter post, you have to understand most premade players including myself and a fair bunch of other I know do solo queue a lot too. but the minute a friend logs in or the instant I get bored of doing things in my corner I ll group with anyone I know and I know plenty cause I run WZ 95% of the time I spend online. no-one ever said , sorry no I don't want to group with you. Point is you and me are the same we have a job, we have a wife, we can't spend 14 h a day online, and even if we could we probably wouldn't, but when we play we do our best, this is the whole point of doing pvp in such a game IMHO, doing your best as an individual and as a team, I have the feeling peope; who go pvp, solo or not, just to get comms don't really want to do their best, they want a bit of challenge but are not ready to step up if the slightest difficulty arise, and they feel compelled to do pvp because their is a carrot ( dailies and weeklies) and they are addicted to carrots. And then they fail a having fun cause they are focused on frustration of being outmatched, and the frustration of the carrot becoming elusive. @Arkerus You are absolutely right, solo players keep the queues alive, and that is the problem, groups of players sharing a common experience and a common goal, mindfull of other's gameplay and fun, synergising and chatting over voice comm or ingame channels should be the ones keeping the queues alive. Hence why I think there should be an incentive to help people say hello to each other and chat and share while doing PVP, there is very little diffrence between a guild base premade and a premade of 4 peope who only barely knew each other 2 hours ago and are now getting to know each others all four on voice comms and trying to work as one. I'dlike the game design to help/push people to socialise and share instead of endorsing/enabling people into more solo selfcentric autosatisfactory multi(lonely)player. I am sorry if you feel the post look like bashing on PUGS, the object is to transform PUGers into Premaders, even if those premades are not fit for ranked, which is another ballgame, even Unranked should be gone to with a teamplay and voluntary mindset, and as said above, 80% of premades even those going to ranked can be taken on by a group of 4 peple willing to do their best, thereis only a tiny minority of players who are individually and teamswise so much above the rest of us others that the match is guarateed lost before it even started and I am sorry as casual gamers we can handle a loss every 5 matches, it keeps us in touch with reality. When you go into a volley ball contest on the seashore during the summer, even if you went alone, you have more fun after you have socialized with other guys in your team and try to serve them best or transform their effort with your efforts into a point instead of ranting in your corner everytimes someone misses a smash a pass a block or a save and the other guys who went as a group of 4 friends have it easier.
  6. . that is a fail opener, 1 - this spe is played all in. if you don't break their neck before they realize what is going on and they put themeselves together, you lose unless you fight a noob, you need to waste their mobility dot and and kite or flashbang heal and prepare a probe+do+acid backstab burst reopening on them or dot and combatrestealth after the opener to keep the ball in your hands, if you already go into last ditch lacerate/shiv spam you are basically only dependant on their skill ( or lack theiroff ) to pull the victory. 2 - even providing you fight a manekin, you are overstacking TAs HS > 1 - Shiv > 2 blablabla Shiv > 3 oops no max stack is 2 one TA wasted. 3 - lacerate,lacerate oops TAs are over, had you popped a corrosive dart earlier in the loop, and you d have a series of 3 sometimes 4 lacerate as a finish spam streak during witch you can shiv for an even longer streak and keep you damage buff up. 4 - why use your explosive probe while enemy is eating the grass in front of you, that is a waste of the mobility control, debilitate offer, debilitate is sued to ensure you can land those melee hits. Burning your explosive probe early in the fight is somewhat good idea for the CD, so it might be up again before the fight is over, but I'd rather save if for later if io want to kite another melee where being in cover will have some nice anti gap closing ability, or if i am being kited to have some punch at 30meters. 5 - (Acid Blade if you can), the only way you can't acid blade when you need it is if you try to use it twice in a row on 2 following GCd and i don't see any reason why this should ever happen. While a much better rotation than the previous one and we have the all in feel into it already, this still aplly. 1 - unless you have extremely high alacrity and popped your stimm there is a gap before your debilitate and you are giving the enemy an opportunity to take control of the fight early without forcing him to pop his stunbreaker. and possibly forcing you to burn yours. 2 - cc, call inc, your later stunlock and control of the fight rythm will be dictated by your ability to delay or work around the time resolves goes away, it works in your rotation cause you restealth but if you want to keep the opportunity to use the other followups efficiently, and save your vanish for later in the fight you might want to avoid filling 80% of his resolve gauge before even starting the fight unless you have the improved sleep dart cause of hybrid spec, in which case you don't have acid blade and i am not sure it is a good tradeoff when fighting a squishy. 3 - why use your explosive probe while enemy is eating the grass in front of you that is a waste of your mobility control. Burning your explosive probe early in the fight is somewhat good idea for the CD it might be up again before the fight is over, but I'd rather save if for later if io want to kite another melee where being in cover will have some nice anti gap closing ability, or if i am being kited to have some punch at 30meters.
