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Help Naming Toons


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So I bought Swtor over a week ago, and I haven't even started playing the game yet. Mainly because I can't think of a satisfying name for my characters. This is something I struggle with in any game that requires you to name a player character. I'm a stickler about having a strong name for my toons. I wish I could think of a name that sounds cool, but is lore friendly. I'm not a roleplayer or anything, but I do like to feel immersed in the world I'm playing in. I thought "Azuko" would be a cool name for a Male Human Jedi Guardian, but it was taken. So I tried to think of a fitting last name, and I couldn't. So I've decided to come here to the forums for help. If anyone here is kind and imaginative enough to offer some suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
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I'm in the same boat, for me a "good" name is short, contains no funny letters, and sounds "starwarsy" (i.e. not a common english real life name, but nothing too strange either)


Baby-name sites are a good start, then vary from there:


Azuko > Asuko > Atuko

Azuro > Asuro > Aturo

Azeko > Aseko > Ateko


When you rather add a last name, then similar rules go for the last name, also retroactively apply the rules for finding a child's first name: avoid aliterations and when you have a long last name you pick a short first name, and vice versa.


Azuko Tenn, Azuko Narell, Azuko Parr


And don't be too creative or too lore adherent. This is the name by which other players will know you in game. "Mitth'raw'nuruodo" may be a perfectly fine Chiss name, but if you want to interact with other players make it easier for them and introduce yourself as "Thrawn".

Edited by Mubrak
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If you have trouble coming up with a surname for your character, you can always borrow one from some other game, film, or TV show you're a fan of.


For example I'm a fan of the TV show Black Sails. One of the major characters in the series is named Charles Vane. If Azuko was the first name I had picked out for my character, I could go with Azuko Vane as his full name. It has a great ring to it (in my biased opinion) and fits right in with Star Wars.

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I often use the built-in name generator, and then play with the words by adding or removing letters, adding or removing accents ... I often take names from ancient history or even from ancient mythology ... Ancient literature can be a wealth of names ...


For example, my first Bounty Hunter's name "Feadolmo" was inspired by Shakespeare - in so far as that in his plays there are often relatively simple sounding names ending with an -o like Horatio.


The name should fit to the character, though.


Meanwhile I often see aggressive sounding names for Sith, my only Sith Inquisitor has the direct opposite : His name is Raarvib, the first part of it intended to sound aggressive (like a howl, for example), the second part intended to bsound rather like something entirely unexpected added to such an aggressive name. I love breaking clichés. :D

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I wish I could think of a name that sounds cool, but is lore friendly. ... I thought "Azuko" would be a cool name for a Male Human Jedi Guardian, but it was taken. So I tried to think of a fitting last name, and I couldn't. .

Considering that the Star Wars galaxy contains many planets with various cultures, it's hard to pin down any sort of particular "style" of name that is more lore friendly than any other. Bob Smith is no less lore friendly than Han Solo or Obiwan Kenobi.

You will find that most common names are already taken though.


Along with spelling variations, one trick I use sometimes is to add an apostrophe ( ' ) to a name so that "Azuko" becomes "Az'uko" for example.


For a last or Legacy name, I ended up using my own rl name. :)

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In case you aren't aware, you are allowed to put hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces in names. And one technique for coming up with names is to take an existing word and slowly change its letters or syllables over time. Another technique is to take two syllables of two existing words and put them together.


A while back, I found a giant list of resources for coming up with character names in another game's forum, Path of Exile, maybe you can find it useful:



Aside from all the name generators listed there, there's also a section with resources on how to come up with your own names from scratch.

Edited by Anduhar
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Here's an excerpt from a thread I started about coming up with character names you like:


Before you start the actual character creation process online, make a list of potential names, (and no, I don’t mean three or four names, I mean five, six, seven, or more). Review the list often, eliminating any names that you feel you won’t enjoy seeing every time you play, as well as any that may not fit whatever you have in mind for a particular character, (but don’t get rid of those completely, as they may yet serve you for future characters). If you make such a list and add to it as new names come to you, you’ll be ready to create a character when the time comes, even if it’s a spur of the moment idea, (I have a list I’ve maintained for months, just in case). When the time comes, be prepared to have some of the names rejected, but that’s okay, because you’ve gotten to the point where you are fine with any of the names on your list, (though most likely you will have some order of preference established). Having the list helps keep you from being too attached to any one particular name.


There are several options available for creating such a list. You can take common names you like and adjust the spelling, adding/removing consonants, (or changing “c” to “k” or vice versa), and switching up vowels to phonetic variations of the same name. You can also use other languages by coming up with words that define how you see your character, then searching for the translation of that word in whichever language you choose, (think of the origins of “Vader” for example). [Once you have found words you like in another language, you may want to come up with alternate spellings for these words as well, just in case the regular spelling is already taken, or sometimes simply to make it sound more like a name to you.] If you have a specific species in mind for a character, use an online dictionary to identify names for that species, or even words from their language that you can turn into names, (Twi’lek, Chiss, and other species have dictionaries and even naming conventions available online). For something personal, you can look for variations of your real life family name and check the history/etymology of that name to come up with something for your character’s name, your legacy name, or both. Finally, you can just make up something, based on other names you’ve seen, either for that particular species, or in general. This process does not have to take very long either. A few quick searches can be completed in 5-10 minutes. How long you spend looking at the search results is up to you, but it’s definitely worthwhile if it helps you come up with a series of names you like.[/Quote]

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Some other misc advice.


short names, or anything that even remotely mimics something common will be gone.


Some tricks I've used. Foreign language words. the more obscure the language the better. a friend of mine, often makes characters that have names, that are curse words in serbian. I have a flame spec bounty hunter named Aish Tamid, which is a jewish concept of "eternal fire" I have other characters with native american words for things. Or names from the bible... "Jael" is one of my favorites.


But if that doesn't work. I tend to go with sounds, that stretch into longer words.


My newest bounty hunter, I wanted to make her a cyborg, in robot part armor. I kept thinking of Mechs or mechanical names. But nothing I wanted was available. Then I blended it with a feminine name. that toons name is Meklinora ...but in a certain sense. having a sound you like. just play with that, add some stuff to it, morph it into a name somehow.


If you're dead set on a certain name. can do tricks with ascii characters. you'll have to look up the alt code ascii codes for those symbols. but generally speaking.... a fancy squiggly B is avail by holding down alt, and hitting a series of numbers to generate that symbol. this can make it a pain in the *** for people to communicate with you, but if you absolutely have to have a name. it can be an answer.


Also. use the random generator. understanding that it only generates random strings, not available names. I've gotten quite a few mmo char names from random gen names i tweaked a little.

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