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<Celestial Argonauts> RP / PvE / PvP Retro-DYNAMIC


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Updated Version 3.0

The Celestials



RP / PvP / PvE



Guild Leader(s): E'nahra ☼ Foxx


Guild Celestials: Aurumnai Δ Solana Δ Stor Δ Standarddefect Δ Chi'kami


Guild Councillors: Murky ¢ Kiwi ¢ Crea ¢ Dragonrasa



Website: Click Here




Greetings! I am Chi'Kami Aizune, Head of Public Relations for the Celestial Enclave AKA Celestial Alliance. Before you Scroll down to Learn a bit more about the Guilds, allow me to take the time to share a brief note with you!


Celestial Argonauts as well as the Celestial Dreadnauts a guilds are very dynamic. What do I mean by this?


Its origins lies in Jung Ma which is another server on SWTOR. In the past Jung Ma (JM) was a hugely sprawling place with many Roleplayers and also many players who adored and clung to PvP as well as PvE. A huge level of respect can be found in any server for sure, but on JM the community was and still is very special and very close.Indeed many other current guilds on The Ebon Hawk (TEH) were originally guilds on JM.


This is worth noting because the player base that has come to TEH has their origins on JM. If you think about it, players who stay dedicated to a server even as its population decreases must be players who not only love their server but also players that really love this game. More than a few of us have played for at least a year; some much longer.




Below is some At-A-Glance Information before you move onto a few other details.

Class Dynamics: Force Sensitives, Smugglers, Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Agents

Age Range: 17-30+

Dailies: PvP, PvE, Social, RP

Organization: Ranks Per Class

Member Rewards: Items, GB Access, Friendship, World Eater weekly Credit rewards + More

Recruitment: All Classes [ Optional: Application Highly reccomended as it nets you a free Apprentice rank]

Ranks: Recruit-> Apprentice-> Argonaut/Dreadnaut -> Master/Darth -> Councilor -> Celestial

*Councilor and Celestial are officer-level ranks and require nominations and a vote from the sitting council.*

Recruitment Regs: Non-Starter Worlds, Non-Spam

Opportunities: Conquest PvE which include: PvP Training[Warzones, GSF, WPvP) , PvE Training (Operations, Flashpoints, Conquests, Word Bosses), RP Developement + Diplomacy On Forums

Experience: Dedicated PvP/PvE players, Dedicated PR + Diplomacy Departments, Forum-RPs and Lore Building[Writers Haven]

Conquests: Great Emphasis on Conquest and can lead to individual rewards/promotions in addition to conquest rewards. Though by and large your positive and helpful attitude will be your greatest asset towards success.


Special Ranks:

World Eater: Scores among the top 3 in Weekly Conquest Points [Awards in the Millions thus far]

Pariah: Penalty rank as Punishment for misbehavior non-adherence to the Guild rules and by judgment of Celestial Council. They are not able to speak or be heard in-game by other members of the guild in the guild chat; Gbank permissions also revoked.

Raider: Special members of the Celestial Prog team Elites and regulars.


*Guild Members will NOT be penalized for lack of participation and can simply remain in the guild as "Recruits" as they continue to enjoy their gameplay experience. However players who are inactive in logging in for long periods of time without notice are liable to be replaced if more space is needed for new members. *


[Other Details Please Visit Our Enjin at cacd.enjin.com]




The Celestial Enclave Backstory:


[Refer to the Individual Backstory Blurbs at the end of this page to find a taste of their own flavor]

The Alliance or Enclave persists on a constant basis of give and take. It is comprised mostly of the Argonaut and Dreadnaut enclaves which each have their own story. The organization was formed shortly after the invasion of Zakuulan forces under Arcann’s father, Valkorian. At first a practical necessity, the alliance has become more and more of a main stay for members of both enclaves. While other alliances formed in the galaxy amongst other independent factions including splinter republic and imperial groups, the urge to follow suit prevailed.


In efforts to agree on a command and ranking structure they took a few titles from the republic and the empire while adding a few of their own. It was obvious that the two main enclaves wanted to keep a high degree of independence and identity as negotiations dragged on between members of both councils. The very notion of a joint council was contested until at least the 3rd year of their alliance. These council roles were important in that those who would be appointed not only served in the high echelons of their own enclave but also served as council members on a joint Council, later called the Celestial Council. The respective council members retained the title and rank of Celestial regardless of their enclave origin.


In an effort to further soften the hostilities between the two enclaves it became necessary to adopt a form of government or law and regulations that both could subscribe to. One of the very first issues to contend with was the topic of slavery. Elements of the Dreadnauts did incorporate slavery in various levels within its inner-workings. This was a point of uncompromising passion for the Argonauts who insisted that the practice be abolished. Several former justice fielded individuals on both sides rose up to bring the topic into discussions in joint hearings however these never amounted to much more than heated debates. By the time the 3rd year had come and while the Joint Council was being formed, it became apparent to both sides that a tertiary representative was needed in discussions over the cultures of both enclaves and how they would fit together under a joint set of regulations.


In order to supplement and resolve the morally disputable arguments, it was decided that the Joint Council shall appoint Celestials who may or may not as well score high in combat experience, leadership, and seniority, but also those who hail from the public relations fields in their former lives. This was to help ensure that the Joint Council of the Celestial Alliance would have in each instance of a meeting or hearing of any kind, have Celestials that are already familiar with the issues that may be revolving around the members of both enclaves. In order to help make sure such knowledge could be attained, maintained, and shared both enclaves agreed to form public relation departments that trained members on the basics of Alliance or Joint Enclave law as well as morality. The instructors and heads of such offices were later ranked and titled as Councilors. These Councilors would also be the ones mainly appointed to speak on behalf of their enclave during gatherings or hearings in front of the Joint Council.

The roles of Councilors were constantly amended and relegated to the point that these individuals had to become very well rounded in many aspects of Enclave-life both in their own and the Alliance enclave. They became the hands of guidance, friendship and understanding while also being the arms of force, leadership and fortitude. They usually provided a great pool for recruitment in all departments including future roles as Celestials themselves.


