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Soo where exactly are the old companions and will we get them back eventualy?


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As the title suggests where exactly are the likes of Risha,Nadia,Kira and co? As somebody who has not played the dark vs. light event to the point where one gets Commander Ranos I'd really like to know if we can simply kiss our old companions goodbye or wether there is some sort of plan to bring them back ? Or will the terminal where one could get them back work properly at some point , maybe it's just me it doesn't work for at all since patch? Some info would be appreciated, imho, should they simply remain gone I for one would be sorely disappointed because I've come to expect better from Bioware especialy considering the good work they did with the companions quests during Knight of the fallen Empire.
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I think that Bioware wanted the companions to come back but was unable to bring due to the strike. Many of the voice actors for the characters are on strike right now and have been for months. I think the strike is effecting when the companions CAN be brought back.
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Which raises an interesting question for me. Does anybody know of a list of SWTOR voice actors who are on strike? I can find a list of voice actors for the game, but can't find any related info on most of them, other than a couple of the highest profile actors. Even being on strike may not impact their appearance in the game depending on the contract they have with EA, but I'm just curious.
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