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Knights of the Fallen Empire


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Who exactly are these "Knights" and which Empire has "Fallen"?


The Sith Empire as the "Fallen Empire" doesn't fit. First, The Sith Empire never had a class of "Knights". And, which "Knights" would it be referring to?

Are we (playable character) and our companions these "Knights"? Well, that might fit only if your playing an Imperial character, but how would that fit if your character was Republic? And, while maybe a SW or SI could possibly pass as a "knight", that description doesn't really fit well with a IA or BH.

There are "Knights" in Zakuul, but that Empire certainly hasn't fallen (not yet anyway). Also, while the Knights of Zakuul do make regular appearances in the story, they are not the focus. So, "Knights of the Fallen Empire" isn't a reference to that.


Us (playable character) and our companions seem to be the best fit, but it doesn't really seem to fit very well.

Am I missing something here?


Or, am I trying to read too much into the title (Knights of the Fallen Empire). Is the title "Knights of the Fallen Empire" kind of like the title of the SNES RPG game "Secret of Mana", where the title is not so much referring to something in the story of the game but rather a device to attract our attention.

Please help fill me in.

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Knights = Zakuulan Knights, the Fallen Empire is the Zakkulan empire, it has Fallen to the Darkside after Valkorian has tried so long to keep it in the light as his pet project.


It's a marketing name intended to grab the attention of old Knights of the Old Republic fans


It's both :eek:

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I don't understand the name either. Initially I thought Zakuul was an old civilization that once rule a vast galactic empire, but collapsed over time (think Rakata) and is now resurgent; its expansionist efforts spearheaded by the Knights of Zakuul.


But, no. That's not the case.


I think it's just a marketing scheme.

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