It was upon these main departments and roles that the basic foundation of a joint coexistence first bore its first few fruits. In order to help keep a simultaneous sense of identity both enclaves were permitted to have roughly their own ranking structure that went below Councilor, and any ranks and titles for private non-jointly formed entities were also allowed to be freely decided by the respective enclave.


The Dreadnauts tended to mock the Argonauts for their use of very familiar terms that were synonymous to those that the Galactic Republic would use, specifically the Jedi. Out of pure jest the Dreadnauts then took terms that The Empire favored, specifically the Sith. This would provide a point of confusion for enclave members and also other groups that the Alliance as a whole would encounter. Even more awkward would be the former Jedi or Sith that suddenly had or ran across titles such as “Darth” or “Master.” Both sides reluctantly used the term “apprentice” for later aged recruits.


The niceties of etiquette and rank however, did not seem incredibly important after one of the most important events in Celestial Alliance history occurred. Upon a joint venture between both enclaves to create a sustainable and advance warship, a tragic and sinister ploy brought both sides to the brink of civil war; mistrust ensued as a large portion of the plans had been stolen from the main archives. Fortunately, thanks to a vigilant few, the true perpetrator was revealed. It was a fringe Imperial organization that had been responsible. The campaign to find the plans, and bring the guilty to justice or judgment brought the enclaves together in a way that the Joint Council or departments ever could have. In the end, the matter was resolved and all sides within in the Celestial Enclave(alliance) that had in prior times wanted to shed each others’ blood, had now shed blood together in the violent bloody vortex of war. Famous battle groups such as Unit 17 and Yerro-5 had their names forged and immortalized follow the aftermaths of what was later called the Fringe Wars.


Even amidst a new era of rule in the galaxy, amidst the Eternal Fleet, Eternal Alliance, the Republic and The Empire, foes become allies and allies become foes. Though they may seek justice and uphold to high values, sometimes the ends must ultimately satiate the means in this darkening pool of stars and planets. While many of its members maintain their own beliefs in the life of the Force, of themselves or of power, still others look more and more towards the stars which they see as they peer out their starships—numbering in the millions, guiding the way forth. A former Jedi in conversation with a former Sith replied to the Sith’s question of “So What do you follow now if not just the ‘way of the Force and knowledge? ‘ “ and said, “I Suppose the Stars Guide us. “




Additional Information on Each Faction Below: [see our Website for even more!]


Celestial Argonauts:


Traditionally, the Argonauts had no loyalties - to the Republic, to the Empire, or to the Sith or Jedi orders are we an organisation that leans towards justice and keeping the peace, but is not directly allied with the other peace-keeping powers in the canonical universe. We can, of course, ally with other guilds on the server as suits our purposes, but we would have no loyalty or obligation to the Republic or the Jedi Order. In fact, RP-wise, the guild leader herself (Rivyr Tam) left the Jedi Order because she saw their pacifism as ineffective in bringing justice to the galaxy.


In the wake of the invasion of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, <Celestial Argonauts> has increased its cooperation with both Republic and Some Imperial Forces however these relationships, like during any massive inter-galactic war are uncertain and unclear.


Where we are now, the Celestial Argonauts have recently suffered a great loss. Malicious internal actors from the very top of the organisation turned their backs on the Celestials, and brought the guild to its knees. Rising from the ashes, Rivyr Tam has taken up the mantle to lead the Argonauts, and is attempting to rebuild that which was destroyed by such devastating betrayal.


On the other side of the galaxy, Rivyr's twin sister, Blackwater, raised up a mirror organisation, calling them the Celestial Dreadnauts to mock her sister's guild. Being more interested in personally wreaking havoc than in running a complex organisation, it is not sure how long Blackwater Tam will hold the reins of the Dreadnauts, but for now, Rivyr is keeping a wary eye on her as the Argonauts rebuild.



Celestial Dreadnauts:


Traditionally, the Dreadnauts have no loyalties - to the Republic, to the Empire, or to the Sith or Jedi orders. Major elements of the enclave include Bounty Hunters, Agents, and Force Sensitives. However as war broke out between the Republic and the Empire several factors having to do with trade and war atrocities caused the enclave to re-mold itself in many ways through many trials. Right before the invasion of Zakuulan forces the Dreadnauts found themselves allying more and more with the more neutral factions in the galaxy as the general mood of alliance-forming was increasing as the Eternal Fleet imposed its will on the Core Worlds and Outer Rim worlds. One faction they encountered and dealt with most were the Celestial Argonauts. In fact a rising member of the enclave, Blackwater Tam, knew that her sister ran an organization of goody-goodies; also largely neutral. The way in which Blackwater took hold of The Dreadnauts is another questionable and interesting tale. Needless to say, The bond that slowly formed between the two enclaves caused both to change the ways in which either faced the challenges that the galaxy had to offer. They likened their strange friendship to something as a model of what the Odessen alliance was: new, fragile and in constant peril by inner and outside forces.


One major note is that as the 2 enclaves' relationship grew, leadership of the now <Celestial> Dreadnauts, was in a constant state of change. Blackwater Tam took hold of power, but soon true to her own nature succumbed to a bit of boredom and fancied thrills that dealt less and less with enclave matters. A lot of the power was handled and handed to her right hand. The identity of this individual is yet still a mystery even amidst its own people and allies.





The Fringe Wars:[Videos that were created to help give visual aid to the backstories]


Assault on Alderaan [Retrieve the Plans, Allied Assault]: Link



Trouble Getting Hold of Leaders and/or Other Officers?


Please feel free to visit the Enjin or contact any of the leaders in-game or on Enjin. You may also Contact Me, Chi'Kami Aizune, if you need help getting in quick contact with any of the officers or leaders. You may message me on Enjin or you can kik me at Chidori_Shinjutsu.


