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10 Good
  1. I just did my first starfighter fight and all I can say is *** is this crap?!? I guess I should have realized the mechanics of it would be garbage when you hype the customization part of it more then the actual playing part of it. The controls are so unresponsive. I either don't turn enough or I turn WAY too much. I spend more time trying to figure out where my cursor for my mouse is so I know how much I am turning than I am spending actually lining up an enemy ship. On top of this, the controls are so disorienting that I spend almost as much time trying to NOT fly into objects that I suddenly turn into that I am trying to find someone to shoot. And finally, when in a dogfight, I can't tell where the enemy that is shooting at me is. This is the WORST flight sim I have ever played. How do you guys keep re-inventing the wheel and coming up with squares over and over?! Im feeling my $30 renewal was a waste of money....again.
  2. Clege


    I understand that many have the same concerns as you, however, to make an MMO work, you need people. If players who make level 50 leave, the game will never grow. Once you reach level 50, Im sure you will be that level longer than any other, so what benifits us now will benifit you later. However, if people wanna be selfish and not give a damn about anyone but themselves, then the community that every MMO needs to have to survive will suffer greatly here. In the end, it will cost the selfish the game.
  3. Clege


    Your skills at summerizing need improvement. I'll TLDR it for those who have ADHD or lack the vocabulary to read the whole thing without struggling to understand the meaning. Expertice is not needed. Keeping it in game, as it is now, is killing end game PvP (Ilum is an entirely different monster). By removing expertice, levels 50s can PvP with all other levels again on a level playing field with the stat bolstering that occurs when you enter a warzone. Without expertice, there is little difference between a level 49 and a level 50. Once the majority of the population is level 50, then seperate the brackets again and continue to keep expertice out of PvP.
  4. Clege


    Thats the noise I hear quite often now in the level 50 PvP bracket. Lots of nothing. At peak hours of play time the best queue I can hope for is 30 minutes. If you are an unlucky soul who logs on during off-hours, you can run into queues that go for hours and hours. As everyone knows, game content takes months and months to develop and test before it is ready for use. This same content engaged by players for only a couple of months before they find it "old game content," and move on to the next level of content you guys spent months and months developing and testing. PvP, however, is the aspect of the game that will last. Each warzone map will be played by the same player dozens of times a week. It never becomes old game content and therefore, once developed, will keep players engaged and entertained....fun. And you guys did not need to spend months and months of making new code to deliver it. THIS IS WHY PVP IS SO IMPORTANT! It keeps players engaged in your game while you guys develop new content while at the same time giving players a new aspect of the game to enjoy/master. Unfortunatly, Bioware, all you have acomplished with your PvP system is frustrate your players ot the point where they avoid it. When you seperated the 50s from the rest of the levels, its killed warzone PvP for level 50s. Most of the people I have spoken to on my server, the ones that were the regular names I saw day in and day out in warzones, have found almost every other aspect of the game more enjoyable than your PvP content. These are players who PvP'ed day after day for many many hours before you segragated them into their own little world. I am sure these words fall on deaf ears, but my hope is you guys will stop treading down this path that is destroying your PvP. Put the level 50s back in the bracket with everyone else and get rid of expertice. Those other things need fixing in PvP, this will be a solid start to acomplishing the goal of making PvP engaging and fun. However, at the least I can use this post as an "I told you so" reference when you announce you are free2play in a year or two because the huge playerbase you HAD decided that anything and everything was better than what was being offered in SWTOR, and the souls left paying the monthly subscription are unable to keep the game afloat.
  5. How is it that the game is a month-and-a-half old and people still dont understand how expertice works..... Expertice increases damage by x%, decreases damage taken by x%, AND increases healing done by x%. So, if you are in full top tier PvP gear, you x will equal @ 12%. so, you do 12% more damage AND take 12% less damage. Thats how people are getting a 24% damage difference. On top of that, if you are a class that can heal, you are also doing 12% more healing with top tier PvP gear. There is no counter to that. I know at 10% I get 4k crits on my healing abilities quite often, and I'm a dps commando. Is expertice a broken stat? Yes. Should you understand how it works before you try to justify/discredit it? Yes. Will BioWare fix it? If they knew how badly they broke their game with it, they would have done it already, so no.
  6. *facepalm* So short-sighted....yes, it exists as a way to keep people from bringing PvE gear into the PvP enviroment and dominating. However, and this is where you are short-sighted, the stat can be applied to PvE gear and used to affect raiding just as easily as it can be applied to PvP gear and used for PvP. Example, if you had raid gear that was only 90% as effective in PvP as it was in raiding, people would realize that they would be fighting at a disadvantage in PvP with raid gear and quickly get a PvP set of gear. All expertice is is a crutch for the weak. I dont care if you have spent every waking hour in warzones and Ilum since the game went live. Just because you have more time to spend PvPing does not mean you should have a set of gear that allows yout o run over people who do not. Its an asanine idea and its game-breaking...well, atleast subscription-breaking.
  7. Clege

    Premades.. Seriously?