  7. As a lethality operative based on best average damage on those abilities in a WZ PVP environment. this breakdown doesn't really work as intended for a PVE lethality agent who will manage his mana and rotation very diffrently. Cull Corrosive grenade corrosive dart the stats that boost your damage most are Good returns ( ~ 1.6-1.8% dps / 100 points ) 1 - Cunning : NO LIMIT 2 - Power / tech power : NO LIMIT 3 - Alacrity : NO LIMIT Fair returns (1.3-1.6% dps / 100 points ) 1 - Surge : until 100-150 points Bad returns (1% dps / 100 points ) 1 - crit rate : best left at 0 if possible, It is very unlikely you have enough alacrity to push alacrity under the 1% / 100 pts returns, and if your surge isn't 300 pts same goes for it. No returns 1 - accuracy : best left at 0, Alternative build, less flat more (unpredictable) burst Note that these stats above are articulated around you playing the wear down card, increasing your average damage output in a reliable fashion in a widespan of situations ranging from group DPS/hps powerstruggle to 1 vs 1 node cap. In a 1v1 situation applying dots fast is less important and hence alacrity interest is slightly moderated, but it is still important to shock people with a stunning fast serie of 2-3 culls and alacrity/stims help here. Also you might want to play the card of unexpected wrecking hits to throw healers off balance/ take them down on a lucky crit every once in a while in which case you will want to stack less alacrity and invest into surge instead. But remember that the damage weight of power and cunning on your damage is going to be twice that of surge once you hit 300-400 surge so it is never a good idea to sacrifice one of these in favor of more surge. also remember that if you are really after performing well in 1v1 concealment when played properly offers more possibilities for it than leathality. Baseline 1 - Cunning : NO LIMIT 2 - Power / tech power : NO LIMIT 3 - Alacrity : NO LIMIT but invested into surge instead Burst boosts 1 - Surge : NO LIMIT 2 - Critrate : 1/4th of your surge rating and no higher than your alacrity rating. Useless 1 - accuracy : best left at 0,
  8. I have a stack of 354 medpacks , i still can't use a second one even if the fight has been going on for 3 minutes, though i still have 353 left. There is no other logic to be found than that devoted to balancing the game.
  9. ouais ben sur BM ca proc comem avant par contre on tombe sur du full outsider, ca fait presque de la peine de gagner, j'ai l'impression de faire du PVE avec des mobs, je préferrais perdre dignement contre les quelques guildes décentes en PvP qu'on avait, que de gagner ces parodies de battleground ou je dézingue des lemmings courrants répititivement les uns derrière les autres vers leur inéluctable décès.