Additionally, you can contact Slam Defect. He is also part of the Public Relations Department and serves especially as Guild Technician and Historian. You may reach him via Kik as well. Kik ID: Samuel_Lipson


You can also visit our enjin and view our discord information on the homepage. That is also a quick way to get a hold of someone!


Regardless of guilds or servers let's remember our love for Star Wars and help keep the love alive by enjoying everything SWTOR can offer us. :D


You can fill out an application on the website or simply contact us on Enjin. -- Or come find us in-game! It would be great to meet others regardless of intent to join or not!




Chi'Kami Aizune

Celestial Alliance PRO

Public Relations Department

Edited by ChidoriOokami
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  • 2 weeks later...



Looking for additional RPers for the guild Pub and Imp (Updated)


Looking for Leaders in GSF (Updated)


Have placed in the top 10 in the conquest boards Since arrival a few weeks ago! Come check us out!


-- Celestial Dreadnauts = Imperial Faction

--- Celestial Argonauts = Republic Faction

Edited by ChidoriOokami
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Additional Non-Commission Ranks have been added:


Duel Rank: Kenpachi

Limits: 1 per faction

Qualifications: Defeat the current kenpachi in PvP duel in order to gain title


Conquest Rank: World Eater (Pub), Predator (Imp)

Limits: 3 per Faction

Qualifications: Top 3 in Conquest points contributions

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Celestial DREADNAUTS now has its official promo. Empire/Neutral:


Watch some OPs and other Group Activities during some of the twitch feeds!

Check our enjin to see if we're twitching at the moment, OR check one of our Twitch Links


Direct Address: http://cacd.enjin.com/ajax.php?s=twitch&cmd=display-channel-popup&twitch_name=iamyerrow

Edited by ChidoriOokami
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  • 3 weeks later...



The RolePlay Department is Now Actively Recruiting for 2 Office Branches!


The Military - Deep Horizon Security Force(s)



The DHSF are the main military personel of the <Celestial Argonauts> whose origins lay within the Flagship: Deep Horizon. They functioned as the ship's security and later expanded to becoming expeditionary forces on planets the Argonauts travelled to. The flagship now has its own dedicated security force, which is another branch of the Celestial Armed Forces. They have their own rank system.



Seekers (Force sensitive, Diplomatic, Organizers)





Seekers are by and large force sensitives. They function firstly as diplomats and communications officers and function separately from the Celestial Armed Forces. Although they are armed, their primary objectives tend to avoid combative situations and usually seek to form frienships and/or alliances with others on behalf of the <Celestial Argonauts>. They answer directly to the Celestial Council.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update** Event --



Video Release for an RP event we are helping organize for SPRING 2017


All details can be found on enjin at this link


Or you can read about some of it below:







An urgent and faithful meeting is being organized on Tython and we call upon you, regardless of your current path, to come.


Many threats now face us in the galaxy and from so many corners of it. It is no longer clear how many new enemies can appear to tear down the Hopes for peace.


I was once a temple guardian on Tython, and now my path has taken my elsewhere to many places. However, my soul has always sought Peace and the source of the Force. I have met new friends and foes.


The galaxy teeters in a constant state of war and silence-- numbing us to any notion or subtle chance for cooperation. Many factions like the Odessen Alliance has rallied during this dark hour.


I support their cause and seek to supplement it with the combined efforts of those of who perhaps have still not taken a clear side.


The former Empire has also rallied at this time, and indeed it shows its support for those on Odessen. Can't we then, current and former followers of the Light also compromise and cooperated for the greater justice??


As a temple guardian i dawned the mask that confirmed my belief in harboring no attachments but that only of the Force and for public service. I now understand that we must for the sake of the public seek to attach ourselves to the only Cause that is of significance today-- a cause that will have its effect on hundreds of generations to come. I dawn my mask again not to return to who I once was, but to begin anew. I no longer harbor attachments to futility or the rigid aspects of pure pacifism. But that I must do what must be done for this Cause.




Seeker Chi'Zune Aizune

Former Jedi Temple Guardian

<Celestial Argonauts>


This is an Open-invitation to all RPers and RP-PvErs


Location/Meeting Place: Tythong

Date: March, TBA Pending Confirmation of Participants


Depending on how many can participate it will involve not only a time for Dialogue, but also a time to work together to do things such as Commander Runs and/or World Bosses


Somtimes those things may seem like they're just for the hardcore PvErs but don't we all love star wars and this game?? This is to help each other find others who also share a passion for RP-PvE


If you have any questions please contact me! Here on enjin or on kik (chidorixshinjutsu)


Basic "Requirements" and Reccomendations:


1. This will be a Pubside Event (I'm sorry my imperial bros and sis!)


2. HIGHLY advised to bring your Temple Guardian outfit if you have one (At least teh Robe and Mask)


3. Please do not come expecting so many things that YOU want to see-- this is more of an Open-Invite so you should be considerate of others, and respectful.


4. I am ware that in the Lore, Temple Guardians did not really form until the Clone War era lol. Just work with it! xD Try to read Chi'zune's letter to try and match your character to this chapter of their experiences as best you can, if you wish. Otherwise it'll also be a fun time for us and will even help your guilds out if we do things like commander runs or world bosses.


Edited by ChidoriOokami
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Update on Logistics, Ranks and Upcoming News/Announcements!

Reference: Letter to Celestials from GM


1. Guild Ranks A quick write-up on the ranks available in the guild, the perks each rank, and how to advance in them!


2. Guild Bank Check this post to know your available Repair Funds and withdraw limits, as well as a primer on what kind of items go in each tab!


3. Conquest Guide Not as thorough as the excellent guides available on Dulfy.net, this post is meant as an introduction to let you know what Conquest is and how to play it!



4. World Eaters For those that have mastered the art of Conquest, we have a special rank! Click this link to find out what's involved, and the rewards you can earn!



All that, and we're not done yet! There's a lot of discussion behind the scenes that will make its way onto the forums eventually. Things to look forward to include:



  • A list of guild rules and expectations
  • Information on our other special rank, Kenpachi
  • Roleplaying information and events
  • Even more events as our guild grows and gives us the funds to give back to the members!


