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10 Good
  1. You know back in the Thread where people were betting on the price of the Cathar I ended up losing that bet. So Everyone gets two free jawas and one sandcrawler.
  2. I bet everyone two jawas and a sandcrawler that the Cathar will be 1200 cc. Anyone else want to wager.
  3. My Imperial Agent would not defect to to the Republic because of the things that were done too him during chapter 2. He is a loyal ghost to the Empire and will change it from the inside if he has too. Smuggler: He would love to help the Empire as he has this thing where he mocks everything the Republic stands for and is just in it for the money. He only does stuff for them because he knows that they will pay him given the chance he would definitely go to the Empire to get paid better. Trooper: She isn't much of a person to change sides but sees the corruption in the Senate and would only really switch sides if she was forced to. SI: Not much of changing sides unless the Jedi are willing to share their secret knowledge with him otherwise he might not do so.
  4. Heh that Hutt was stunned seeing this. Quickly take his stuff while he is confused!
  5. I never did play SWG when it first came out because I was too young at the time. Also during that point of time I was beginning to step into MMO's with Runescape. That being said I have no actual opinion of SWG until I play SWGemu. Then I can give a more accurate bias and opinion from myself. As of right now I have to say TOR. Because I actually enjoyed the fully voiced NPCs which was actually nice instead of me having to read a text box. Most of the time I usually ignored and went on my marry way. I enjoy the story very much so far and will enjoy it. Now I want to point out I never really played WOW either so this kind of U.I. was new for me and got some time getting use to. Other than that combat felt fresh for a while then it got stale but I got over that.
  6. Ah I remember one experience I had with this game. Oh it was the first time playing hutt ball on my Marauder and it was the very first time pvping. So without really thinking about it I stood on the fan that shoots out the flames wasn't expecting it and got killed. Then I ran into the acid pit without realizing it was just that. So running along mind my own business and suddenly I am slowed taking damage and died. Okay derped twice it couldn't get worse right? Well it did and it involved the fans. Ran right into them flung me into the vent and died awfully. Thus the story of failures and noobish mistakes short simple and sweet.
  7. What I would like to see is something unique and new in a MMO with Fractions is Defection to the other side. This will in my opinion be something completely original and very complicated to pull of in a writer's stand point. I think it be nice for example having an Imperial Agent for example to defect to the Republic with knowledge of the Imperials. Also I would like to see more of a neutral class or fraction of its own, this might be asking a little too much but eh. Because in all honesty I don't see Smuggler and Bounty Hunters really siding with anyone and more of bought Loyalty as we see through their stories (Mainly the BH's). Aside from that little digression I feel that making a neutral fraction would be really hard to pull of in all honesty but it still be nice to see. But that is my suggestions for what I want to see I would like to see what others think.
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