  10. I see this ranked comms drama you have drifted to, And the underlying problem behind that thread becomes more and more obvious. You guys don't care about PvP you care about comms, what spoils the pvp fun in this game is the solo players running after their daylies/weeklies and commendations. They don't try to improve, they don't want to improve, so they sit here in the WZ and expect to win it without even trying but for some reason, they feel compelled to do something they shouldn't ... PVP, So they can get some gear What are they going ot do with that gear I really can't tell, it looks the same as PVE, it underperforms PVE gear in every aspect save openworld PVP, and WZs and in WZs the bonus you get from it is so slim it is not even worth wasting your time on partisan ( and further less conqueror) if you don't really do pvp all day long. What they should do to solve PVP in this game is. 1 - Implement a "Player's Casual PvP Performance Index" or PCPPI, That index would fluctate based solely on Win/Loss in Unranked battleground, depending on your team's PCPPIs and other teams PCPPIs, number of players and time of participation to the WZ. fast and easy math to compute for a server. 2 - Depending on Win or Loss and Who you were matched against you would be given commendation, more for defeating betetr ranked players obviously. 3 - The matchmaking system would take PCPPI into its priority considerations when creating a game to help matching goods with goods in high stakes commendation and valor matches and bads with bads in low stakes and valor blurbs. 4 - The PCPPI would suffer a weekly decay of 2% of its own value ensuring player not competing anymore are losing index 5 - The PCPPI would be displayed on player's PVP panel. Also 4 should be the default group size before entering a Warzone, and not being in a group of 4 should not allow people to complete their dailies/weeklies and reduce comms earned by 10% ( for threes), 20% (for twos), 30% for solos. There would be a group making system similar to the Flashpoint's group gathering tool to help people say hello to one another, before teaming as a four and enter warzones as such. Leaving a batlteground before the end or not joining when prompted should be applied a debuff forbidding enlisting for Warzones for 45 minutes that could be lifted paying commendations according to your PCPPI. Something like, 15 for a lowrank, up to 50 for a highrank, the system would ensure occasionnal connection loss could be manageable for people really intrested in PVP, but counterproductive for people trying to avoid difficult matches or ragequit,. I know it can be harsh for people having jaggy connections, but when you are disconnected from a Warzone, you are not the only one punished, the team you were in also is, and at some point YOU have to solve the problem or out out respect pay your dues to make amend for the trouble your connection causes to others. Ranked warzones should be opened to teams of 4 to be matched with another team of 4 gainst an operation of 8 or 2 other teams of 4. When the default size is going to be 4, we can add 4 vs 4 arenas, 12 vs 12 maps and even 16 vs 16 maps into the RWZ,URWZ map cycles.
  11. I don't see the point in this video, Where is it intresting to see someone, destroying afk players... or people so bad they perform as good as if they were afk. lets assume you are a top player, do you think people would rather see you make a big comeback at someone good, or people see you perfect keyboard turners.
  12. Opeative healer is powerfull, but not more than other 2 healers. All three are virtually unkillable for 95% by a single DPS outside of a few few stunclock rotations, only a few sins, operatives and juggernaughts can pull when luck helps. The game is still okay though, But to ensure WZs rythm keeps its pace I would apply a blanket nerf of 5% to healing in PVP ( and PVe it would help to add some more challenge in those operations/flashpoints) Or better transform the damage reduction buff applied by expertise, into a health point buff of the same amount, that would only gimp TTK when you are healed. Operative are good at keeping someone afloat at 30%, mercs have healing buffs, sorcerrers have burst heal. I don't see any reason to complain about one more than the others.
  13. "They" you ve been using kind of suggest there was already at least 2, to simultaneously stun 2 people twice in a row and cap, is not practical, and if it is done it requires better timing, and coordination than you could ever sport, so I guess you could just accept the fact better players will outmatch you, cause well, they are better. a single good player cannot put the trick you describe on another good player, cause a good solo player defending the node is 1 a stealther himself, 2 located close enough so that he can instantly hit a player capping, but far enough so someone mezzing him cannot start capping right away and finsih before mez is over. when a team can afford to put 2 people on a node to defend they do, cause you never know if the other team is not going to mount a "coup" with a pair of stealther to snatch it from you if you are solo.