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, leave a comment here, in the appropriate forum thread, or join us on Discord or in the game and ask an officer there!


Stay awesome, Celestials!





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  • 2 weeks later...

The following is a news article written by one of our international news reporters



Hello again!


This week has been… Intense. On Tuesday it was like “Oh crap, crafting conquest again”, you never feel ready for that madness.


Anyway, we went for Makeb, the Celestial factories started to work and the war supplies mass production started right away.


Sadly, our productive capacity wasn’t enough, and this week ended without board in any of the sides, and without flagship plans, in consequence. The fact that some of our factories exploded didn’t help, really (Our hard work has been affected for a bug that suddenly infected some of our toons, glitching our conquest tab, and not allowing those characters to keep earning points).


But… It wasn’t a bad week, not at all! Our guildies made a really great effort. So I would like to mention our Republic side World Eaters: Legacies ______, ______ and _______. And also our Imperial side World Eaters: ______, ______ (again), and ______. They really made a crazy ton of points and never gave up!! (If you are like "the heck is a World Eater?", click here).


Warzones were present as always, many Celestial PVP groups were formed to go into them. Uprisings, flashpoints and the everyday stuff too!


Also, we went to Toborro’s Courtyard and annihilated his golden llama!


Then we did school runs through Karagga’s Palace and Eternity Vault to introduce some guildies to the world of operations. It went really well, we enjoy seeing how people who have never done an operation before, gets hype going through one of them, learning and improving! We look forward to catch people’s attention about operations and be able to do more of this.


Thanks to our guildies for being so awesome! (if you are not a guildie and you want to join, you can click here)


Let’s see what happens next week!




[All names have been edited out of the original article due to forum rules. To see the original article form with all names included, world eaters and our international news agent, click here! ^^ ]

Edited by ChidoriOokami
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The following is a news article written by one of our international news reporters



Hello again!


This week has been… Intense. On Tuesday it was like “Oh crap, crafting conquest again”, you never feel ready for that madness.


Anyway, we went for Makeb, the Celestial factories started to work and the war supplies mass production started right away.


Sadly, our productive capacity wasn’t enough, and this week ended without board in any of the sides, and without flagship plans, in consequence. The fact that some of our factories exploded didn’t help, really (Our hard work has been affected for a bug that suddenly infected some of our toons, glitching our conquest tab, and not allowing those characters to keep earning points).


But… It wasn’t a bad week, not at all! Our guildies made a really great effort. So I would like to mention our Republic side World Eaters: Legacies Francisco, Amnel and Crux. And also our Imperial side World Eaters: Megahan, Crux (again), and Traveller. They really made a crazy ton of points and never gave up!! (If you are like "the heck is a World Eater?", click here).


Warzones were present as always, many Celestial PVP groups were formed to go into them. Uprisings, flashpoints and the everyday stuff too!


Also, we went to Toborro’s Courtyard and annihilated his golden llama!


Then we did school runs through Karagga’s Palace and Eternity Vault to introduce some guildies to the world of operations. It went really well, we enjoy seeing how people who have never done an operation before, gets hype going through one of them, learning and improving! We look forward to catch people’s attention about operations and be able to do more of this.


Thanks to our guildies for being so awesome! (if you are not a guildie and you want to join, you can click here)


Let’s see what happens next week!




It is against the terms of service to directly call out a name on the forums, even in a good way, you might want to remove this post if those are toon names of guildies as you could get banned for it.

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It is against the terms of service to directly call out a name on the forums, even in a good way, you might want to remove this post if those are toon names of guildies as you could get banned for it.


Bah, you're right. Thanks Ghost, I'll IM him to get this edited faster.


Sorry, World Eaters!

Edited by masterceil
Replacing the quoted user's character name with their forum name. Oh, the irony : )
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Extracted from the news section of our website, some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello again, guildies and non-guildies!


The Argonauts and Dreadnauts keeps growing, slow but strong, in the awesome Ebon Hawk.


Death Mark came for conquest, making all our warriors hype!


After discussing it for hours (I am not exaggerating), we placed both of our flagships in the Black Hole and started a new conquest week in the Celestial life...


And this conquest was just amazing! We got both guilds, the Argonauts and Dreadnauts, in the board, so our beautiful guildships, Deep Horizon and Chimera of Dread, can keep expanding. We made 1,093,733 between our guilds, which is really promising for us.


Our World Eaters were more hungry than ever! Besides the honor and glory, they got a total reward of 875,000 credits this week (if you still don't know what is a world eater, click here, you will want to be one!).


All the week went pretty much around enlisting our fighters and massively queueing for warzones. Grouping, queuing, fighting! Grouping, queueing, fighting! (Sorry I am still hype)


But that wasn't all, because you can't live just by warzones! (Well, yes, of course you can and I do too, but we like variety) So in our Wednesday planetary run, the Dreadnauts took down Trapjaw, smashed the Republic champions in Outpost Thorazan and fried the Battledroid R4-GL on Nar Shaddaa. All of that with the always fun component of voice chat! (I can't talk about that, what happens in voice chat stays in voice chat)


At the end of the week things started to get complicated, the Argonauts almost fell off the board, the Dreadnauts were losing positions and the Black Hole started to look darker and darker but... More Warzones late at night and our awesome guildies never giving up, ended with this successfull week for us!


Also the officers have been debating new ideas to make all more fun, but it's a surprise, so if you want to know before anyone else, be attentive to our site!


If you want to join the crew and being a Celestial, you can join here!


Until the next monday.

Edited by SolLStark
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Series 1 Of Celestial RP-PvE

(Video Below)


RP-PvE Prompt


Since we first arrived at the Core Word system we have found that amidst the chaos of the Zakuulan invasion, that several fringe Imperial and even Republic armed forces have taken it upon themselves to go about their own business; pursuing their own personal and selfish ambitions which perhaps under normal circumstances such opportunities would have been more easily discouraged.