    Hey, if you want faster PvP queue times, QUEUE SOLO! If you want to PvP with your friends and increase your cordination and teamwork for a better PvP experience, get in your own queue with simular like-minded groups of people. Premade vs. pug is about as bad as lvl 50s vs lvl 10s.
  8. The player you quoted in your ogional post makes sense, even if you remove the professional athlete from the example. There are dozens of softball leagues comprised of people who play the game for fun. As the person you quoted said, they do not get a new uniform at the end of every game. As for your statement that expertice is a needed stat because "it seperates the pve players from me." Expertice is a crutch for the weak. If you need it to be able to beat PvE players in PvP, then either you lack the skill many people are refering to that expertice removes, or you do not wish to have a competative fight -- you would rather overpower and dominate lesser-geared players because of game mechaincs and not superior tactics and stragety. Do not fool yourself. Expertice is suppose to exists to increase the time players need to farm gear. However, in BioWare's short-sightedness, they made expertice the most heavily weighted stat in the game. What was suppose to be a time sink has now become a game-breaking stat that allows the "haves" to dominate the "have nots." And I say this being a player that dominates in level 50 PvP, without a fullset of PvP gear.
  9. Clege

    They found it.

    Its good to finally say something good about BioWare's efforts with the game. Keep up the diligent work guys, and keep us informed!
  10. There most certainly is. Removing expertice would remove the dependency of gear for PvP. In other words, skill of the player will play a greater role. The reason expertice exists is not so you can better beat up on the lower level players, or the 'have nots," but to make it so PvP'ers cant take their high level PvP gear and go raid high level PvE instances with it. To continue to make sure this does not happen, moving expertice over to affect NPCs in the PvE side of the game makes WAY more sense. When was the last time you saw an NPC come on the forums and complain about how players are doing 10% more damage, taking 10% less damage, and healing for 10% more?
  11. I agree with the OP. Normally the ball carrier has a slow debuff on him. So why should any ability that lets you cover ground faster work? No sprints, no jumps, no other players being able to pull you to them (would have to say this applies to both offence and defence-- to be fair). If you want to make the ball travel over a long distance fast, pass it. That should be the only way.
  12. Clege

    the unkillable healer

    I only use this player as an example because we were able to isloate her in the first room alone, away from all of her buddies that had run into the 2nd part of Voidstar, so we were almost totally certain there was no help from any of her friends. As for interupts, I know I used mine when she was casting heals, but I can not account for the other 2 players that were there...they were justa couple of pugs who offered to help me isolate her. That being said, I dont know what the range is on taunt and guard, and I know she had a tanky bounty hunter iwth her. Even though she was a sorc, I have had other healers, such as operatives and smugglers, who were near impossible to kill. I also have a guildmate who is in full PvP gear who brags constantly how is is almost impossibel to kill in PvP. As the 2nd poster stated, its the way the mechanics of PvP healing work, along with stacking biochem stims, and guarding/taunt that make these healers so damn hard to kill. However these players do it, the end result is a healer that becomes unkillable in all realistic situations. If it is unacceptable for 1 DPS player to go around 1-shotting everyone, how is this any different? In PvP, every player needs to have a comperable ability to survive. This is not the case in this situation.
  13. So, if you are BioWare and you have to ban someone, who would you want playing your game more: the exploiting player, who is running off many other players with his cheating, or the players who do not disrupt and ruin other player's fun?
  14. Well, looks like BioWare copied another bad idea from WoW: the unkillable healer. In my 40 levels of valor, I have come across some, what I thought, were pretty impressive healers. However, once all of us 50s were seperated into our own little PvP world, I have come to realize its not the player, but the gear! I just got of a Voidstar match where my team identified and isolated their healer. It took 3 of us beating on her nonstop for around 2 minutes, using big cooldowns, to finally kill her. she did over 400k healing herself and singlehandily won the match for her team. I am all about healers having a role in PvP, but when one can tank 1/3 of a team's damage like a boss, its past stupid. One player should not make or break a team. NOTE: yes, I have 10% expertice; no, I do not suck; yes, I know what I am doing; no, I will not rage quit; and take your qq crap elsewhere -- other troll replies can assume a simular response.
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