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SWTOR Yearly Plan: Let's make SWTOR great again!


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Hi. My name is Donard Tlump. I'rr be campaigning fol the lore of Plesident of SWTOL. Today, I'd rike to plesent oul concelns to da deveropels, who seem to consistentry not undelstand what is going on with da game.


*Tulns off Lydalus Lacist Self Deplecating Asian Things*




In all seriousness, I truly believe the developers have zero idea what they are doing, so I'm going to outline what you should've been the case with this game the entire time. This should be a list that Bioware hasn't shown to be capable of right now, but is ultimately realistic.


SWTOR Yearly Plan:


16 Chapters of story, release 8 every 6 months. New level cap every season of KOTFE.


LESS FREQUENT LEVEL CAP RAISES! 1 every 2 years or more. Probably wishful thinking.


1 Operation EVERY 5 MONTHS. You guys need to figure out that correctly spacing content is just as important as creating it. Before you guys did Oricon, the content cadence was fine because we could only farm one instance to death, and new content would be more effective. Stop dropping 10 bosses at the same time. 5 bosses. PACING. Balance hard mode so that the first 3 bosses are easier, 4th and 5th are old nightmare quality.


1 8v8 Warzone, reskins of existing maps and arenas to provide variety and color.


1 GSF Map


12 SMALL BLANKET CLASS BALANCE UPDATES EVERY YEAR. SMALL. TINY. The problem with Bioware's class balance strategy is that you move pieces of the board, instead of the whole board at once. Slowly and gently nudging every piece on the board at once in small ways is the only way to ensure that you don't overnerf and baseball bat specializations. 12 Class Balance updates means you have 4 for each role, DPS, Tanks, and Healers, if a subsection does not need balance, skip it and use that to evaluate and nudge whatever classes remain in what direction you wish them to be. And for the love of god, add expertise modifiers to DPS and Healing Abilities. Madness Sorc dots should hit an order of magnitude less in PvP than they do in PvE, stop shafting one thing for the other. It's annoying as all hell for both ends of the spectrum.


Stop. *********** with. Crafting. Dear god, coordinate your damn developers. If you can't make the expansion date with crafting level increases, save the damn changes for next expansion, because if you do it mid expansion, you piss everyone off.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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I want Operations as much as anyone but every 5 months is unrealistic.


One pair of 5-boss Ops per year a la DF/DP & Rav/ToS would suffice, provided they went back to the 3-tier model.




Meant to type 6 months. One 5 boss op every 6 months vs 2 5 boss ops at once every year is the question. I prefer the former because it means we don't get bored as fast for the same pace of content development. They've shown so far that they can't concurrently develop raids without shooting themselves in the foot. Before DF and DP raids were always released one at a time.

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Hate to tell you, but they are going to delete this thread because you used a 'volatile political name', they did my post from November and I just noticed now they sent me a warning back then and removed it.. ya kiddie land here. Sorry Op :(
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if they pushed out operations content at the pace the OP wants, they'd never be able to do anything else. Honestly I'm kinda glad Bioware is moving away from spending all their resources developing content only 10% of the player base plays.


I've done all the ops in games, I enjoy em, but at the same time, I'd like to see end game redefined.

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if they pushed out operations content at the pace the OP wants, they'd never be able to do anything else. Honestly I'm kinda glad Bioware is moving away from spending all their resources developing content only 10% of the player base plays.


I've done all the ops in games, I enjoy em, but at the same time, I'd like to see end game redefined.


You are the biggest idiot ever in more ways then one, start by reading your own signature for one, then realize what the **** your actually saying.

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