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Make advanced classes available to other classes that use the same weapon type.


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There are probably a million lore reasons why this might not work but I'm throwing it out there...


I basically want to play as an infiltration shadow on my jedi knight (or deception assassin on my warrior) and it got me wondering about opening up the advanced classes to the other faction class that uses the same weapon type (force-users/gun-wielders).


They would have to name them something different and maybe make a couple of different animations but I think it could work if they got creative.


Are Jedi made up of knights and consulars in the established lore? And do only consulars wield saberstaves and have the ability to cloak?


I'm actually asking.


I'm also wondering how this could work with all classes. Could a bounty hunter ever be a scoundrel (wrong faction but obviously he couldn't be an operative)?


If you are wondering why I even want this instead of just rolling the class with the AC that appeals to me, it's because I love the Knight/Warrior stories and both the voice actors but BY FAR my favourite plays style is shadow/assassin. And while I enjoyed the time I spent levelling these classes, I have to say that I'm not really a fan of Nolan North's consular voice, which is kind of trans-atlantic-golden-age-of-cinema-movie-star, and Euan Morton's inquisitor is a bit creepy and nerdy for my hero. I also love that even in later content that isn't really class specific, my knight will always be the one who defeated the Emperor (the first time anyway).


As it stands I'm left with playing combat sentinel/carnage marauder which I enjoy but not as much and everyone else seems to hate you for playing those ACs in end-game.


Ideas welcome :cool:

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I think it would be a great idea to give the advanced class Vanguard to the Imperial Agent so that he can use his gun in more ways than with the Lethality discipline of the operative (so that you can play the agent more like a soldier).
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They cant even balance the classes they -already- have, lets not add even more for them to bork up into the mix...


They wouldn't really be *new* ACs, just the old ones with a fresh coat of paint. Not that I'm against adding new ACs; I think it would be great.


I think it would be a great idea to give the advanced class Vanguard to the Imperial Agent so that he can use his gun in more ways than with the Lethality discipline of the operative (so that you can play the agent more like a soldier).


Yeah I'm no expert but I imagine that when it comes to combat, not every spy lurks in the shadows with a knife or takes head shots from miles away. I imagine that sometimes, they just want to run and gun and shoot the bad guy in the face.

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I want to see Snipers with Assault cannons. WHY NOT? ARIC JORGAN did it! (once upon a time).


I want to see Troopers wield light sabers. WHY NOT? General Grievous "did it" (though not as well as Obi Wan did -- because Grievous was never a real jedi or sith). And he was basically nothing more than a Droid (trooper, because droids cannot do really anything else other than brute force and tech attacks)


I want to see Smugglers use FORCE WHIPS like Indiana Jones. WHY NOT? Maybe they don't need Force Sensitivity to just sling a long cord of force energy around -- did Indiana Jones need "magic powers" to swing his whip around? NO. He just needed some MARTIAL ARTS training (any melee weapon requires some kind of martial art). it's called SKILL. And anyone can learn SKILL. You don't need "force sensitivity" to be TRAINED in a weapon. Force sensitivity just makes it somehow "better"....


I want to see Sorcerers and Sages do more force powers, seeing as they barely ever use their lightsabers anyway.


I BASICALLY want FULL D&D 3.5 + PATHFINDER with Star Wars Flavor :D

(i could go on and on and on here for days but i know Devs won't listen to me).

Edited by lightningseven
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