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Star Wars vs the Lantern Corps, who took the idea from who?


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Well as I am a Truck driver out here in the real world, I tend to think a lot while rolling down the miles. And I got to thinking about the colors associated with different classes and ya know, I have to wonder who had the idea first.


Jedi Consulars have green bladed light sabers in game and usually in lore. Green is the color of Willpower and the power of Green Lanterns, and ya know it fits.


Jedi Knights in this game generally have blue sabers. Blue is the power of hope and the Blue Lanterns and yeah Jedi Knights tend to bring hope, so again it fits.


Sith have Red lightsabers. Red is the color of Rage and the color of the Red lanterns.


Anyone else noticing a trend here? So I have to wonder, who took the idea from who.

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I was curious about this topic, so I went hunting. According to the wikipedia article, the first appearance of the character Green Lantern was briefly in 1940-1951, and then revived with Hal Jordan in 1959. However, the colors of the emotional spectrum don't get outlined until at their earliest 2005, and not completely until Green Lantern (4:54) in July 2010. The last film before TFA was Revenge of the Sith, released in May 2005. So, I don't think Lucas was inspired by the emotional spectrum. Lucas was born in 1944 so he might have read comics where Green Lantern was featured though. Flash Gordon, which he admitted was an influence, was broadcasted in 1954-5, and The Hidden Fortress, also an inspiration, was in 1958, when he would have been 14. If you believe wikipedia, that is.
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The Green Lantern Corps was a blatant contemporary ripoff of the Lensmen , even though the original authors claim they didn't read the books (that the original novel of can been seen on a bookshelf behind them in a series of pictures from 1950) and had no idea that their Corps matched the Lensmen Corps.
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From what I remember (it's been many years though) the reason a green light saber was even created was because of technical difficulties of shooting a particular scene. In Return of the Jedi, when Luke was fighting Vader, there was an issue where his blue lightsaber blended into the background a bit to much. As such they decided that the easiest fix was to give him a different color light saber, and thus a green light saber was born.


A similar thing happened with Mega Man (from the Nes days). Originally the creator wanted him to be red, but technical limitations (don't remember the specifics now) prevented that from happening, and hence they were forced to make him blue.

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From what I remember (it's been many years though) the reason a green light saber was even created was because of technical difficulties of shooting a particular scene. In Return of the Jedi, when Luke was fighting Vader, there was an issue where his blue lightsaber blended into the background a bit to much. As such they decided that the easiest fix was to give him a different color light saber, and thus a green light saber was born.


A similar thing happened with Mega Man (from the Nes days). Originally the creator wanted him to be red, but technical limitations (don't remember the specifics now) prevented that from happening, and hence they were forced to make him blue.


Yes, I believe that they had troubles shooting Tatooine scenes. It makes perfect sense seeing how blue the sky is in those scenes. Hence I wouldn't read that much into it.


Plus, the Lantern Corps always reminded me of Jung if anything. Maybe New Age too. Jedi are more traditional imo.

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