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Returning Player, Class Choice


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I played this game with my fiance around the time of the Hutt Cartel release. We just fixed up our tower and got a second PC and we want to come back.


She's already dead set on a Sorceress for our duo, but I'm not sure what I should pick up. I tend to struggle with action bars and keybinds so these games come as a challange to me.


I love the story and the way questing I'd done so I want to stick with it. I want to have two characters right now. One for our duo and one for solo play. I've been given a nudge to play a Sith by her, as well as a tank, but I don't know how well I could play a Juggernaut.


As for the other character, that's up in the air, but Force users are cool in my book. In terms of past experience I've played similar games, but not as a tank. Most recent was an Arms Warrior. If I could get a class or two that plays straightforward like that I would be a very happy man.

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I played this game with my fiance around the time of the Hutt Cartel release. We just fixed up our tower and got a second PC and we want to come back.


She's already dead set on a Sorceress for our duo, but I'm not sure what I should pick up. I tend to struggle with action bars and keybinds so these games come as a challange to me.


I love the story and the way questing I'd done so I want to stick with it. I want to have two characters right now. One for our duo and one for solo play. I've been given a nudge to play a Sith by her, as well as a tank, but I don't know how well I could play a Juggernaut.


As for the other character, that's up in the air, but Force users are cool in my book. In terms of past experience I've played similar games, but not as a tank. Most recent was an Arms Warrior. If I could get a class or two that plays straightforward like that I would be a very happy man.


Frankly sith warrior immortal spec is exactly what you should be looking at. Its going to feel very intuitive to you, its resource managment is very close to arms warrior and the 2 stories of sith war and sith sorc work very well doing together. Its a really good class synergy.


Can I ask what expac you played Arms war? Because if its WOD, i loved arms. The closest thing to the feel of awesumness you get from it is the advanced protype powertech bounty hunter. Its a melee class, you charge in to combat and then the fun begins. You apply your retractable blade to the target (its a dot/debuff, think of it like applying a sunder) then proceed to use 3 abilties all that hit very hard on short cds. If you liked how arms played in the way you apporached the game and how you handles approaching a pack of mobs you will find its the same way with the APT. I think for solo stuff it would be ideal for you.

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Yes, it was WoD, and currently Legion. I like the spec as it has very few abilities, but they connect in a way that feels very satisfying. I also think Execute is my favorite thing in this entire world. Landing that on a big mob is VERY satisfying.


It all came down to a nice 5 button spec and I really liked the way it felt. It just felt good charging in, Colossus Smash, and then unloading. No complicated mechanics, nothing mind blowing, just monitoring Colossus Smash. It got even easier when Rend became a talent, giving me only the Smash to worry about.


It just made sense, and I would like something intuitive here if possible. 4-8 core abilities that I can put together in a meaningful way to make the magic happen. Nothing fancy, I just want it to work.

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Yes, it was WoD, and currently Legion. I like the spec as it has very few abilities, but they connect in a way that feels very satisfying. I also think Execute is my favorite thing in this entire world. Landing that on a big mob is VERY satisfying.


It all came down to a nice 5 button spec and I really liked the way it felt. It just felt good charging in, Colossus Smash, and then unloading. No complicated mechanics, nothing mind blowing, just monitoring Colossus Smash. It got even easier when Rend became a talent, giving me only the Smash to worry about.


It just made sense, and I would like something intuitive here if possible. 4-8 core abilities that I can put together in a meaningful way to make the magic happen. Nothing fancy, I just want it to work.


Yup APT. Your gonna love it. Its exactly what your asking for. it has a charge as a gap closer, its a heavy armour wearer. Your abilties are the retractable blade bleed dot that I mentioned that you apply first as you do more damage to stuff that is bleeding. This dot gets refreshed by rail shot so you only apply it once.


2nd abilty is rail shot. 10 m range hard hitting attack. 12 sec cooldown, but that gets reset by the other 2 moves you do every 6 secs


3rd abilty rocket punch. big hit melee move 8 sec cd. 4th abilty is flame burst (becomes magblast when your in your 30s? its same abilty anyway basically) that you spam.


you charge the mob hit it with retract blade then rail shot >> rocket punch>> resets rail so railshot again. then mag blast it while you wait for rocket punch to come off colldown which will reset yr rail again.


So yeah 4 buttons. plus charge, plus your auto attack for ranged pulling, plus your stun, your out of combat health regeneration and your pretty much good to go all on one bar. Theres more abitlties ofc, but nothing you will need to learn asap.


I strongly reccomend this spec, its simple its easy and most of all its FUN. Its a fav of mine to play. hope that helps.

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I tried reading some guides, mostly Dulfy, and I struggled to make sense of it. The guides didn't make it sound simple, or maybe I'm just thick.


I see a lot of people pointing towards gunnery/arsenal for simplicity, but I'm still looking into that as well. Lighting Sorcerer and immortal Juggernaut are also up there.