We have taken a bit of a queue from the Eternal Alliance and their example; operating much like they are. We seem to believe that as before, neither the Republic nor the Empire were entirely without flaws, and though the Eternal Alliance, formerly the Odessen Alliance, is not without flaws thus far we trust their source of motivation and value the fact that they are less likely to be politically motivated than the older governments in this galaxy. Like them, we modeled are ranks to not only be enclave members but anyone willing to join the Celestial ranks.


Recently we took in a force sensitive; a padawan. His attitude seems battle-ready, so I believe he was assigned to help our military expeditions.


Our forces had in the early stages been so used to certain styles and frequencies of combat that they would often be routed by opposing forces. Since then the armed branch of our enclave has undergone more training thanks also to our former Republic, Imperial and even Zakuulan recruits. I have taken the liberty to release holonet material that in effect will function as recruitment tools for the Celestial Armed Forces and the Celestial Naval Defense Corps. The latter being for more close-to-home security such as our ship security, and personal or contingent security escorts.


Soon one of our combat contingents will be ready to embark on their first serious expedition unrelated to the uprisings that the Alliance has been working to put down.

The matter revolves around a set of important schematics that was stolen by Imperial forces from one of our supply caravans several weeks ago. Our intelligence has confirmed that at the very least this was not an action officially sanctioned by the Empire. It is believed that this is a fringe group seeking to create their own standing. The schematics were for ship expansions that detailed important aspects of engineering and weapons logistics for our flagship, the Deep Horizon.


The fringe imperials have been on the run and are constantly hopping from planet to planet, barely having left the system before our Seekers could catch them.


I personally confirmed that their next location must be on the planet Alderaan. They are likely going to use Outpost Talarn, a former legitimate Imperial command post. I will confirm with the council one more time that this embarkation meets with their approval.




Recon has confirmed the location of the Former Imperial base






To See full details of the story as well as the actual Assault come check it out here!

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Extracted from the news section of our website, some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello, Celestials and non-celestials! It’s me again, bringing to you the last news in the Guild’s world.


Before starting with the traditional report, I would like to say something:


I realized that we have moved to this server over three months ago and we are really feeling in home. We know that there are trolls everywhere and here it’s not the exception but… THANK YOU PEOPLE FROM THE EBON HAWK!


On the one hand, thanks to the awesome new guild members we have found in this server, thank you for choosing us, for staying with us and for being so great!


In the other hand, many thanks as well to the non-guildies who make this server such a great place for us: those who fill our groups, who invite us to fill theirs, and who chill in our discord channel! It’s really a pleasure to meet you all, and really, thank you!


Having said that, time to go back to the news…


The past week we moved the flagships of the Argonauts and Dreadnauts to the beautiful world of Voss.


It was a particular conquest event, with not so many bonuses for the planet, but who doesn’t love Voss? Nobody, of course! So we went there.


The Argonauts ended up with a really nice 6th place on the board, while not even the big push at the ending was enough to put the Dreadnauts there (Yes we were sweetened and we wanted to place both guilds again, but it looks like it just wasn’t in the Mystic's prophecies!)


As always, we have to do a special mention for our awesome World Eaters! This time the same legacies earned the title both sides. And the 6th place achieved for Celestial Argonauts gave them a total payout of 825.000 credits! (These World Eaters are hungrier each week, are you gonna let them take all the honor and glory? Don’t you wanna be a World Eater? Click here for more information).


With the no-bonuses thing, the guild activities were really varied. It was cool at some point because everybody was able to do basically what they want and still contributing to the guild! So people was over there grouping for warzones, queuing for flashpoints, doing uprisings, and taking advantage from the heroics listed in the conquest objectives (because even if they are boring af, they give you credits besides the conquest points!)


But of course, as it usually happens, the most interesting event of the week was our traditional planetary run! This time was the turn of Aldeeran. We invaded the Outpost Talarn, took down the imperial champions, and then went for the Ulgo Siegebreaker (this time the event was really really special, don’t miss the

and the background story of this planetary run!). Many thanks and another special mention for the Space Cowboys for grouping with us to defeat the World Boss!


Sadly we couldn’t find the Imperial Commander on Aldeeran, but he was on Ilum! So the magnificent finale for the planetary run, was getting a good number of flagship plans and even a framework!


We didn’t organize a guild ops for this week, but we are always willing, so during the weekend, guildies formed up with allies to do many operations, with a special Scum & Villainy on Saturday.


Also we have released the first Celestial PVP tournament! Special rewards, special rank and more honor and glory will be in play in the Kempachi Tournament! (Don’t miss it! Find out more here)


See you the next week!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: http://cacd.enjin.com/


Greetings people!


I am back to bring more good news, because we made it again!


Yes, we managed to put both guilds in the conquest board again! This week the chosen planet was Taris. So we went for Taris (Republic) and Taris (Empire) (I don’t need to clarify which guild went in which planet, right?).


The Argonauts achieved a 7thplace in one of the Taris and the Dreadnauts, even when we got a higher score over there, got a 8th place in the other Taris, because the competence was rougher.


Not even a rakghoul army is going to stop us! (Sorry, the hype is real)


And especially, it won’t stop our World Eaters! Seems like people took my challenge from last week seriously, and we have got new people earning the rank this week and they got a total payout of 1,225,000 credits (be a World Eater you too, click here for more information!)


This week, a lot of stuff was going on. With no heroics, and no bonuses for Warzones, we had (even more than we usually do, and we do a lot) to form up for group content.


We defeated The Eyeless with our allies of DTWTD.


In our planetary run, we defeated Trapjaw (Poor kitty, we are killing it every two weeks), invaded the Republic outpost and killed the champions. Also, we got a little unexpected, but fun, PVP training over there.


Since the Commander wasn’t in the outpost and we wanted to get some flagship plans, we went to Quesh and got it as well!


