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Dye module and unify color not working


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I just bought Orange and pale yellow dye module off the gtn put it in my mandalorian clansman armor set chest piece and hit unify colors....didn't work so I bought some more thinking ok maybe its just a bug on the armor that I'll have to get the dye for each piece...noooope. I put them in each piece and only the chest piece is dyed and I have unified colors turned on too. What gives?
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I just bought Orange and pale yellow dye module off the gtn put it in my mandalorian clansman armor set chest piece and hit unify colors....didn't work so I bought some more thinking ok maybe its just a bug on the armor that I'll have to get the dye for each piece...noooope. I put them in each piece and only the chest piece is dyed and I have unified colors turned on too. What gives?


For starters, it would be important to know if you're selecting the "unify color" option at the right place. So let's focus on that first.


In your character sheet you'll have your base armor slots, which are used for the stats and the glorious wonderful outfit slots which I can't get enough off. xD


You can separately unify colors for each individual armor piece or all at once. But I'm sure you've figured that out. The preview should instantly indicate the updates. Do keep in mind that for an outfit, you can only unify the color if you have a piece of gear in the outfit slots. So if you only put the chest in the outfit designer, but no boots. You can't unify the color of the boots.


Now given you mentioned you placed dyes in each piece, it's more then likely a different issue. But it doesn't hurt knowing the above things anyway.


So here's what I think.


Either there is an issue with a very specific armor set. For example, the "Mandalorian Hunter" armor is horrible with dyes as the boots for example maintain their original blue color.


If not, the issue is likely that you applied the unify color on a set that you're not actually using actively in the outfit designer. So after using unify color, check that the preview is updated and that you have the outfit applied.


Hope this helps to figure out what's going on.

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