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Maelstrom HM FP

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So, trying some flash points today, since solo mode won't help me with my personal achievement in conquest. This one in particular, OP at 65. Lord Vanithrast spikes people, including the tank first now for nearly 200k damage. Certainly taunt helps, but one missed taunt and game over, especially on the tank (who has to taunt himself off now?) or healer. Grand Moff, dear lord. This guy, as we all know, if you can't get near him fast enough, he enrages and starts hitting really hard. Well, forget hard, he one shots everyone for nearly 200k as well. But that isn't the fun part. The fun part is, because you can't pre-run down there (you get kicked back to the entrance of that area), you might not make it AND if you do, because it's scaled to 65 half your people are dead for more fun from the adds that that are hitting like trucks. Tried pulling them to the side and beating them down, MANY TIMEs. Then sneaking up to the boss. The tank prepped and was able to get next to him, but oops. His enrage mode doesn't drop right away, double oops, everyone needs to get close to him. So he starts sniping and gets 2-3 dead before it drops. Alternatively, keeping the tank near him, gets the tank knocked back, he enrages again and 1 shots everyone. Force run only does so much. Then once you do manage to get in range RIGHT as he turns all red and nasty, it doesn't go off right away again, so he one shots the tank, healers, dps and everything else you have while he can't be damaged. Did this on Hard and Tactical mode.


Can we get an option to turn off auto leveling these up, most of us got to 60 and now 65 to make these things easier. Certainly level synching has its perks, but jeesh, gives us the option to use it or not please and thank you. The end result is, in order to do my "personal" goal now, I have to group up with others, which btw, have to deal with stuff like this and oh yea, the nearly 200,000 in repair bills (I know it isn't much, but its irritating) after almost 20 failed attempts because we can't get to him in time, or people getting spiked to death by the other guy in 1 hit.....

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