Then, between groups for flashpoints like Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island, and queuing for the daily for more points, and some warzones, the week finally finished with this really positive result for us!


If you are a Celestial, thank you! If you wanna be one, click here.

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Extracted from the news section of our website, some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello again Celestials and non-Celestials!


I am happy to be back, because I have good news to bring!


The past week has been another good one and we are really getting used to this.


The Argonauts got the nineth place on the Ilum conquest board (Which is good but also has a slightly bitter flavor because we feel like it could have been higher) while the Dreadnauts got the eighth on the messy maze, oops, sorry, I meant on Corellia.


We have had a very active week, and it’s so good to see that the guildies are so willing to participate in absolutely everything! The small group PVE (I mean 4 people group) content became an everyday-everytime thing, which is so awesome to see (and so fun to participate in!).


The conquest objectives included lot of Flashpoints, uprisings and heroics and we have been grouping and doing them as mad people!


The planetary run this week was really awesome! (No, no, I know what you are all thinking, but we didn’t kill Trapjaw again) The Argonauts went to Ilum, and defeated 25 imperial champions and the Imperial commander, getting flagship plans to expand the Deep Horizon!


But that wasn’t all, because right away, the Dreadnauts went to Ilum as well, and defeated 25 republic champions and the Republic commander, who happened to be a named one and gave us a framework, besides the plans for the Chimera of Dread!


Yes, we are like this, we aren’t Republic, we aren’t Empire, WE ARE CELESTIALS AND WE *DON'T CARE*! (Well, we *do care*, but it sounded cool)


Also, on Friday we ran Karagga’s Palace on both sides, to get more conquest points, and to introduce and encourage guildies to participate in more PVE content!


How could I forget to mention of awesome World Eaters, who did a great work as always? They earned a lot of points, and they got a total payour of 875,000 credits the past week! (If you wonder why some legacies are repeated each week, the answer is easy: BEING A WORLD EATER IS ADICTIVE! Be one you too, click here!).



Thanks for the awesomeness!! (And if you aren’t a guildie and you want to be one, click here)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here:



Hello beautiful people!


The last week was not bittersweet, it was totally and completely sweet ! (unless you prefer bitter, then it was bitter)


The Dread conquest, was like a daydream conquest for us. So **** off, Dread Masters! (I am just joking we all love them).


The Dreadnauts went for Section X, and placed in the 5th place, while the Argonauts went for Oricon and placed in the 6th. So, yes! We are happy!


It was the operations week, and that’s what we did mostly, being Terror From Beyond the most repeated one (I can’t talk for all the guildies, but many of us will be dreaming about tentacles, spits and irregularities for the next few days). We also formed up for other of them that were in the board, like Dread Palace.


As always, the groups for daily flashpoints didn’t stop and while people can think veteran flashpoints are boring, they are not if you do them with guildies! (no kidding, voice chat is so fun).


The planetary runs were amazing! (Yes, finally new planets to go to kill stuff). We killed the Imperial champions with the Argonauts on Oricon first, and then we went to Section X to kill the Republic champions (I have said this before in less formal words, we do not take sides!).


Also we reduced Dreadtooth to a pile of bones with the Dreadnauts in Section X! (Trapjaw is feeling lucky).


The World Eaters made an awesome effort and earned a total payout of 1,925,000 credits!! (Yes, you read well, 1.925mill credits!! And you could earn them as well clicking here!)


Do you wanna live the Celestial experience too? Click here and be part!


Thanks for everything!


Until the next week!

Edited by SolLStark
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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello again guildies and non-guildies!


I am back for the end of another awesome week in the Celestial world!


The Rakghoul plague came again, but didn’t catch us unguarded. A bunch of rakghouls hadn’t scared us before and they didn’t do it the past week either!


The chosen planets to place our beautiful ships, “Deep Horizon” and “Chimera of Dread”, were Corellia and Taris, respectively. And we earned a 7th place in both boards, so hopefully our flagships will be bigger soon!


Argonauts and Dreadnauts did a lot of groups for flashpoints and corellian heroics and made the conquest, which seemed rough at the beginning, to go really smooth!


For the planetary run, we went to Corellia with both guilds, and killed the Imperial and Republic champions (And waited forever for respawns…The amount of champions is ridiculously low in those bases). In the middle of the invasion, the Republic commander showed up and we killed him, getting more flagship plans for Chimera of Dread! Sadly the imperial commander was smarter or not so reckless and we weren’t able to kill him because he didn’t show up.


Thanks as always to our World Eaters! Who earned a total payout of 1,400,000 credits (Looks like these people ain’t going to give up the podium! Don’t you wanna challenge them? Find out how here).


I am also pleased to announce that the ops progression group is back in the guild and cleaned Dread Fortress this week! Even when that group is full, we ALWAYS could use more operations, so if you are interested, keep up in website and Discord to join us on them!


Thanks for being awesome!


If you aren't a Celestial, join us in this adventure by clicking here!


Until the next week!

Edited by SolLStark
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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Good evening, people!!


I am bringing more news from the Celestial world!


Maybe this week wasn’t so good speaking about conquest, but it was in guild activities!!


We placed our ships in Balmorra (Republic) and Balmorra (Empire), respectively. The Argonauts achieved a nice 8th place, but the Dreadnauts ran out of gas in the middle of the way.


Anyway, it was a good week because the guilds keep growing and the people are feeling more involved every week. The Celestial family keeps summoning members! (Wanna be part of it? Click here!)


The conquest tab was full of uprisings and flashpoints, it was kind of terrifying, some kind of PVE heaven or so.


On Tuesday, we grouped to do as many uprisings as possible, while on Wednesday we grouped to do lot of Flashpoints!


Our weekly planetary run was not a PLANETARY run, sadly… Because there wasn’t anything to kill that was worth conquest points: no champions, no commanders, no world bosses anywhere. But we don’t like to leave our Thursday empty, so we did the groupfinder operation that happened to be Eternity Vault!