  14. What is it? An assassin? Nope. It's an operative Nice. Pops out of stealth and stuns you like an assassin. Then he starts making some nice damage. so you were to lazy to burn (one of) your stunbreaker(s), or maybee you were too lazy to bind it at all. Runs into cover. yes cause he has the second half of your life to burn down and all his damaging abilities are on cooldown, you'd do the same i guess. You try something, first ranged, then you try getting close, but nope. He's immune to all that. so you are being kited by a melee class that does not move, nice concept, says a lot about your proficiency as a player.... he 's immune to you getting close, like what can he somehow root you from 35 meters away ? judging from the opener you are most probably full resolution, so I guess you forgot to put points into some snare removal abilities, cause if he was in cover then he was most definitely not moving, how the hell can't you close in on someone who is not moving when noone can stop you from moving ? Nice. Then he makes some nice damage on you. at 35 meters, that's got to be a measly probe and a normal carbine shot. With instants, while jumping around. and running. So he is not in cover anymore, then you can use all your gap closers, and you can maybee i don't know snare/root so he runs less fast he is not going to finish you ooff with his carbine, and he already used his probe so even a tank can self outheel his long range dps output ... You finally manage to dps him a little bit. What's this? You're stunned again. so you are teling us the duel lasted more than 30 seconds already, you are lucky he was not playing an assasin duel would have finished 20 seconds ago. it is your lucky day. From out of range! What?! Operatives have only one stun and it is 4m, odd are you ve eaten a grenade. He can heal himself back to 100% with one instant! DPS operatives can't template to have a instant heal, it is very high in the healing tree, and it would basically make them heal spec, their dps would be....crap to say the least. so you've got to chose cause you are describing a 21-36 template here and that cannot exist. my guess is he popped a pvp combat stim, shame on you for jumping in a WZ without a stack of 99, like every serious pvper does. Nice. You dps a little, but then you realise you're on 10% HP. Finally you stun him and dps a little. So you wait that the fight is lost to use your stun, nice tactics, you should teach them, it is really avant-garde, look like it works wonderfully. What's this?! He teleports away? you ve got some lag, i've looke twice, and my operative has no teleport spell, played all three trees, never found it, darn, that could sure come in handy, I wish I could find it. You use your speed ability and run after him, but he's much faster than you. yes cause you did not snare him, you know that spell that you never use and that could alone change your record of 100% losses to 80% losses ( yes from that little story we can guess you still have a lot of things to work on) Where is he? Oh here he is, he just popped out of stealth and killed you. did he use vanish or were you unable to hit him for a full 15 seconds and he out of combat restealth, At that point I have to ask the question. Nice. Oh look! He's still on 100% HP! Nice. Yeah he perfected another noob, he must feel so proud of himself, If I were him I may have saved my 2 minutes restealth cooldown for a rainy day cause you clearly didn't deserve the whole shebang. Then, while you're at the respawn, you try to figure out whether this was even a dps specc, or rather a heal specc that just killed you. I guess even a 0/0/0 would have perfected you, cause you know so little about pvp in this game, I wonder how you can come here and laucnh a nerf thread when you know jack sht, learn to play first, leave nerf/buff posts to people who have a clue, like game designers and top RGB teams. P.S. To all who now say l2p: l2p yourself. We did, that is how we can do that to people like you who did not.
  15. Today , 04:15 PM | #20 REPORT POST QUOTE I never said a word about killing operatives. Let's say a warrior is at 30% health, operative is at 100% health. I'm sure electro netting the operative will stop him from healing the warrior. QQ more. so you should be able to kill alone a warrior, healee by an operative, well start by puttin the electronet on the warrior, doopey. you already have in under 3 seconds you can kill anyclass below 50% health and they wont know until it is too late, unless they are healed which puts us into the realm of 1 vs 2 again, It's a huge advantage. Either change how the system works, people sub 30% health can be healed for much higher hps without line of sight or kiting, not really no they can be healed for 60% of the dps a damage merc can pull in the same amount of time, but they can be healed ressources free outside or the ressource of a GCD if you were refferring to the agent, also LOS is needed, and what axactly is the point of kiting the mercs, they have the best range in the game with TEs, you don't kite someone who has higher range in my book. you have enough burst to finish off anything with 50% health oustide of 1 or 2 specialties using their 2minutes defensive cooldown, and it is all channeled so they don't know you are targetting them already and then boom. so lets give everyone an execute, oh wait i have a better idea lets remove all execute moves and reduce everyboody's health pool by 30%. You are a **** merc, stop qqing, DPS mercs are AA bracket, they need to be nerfed back to A bracket like all the others AA class/spé, which include shocknauts, operative heals, all builds of sins, all builds of sorcerers and probably a couple more that slipped my mind.
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