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I tried reading some guides, mostly Dulfy, and I struggled to make sense of it. The guides didn't make it sound simple, or maybe I'm just thick.


I see a lot of people pointing towards gunnery/arsenal for simplicity, but I'm still looking into that as well. Lighting Sorcerer and immortal Juggernaut are also up there.


erm well your leveling right? APT is the simplest spec in the game to level with. don't worry about the dulfy end game guides. Trust me they WILL make sense when you eventually get up there and your familiar with the class. For now though just do this ok?


button 1 is jet charge. you can right click a mob and it ought to leap you to it if its not on cooldown. left click to target :p

button 2 is retractable blade. think of this like yr warriors rend. apply it to your target

3 is rail shot. This is your main attack. hit it when its available. sometimes its cd will be reset. you will see it light up on yr action bar so just press it then


button 4 is rocket punch. think like mortal strike. you hit this next.


button 5 is magnetic blast. This is called flame burst at first the name changes when you go up a few levels. this is your filler attack


button 6 is your rapid shots/autofire/basic attack thingy. use this to shoot at ranged mobs.

button 7 is your stun 4 secs nice to use on elites. also good if you try your hand at pvp

button 8 make this death from above. this is your big aoe move. It will be on a 45 sec cd and its really cool! does alot of damage too.


button 9 make your mount. its nice to have a speeder hot keyed. = will be your health regen. leaves 0 and - for anything else you want to put there like class buff and quick travel (hint hint).


Thats EVERYTHING you need on one action bar. That will get you to 65 without issues.


Again basic rotation is apply retract blade shoot them with rail shot then rocket punch them. That resets rail shot so use it again. use mag blast and autoshot as fillers while waiting for the next rocket punch. use death from above to aoe things.

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I tried reading some guides, mostly Dulfy, and I struggled to make sense of it. The guides didn't make it sound simple, or maybe I'm just thick.


I see a lot of people pointing towards gunnery/arsenal for simplicity, but I'm still looking into that as well. Lighting Sorcerer and immortal Juggernaut are also up there.


On the subject of immortal>>> yes play this with your partners sorc. it will go really welll.

Lighting Sorcerer will work well for sure. Your seeing the sorc storyline with your partner though right? I would suggest a different class so you can enjoy more story. Honesly the reason to play this game is the amazing stories. You will hopefully see all 8 eventually. They are really cool.


Try making a teleketic sage if you want to go this route. its the same thing as a lighting sorc, just jedi consular storyline


Gunnery trooper is good as well. Its very similar to playing a wow hunter. I enjoy it alot. You said you were an arms warrior though, thus why I was steering you towards the tactics vanguard/advanced protype powertech. Have you played a BM hunter in wow? or the old style survival hunters from cata/mop? did you like them?


The other thing I would point you towards for sheer power while leveling that would fit your play style would be the rage jug/focus gaurdian. Its the warrior burst spec and for leveling its shockingly overpowered. Its a bit more involved then the apt, but not hard. If you chose to level a jedi knight you could try it as this dps spec while leveling the tank spec jug with your partner. This also would be a great option.


Again I'm trying to toss you some ideas from what you have described yourself enjoying in wow as well as simplicity, combined with my experience of having leveled all the class and specs in the game. I hope its helpful to you and please do ask if you have any more questions.

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I want to have two characters right now. One for our duo and one for solo play. I've been given a nudge to play a Sith by her, as well as a tank, but I don't know how well I could play a Juggernaut. .

A Sith Warrior would be a good choice - there's not much need to worry about being a "tank" though. Throughout most of the game, tanks aren't really needed, unless you want to 'train' as a tank for later endgame stuff. Otherwise, just use a companion as a tank, if you feel the need. In fact, I'd recommend you do a Marauder rather than a Jug-a-snot.


There's also not much need to worry about 'rotation' either. In the early stages, you don't have enough skills to actually worry about a rotation, and basically, again, until the endgame, your rotation (and therefore, max DPS) only really makes a small difference in the time it takes to kill stuff (or a small difference in your ability to tank). There's no circumstance within the main game that depends upon you having a max rotation.


For your solo character, I'd suggest a Gunslinger (republic Smuggler).

Edited by JediQuaker
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I've heard Marauder/sentinel is one of the hardest classes is the game, especially in terms of keybinding. Why would you recommend that over the Juggernaut?


It is (one of the hardest). Its also one of the squishest while leveling. With 2 companions set to heal that shouldn't be an issue, but it is a factor if you guys are new to the game. Espec with that advice to set one companion to tank. Its also not fast or bursty dps until you get into your late 30s/40s. it matures alot slower then the jugs.


as for the gunslinger... The republic smuggler line is best played as scoundral so you can slip past mobs. Theres alot of unnessercary mob packs in those missions. Particularly if your leveling solo going gunslinger would be a poor choice to tackle this storyline. It will be alot slower for you. Now factor in your preference for melee classes... It doesn't make sense. If he said its a great story go scoundral that makes sense. If he said try sniper (imp agent version) THAT would make sorta sense, even If I disagreed. Gunslinger? solo? ...