Of course more flashpoints and operations kept going during Friday and all the weekend! But they were so much that I can’t even kept track of them.


Some of our traditional World Eaters weren’t able to play that much this week, and others didn’t doubt in take the throne! Thanks for your big effort! (Be a World Eater you too, wanna know how? Click here)


Thanks for everything! Keep high the awesomeness!


Until the next Monday!

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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Greetings, guildies and not guildies!!


If the past week was the PVE madness, we could say this was the PVP madness! Because it was Death Mark conquest and bonus for warzones were in all the planets.


The Deep Horizon was placed in The Black Hole and the Argonauts got the 7th position in the conquest board!


The Chimera of Dread was placed in Quesh, but the Dreadnauts couldn't make it... (What's going on Dreadnauts?? Go, go, go!)


Warzones and Nar Shaddaa heroics were the protagonists of the week, that has been pretty calmed compared to the previous weeks.


Our World Eaters have been working hard as always! Thank you for the big effort you all do everyweek! (At this point you should know what is a World Eater, but in case you still don't know, click here!)


Before finish I want to tell to everybody that the Celestial doors are always open! Are you a noob or are you an experienced player?? Are you looking for buddies or do you wanna play without being bothered? Do you love to do operations, doing PvP like mad or both? We accept everybody, all kind of players, and offer activities for all of them! All what we ask if to follow these rules, and if you wanna be part, just click here!!


Now yes, until the next monday!

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Extracted from the news section of our website, some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello Celestials and non-Celestials!


I am so pleased to be back after a really amazing week!


We kind of got concerned when we saw the conquest table full of crafting achievements, but our concerns have been proven wrong!


The Celestial manufacturing was totally on point this week!


The Deep Horizon went to invade Makeb, while the Chimera of Dread went for Voss. And both guilds achieved a 5th place on the conquest boards! Yes, both guilds on place again, which make us really happy!


Our World Eaters made a fantastic labour! They acted like a hard workers and put really a ton of points! And with the amazing position both guilds reached in the conquest board, they got a total payout of 2,100,000 credits! (If you wanna know how many points they did and how can you be World Eater too, check here!).


Also thanks to everybody who helped in this conquest, some of them didn’t achieved the World Eater rank, but made a great number of conquest points very significant to get those nice 5th places!


This week we didn’t make a Planetary Run because we couldn’t stop the productive machine to go kill stuff! (Being honest, the points earned for killing **** were not worth it compared with the points from crafting). But we are looking forward to go come back to our runs the next week! (Hope the conquest event is in our favor for that, keep up in the events section).


If you are not a Celestial but you want to join this adventure, just click here!


Until the next week!

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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello, Argonauts, Dreadnauts and non-guildies!


This week the Celestials went to break the prison! The Argonauts landed the Deep Horizon on Belsavis itself, placing in the 6th place of the board; while the Dreadnauts put the Chimera of Dread on Section X for the support, placing 9th!


The week started bustling from the beginning, grouping for heroics on Belsavis and Hoth! Groups started on Tuesday and continued during the whole week (We needed to break those prisoners free! )


On Wednesday, we ran Eternity Vault in both sides! (Rest in peace, Soa)


The planetary run came back recharged! On Thursday the Argonauts took down the Primal Destroyer, Gargath and Snowblind! (They don’t look tasty, otherwise we could have done a barbecue for all the guildies; Meanwhile, Trapjaw celebrates). And after the three world bosses, we took down the Imperial Base on Belsavis, killing not only the 25 champions, but also the Commander! (Yes, more flagship plans!)


While on Sunday afternoon, a few, but intrepid Dreadnauts, took down one of the Republic bases on Belsavis as well!


The planetary run seems to be one of the favourites activities of everybody in the guild, keep up in the events section to don’t miss any of them!


The competition for the World Eater titles was rough this week! Especially pubside, where lot of guildies who didn’t achieve the title put a lot of points as well, so thanks to everybody!!


Some extra data about world Eaters: With this week's credit payout to our World Eaters, we've now given away 12,925,000 credits for topping the Conquest board within our guilds! (If you still don’t know what is a World Eater or you are not sure how it works, click here! Don’t lose more time, being a World Eater is addictive!)


In the meantime, our prog group, “No Quarter”, is getting better gaining more experience! And we would really like to have more prog groups going on in the future, so if you are interested in ops, please tell us here!


Let’s see what comes up the next week!


If you wanna join this adventure, click here!


Until the next week!



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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello, ladies and gentlemen, guildies and Friends!


This is the end of another exciting week in the Celestial world and I am here as always to tell you what happened!


It was hard for us to decide where the Deep Horizon and the Chimera of Dread should go for the week. We really weren’t sure if both guilds were going to be able to place on the board. But… We said “screw it” and tried it out!


The Argonauts ended up going for Alderaan, while the Dreadnauts went for Ilum. And both guilds got the 9th place on the board! (We have done better, you may say, but the competition was really rough!)


The week started with groups for warzones. The PvP is growing stronger in the guild and more people are leaving their fears behind to go into Warzone parties!


The groups for flashpoints were the other way to push the conquest (I have say that they are boring sometimes, but nothing can be boring with these guildies!). And hard mode Battle of Ilum was the star.


The planetary run was awesome again! First, we went with the Argonauts to attack the Imperial Base on Ilum, and then we switched (because that’s how we are) and went to invade the Republic base with the Dreadnauts! The Dreadnauts also reduced Xenoanalyst to junk!


Weekly planetary runs are a tradition for us, so always keep up in the events section! Come along and have fun! Also… Do you wanna know more details about what happened on Belsavis the previous week? Don’t miss this awesome story about it, written for one of our awesome guildies!


At the end of the week, it seemed like the Argonauts were going to fall of the board! And we weren’t going to let that happen, so the guild formed up for uprisings and more PvP groups until we ensured our place!


No, no, I am not forgetting the World Eaters! Their work was awesome as always ! (Be you too a world eater, find out how by clicking here).