That advice is poor. So poor I think it might be trolling you. I don't know why he would do that though in new player help. Maybe he will come back and clarify his reasons.

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Definitely go with Sith Warrior->Juggernaut for duo playthrough especially if you two plan to do class quest together. Even if juggernaut tanking isn't for you and you want to change later to dps you still have good dps class in your hands. Vengeance rotation can be difficult but you don't have to do max dps rotation to do enough damage even for group content (excluding hard mode and nightmare operations).


I use this very simple rotation and it deals enough damage to enemies even in story mode operations.

There really isn't specific rotation for this. I just go with what I have available. :D

1) Your ultimate goal is to reset cooldown on Ravage with Shatter, this is your highest priority

2) Impale should probably be used after Shatter but I like to delay it if I have Force Scream available to maximize the DoT damage from level 64 passive.

3) Use Vengeful Slam, Vicious Throw and Saber Throw as filler if you don't have anything else.



as for the gunslinger... The republic smuggler line is best played as scoundral so you can slip past mobs. Theres alot of unnessercary mob packs in those missions. Particularly if your leveling solo going gunslinger would be a poor choice to tackle this storyline. It will be alot slower for you. Now factor in your preference for melee classes... It doesn't make sense. If he said its a great story go scoundral that makes sense. If he said try sniper (imp agent version) THAT would make sorta sense, even If I disagreed. Gunslinger? solo?


That doesn't make any sense. Gunslinger and Sniper both are ranged advanced classes without stealth. Only differences are in animations and sounds.


Scoundrel/Operative is maybe a bit more complicated to play than what most people think. Scrapper(Scoundrel) / Concealment(Operative) has one of the most difficult rotations in the game. It's all about generating Upper Hand / Tactical Advantage and then spending it. It's not as easy as it sounds. Also very squishy at low levels.


Powertech (Bounty Hunter) / Vanguard (Trooper) is probably easiest tech based melee advanced class to play.

Hatred Assassin (Sith Inquisitor) / Serenity Shadow (Jedi Consular) doesn't have many core abilities in full rotation but requires quite a bit of paying attention to enemy debuffs (damage over time).


I can tell from experience that leveling a Gunslinger or Sniper instead of Scoundrel or Operative isn't slow. Yes, you have to stop to fight enemies more often but you also kill a lot faster than what Scoundrel or Operative can so it balances out the lack of stealth. Very nice change from melee though if you ever want to stay at range. Requires a bit more skill/thinking than Lightning Sorcerer or Arsenal Mercenary though.


Lightning Sorcerer and Arsenal Mercenary have the easiest "rotations" in the game. It's all about "do I have ability A available? if not, use ability B etc.". If you choose to go Mercenary stay away from Innovative Ordnance until you're ready for the hardest rotation in the game.

Edited by Halinalle
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I've heard Marauder/sentinel is one of the hardest classes is the game, especially in terms of keybinding. Why would you recommend that over the Juggernaut?

You've "heard it", but have you actually "done it"?

You seem to be all wrapped up in that sort of "max DPS - rotation" crap. I've played every class, and most advanced classes (16 characters) in the game. I haven't noticed any particular degree of difficulty for playing through the main game on any of them, except, perhaps for one of the Troopers. (But, I don't play that Trooper enough to worry about it.)

The only time "max dps" seems to actually matter is in HM OPs and ranked PvP. The rest of the time it's relatively unimportant. (as long as you do "good enough". ;) )

Perhaps the OP is also concerned with these "leet" aspects of the game, but he sounds like he's more concerned with playing with his fiance. (Nudge, nudge - wink, wink :) )


Also, for the DvL event, I created two new characters - a Jedi Sentinel and a Sith Marauder - both equipped with dual swords. It was a ton of fun and not difficult to get them to level 65. (I also have an older Jedi Sentinel, a Jedi Guardian, and a Sith Juggasnot.)


For me, personally, the Gunslinger is still my favourite class (I have two of them), but the Sentinel/Marauder is a close second (I have 2 Sentinels and 1 Marauder)

Edited by JediQuaker
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The reason for sniper over gunslinger is because of the missions more then anything else. Same reason why I say go scoundral. Scoundrals aren't hard to play at all while leveling. they do kill slow, but its the difference between killing one elite (sometimes you just sleep dart the elite and pick up the mission item) and having to spend 30-50 secs/pack clearing all the trash in front of the elite. Agent missions typically have 4-6 packs I have seen smuggler missions with 12-14. Thats alot of time killing mobs and spamming supressive fire! Now ok if you do that with a friend it goes faster, but for solo play? ugh. Edited by LadyDarkkitten
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