Our progression group, “No Quarter” seems to finally have got a permanent 8th member! But if you are interested in ops, please tell us here!


To finish... If you are not a Celestial and you want to be one, you are more than welcome! Just fill an application form here.


Until the next week!

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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com



It is a new week and I have more news about the Celestial World to tell to you!


The Argonauts ended up in the 4th place of the board on Balmorra!! (Sorry, I know I usually keep the suspense for a couple of more paragraphs but the hype is real)


So, the decision about what planets go for, was hard as always. But we finally placed the “Deep Horizon” on Balmorra, as I just said, while the “Chimera of Dread” went for Ilum again.


And the Dreadnauts also managed to place on the board, in the 10th place!


The week was full of groups for heroics! (Our guildies like the conquest points but they like the credits as well!)


Also we grouped for some hard mode flashpoints, as The Black Talon (if you can call that “hard"), and Battle of Ilum.


The planetary run was for both sides on Ilum again! (We are getting tired of the ice again). And it was a shame because the commander was there but highly shielded and we couldn’t take it! But it was super fun as always, just for the fact of being hanging all together! (Yes, we love "guildie things!! Keep up on events to join)


We also have been doing operations besides conquest, just for fun. As well as groups for warzones! (Just because we like to smack things… Well, the gear and the command levels too).


The World Eaters in the Argo’s side made crazy ton of points! Legacy Residuum got the first place, while legacy Stormborne got the second, and Crux the third. Traveller achieved the first place in the podium for the Dreadnauts, while Stomborne and Residuum also completed the podium over there. The total payout for World Eaters this week was 1,400,000 credits! (Don’t you want to be a World Eater too? Just click here).


If you are not a Celestial, and you wanna be one, just fill in here!


Until the next week!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello again, Celestials and non-Celestials!


I am back, yes, I am back!


First of all, sorry for my absence the past week. But I am so glad to be here again with some really fresh news about our guilds!


The truth is that the lovely officers (well, some more lovely than others) have been thinking in ways to improve the guilds and to make them better for all our awesome guildies!


Many thanks to all our members for staying with us, for the patience, for their efforts, for everything! We felt that it was time for us to give more to you all!


Those who know us, also know how devote we are to this, and that we have always tried our best to make everyone to have fun and feel comfortable in the Celestial family. But we were just a few officers with a limited time, and sometimes we weren't able to do all what we would have wanted to do with our guildies!


That was the main reason to initiate a restructuring that we hope will allow us to bring so much more fun to our members!


In first place, we wanted to ensure that Argonauts and Dreadnauts receive the attention they deserve, equally. So we have assigned new officers for each side! Lot of our guildies likes to play in both sides, but we also needed to think in those with toons in just one side and in those who clearly have preference for one of them.


So... We have got shiny councillors for each side. Congratulations to them !


Also, congratulations to our PR Officer, who has been promoted to the rank of "Celestial"!


Find more about the new officers system here, and don't miss their Promotion Ceremony!


We have been already working together in some ideas and future events, and I am pleased to announce the first of them: We are going to get those Aratech Mounts for our guildies! (Find out how and when in the events section)


We are looking forward to be able to do so much more activities like these! We know everybody loves the planetary run, but once a week is very little! (Wink, wink) So we are going to do more group content!


Now, even when the guilds didn’t place on the board this week, I am not going to forget our World Eaters! (Even if the guilds don’t place on the board, being a World Eater has awesome benefits just for holding the rank! Check it out here).


And I would like also to formally congratulate the members who have been promoted to the rank of Master/Darth for their awesome work for the guild! (I needed to mention it because they are never going to find out about the promotions in-game if they keep eating worlds like that!!! and if you wanna know how the ranks system works in the guilds, just check here).


Just a few more and really important comments:

  • If you are interested in Operations, please visit this thread so we can bring you in when we are doing them!
  • Since we wanna organize and do so much more events, we would like to know what our guildies would be interested in doing in group, so feel free to leave your suggestion here!


And if you are not a Celestial and you wanna be part, just fill an application form here!


Thank you!!


Until the next week!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello people!


It is Monday again, so it is time for the Celestial news!


This week the hunt of the World Bosses for the Aratech Coral has begun for the Argonauts and already have had its second edition for the Dreadnauts!


And it is so much fun! Snowblind, Gargath and the Primal Destroyer fall like a poisoned mosquito against the Celestial fire! (Will the Nightmare Pilgrim fall the same way? Only one way to know! But we have time before that)


But those bosses aren't the only who did so, because we started to add more World Bosses to the hunt, as a request from our guildies (No, we aren't blood thirsty, we just want to keep the peace in the galaxy and those world bosses are a threat for the peaceful citizens... Well, maybe a bit of both things)


This week, Argonauts and Dreadnauts also headed to Taris and annihilated the Subject Alpha and the Ancient One respectively! What other world boss is gonna suffer this week? Well, that's on you! Show up and make your request, if it is doable we will do it!


And if you weren't able to show up in the first runs, don't worry! You are still on time and we can add runs to let everybody to catch up! (Remember to keep up on events)


We also made our conquest attempt this week, of course! The Deep Horizon was placed on Section X, while the Chimera of Dread went to Oricon.


The Argonauts placed on the 6th place of the board, and sadly the Dreadnauts couldn't make it. Hope it will be better the next week!


Also congratulations and many thanks for the Argonauts World Eaters, they did a great work and got a total reward of 875,000 credits this week! (Be you too a World Eater!! You won't regret it!)


This week, as the previous, was full of ops, and we want to keep it that way for the incoming time! Don't be shy, fill in in the teams! (If you want to do ops, please check here! And also fill this little survey)


We are as well looking forward to have our official Celestial PvP team! Because we usually make warzones teams, but why not go further? (If you like warzones of any kind of PvP please let us know!)


If there is something else that you would like to in-game and we aren't doing it yet, please make your suggestion here!


And if you aren't a Celestial and you want to be one, you are welcome to join here!


Until the next week!


- Sol

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