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How hard would of it been to make starfighter like Tie fighter the game from early 90's? This starfighter game is crap! Tiefighter was a story driven game. Come on Man!!!!


Short Answer

Easy: here you go it was already made.


Long Answer

Tie Fighter was made as a stand alone game, not as a part of a larger and more important project (SWTOR). It was made by the developers that wanted to make Tie Fighter the way it was made, targeting a specific audience. From the beginning it was a space combat sim that aimed at people who like space sims and who had hardware required for it. Would you like to guess what the game delivered? OMG! It delivered space sim experience to people who wanted a space sim experience and had hardware to play that game to the fullest.


GSF was made as a mini-game in SWTOR which is a story driven MMO where MMO players use mouse and keyboard to navigate through the game and may not have specialized hardware for space sims (furthermore such hardware would not be useful in any other aspect of the SWTOR). From the very start it was aimed to be a 3rd person space shooter (=/= sim). It was intended to be another form of PvP available to every player from level 1.


Just so you can understand better I'll use your own logic to describe Tie Fighter:

How hard would of it been to make Tie Fighter like Counter-Strike the game from <...> 's? This Tie Fighter game is crap! Counter-Strike was a pure action game. Come on Man!!!!


Do you get it now Drackkor?

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Thanks for response I understand that it was made for that time and a stand alone game. But what a perfect blueprint they could use to make Starfighter into a game that people would love to play.


Again, as a stand alone game - maybe, since you can choose the right engine and cater the game to the audience that wants it. As a part of a larger MMO - no!


It's a bad decision to force existing player base to invest in hardware (joystick, hotas, etc) that is not a requirement for the main game. It's like making a new operation where in order to advance from boss to boss you need to deal puzzles that require a touch screen to solve.

Edited by WiseStranger
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Thanks for response I understand that it was made for that time and a stand alone game. But what a perfect blueprint they could use to make Starfighter into a game that people would love to play.


GSF is a game that people love to play. I'll point this out- how long did you really play TIE Fighter for each day, and for how long? If you were a superfan, you could have gotten a lot of play out of it, but is that a typical player? GSF, by being PvP, is endless content, and it's been running for a couple years now. TIE Fighter had a large amount of content, but did it deliver years of fun? How about your other friends who play games, were they all as into it as you were?



And remember that coming up with pve content would of course be the biggest deal- but also the most expensive.




So to answer your question- it would have been vastly out of scope and really really hard to make TIE Fighter in SWTOR, and it would have been a very narrow interest band. GSF doesn't have a huge interest band either, because most players (of games in general) can't handle three dimensional combat even slightly (and are notoriously pricly about that and would like to deny it), which is why so many games only offer fake 3D where you can't get lost or get outplayed. But the difference is that GSF offers a huge variety in each game, because so much of the game is brought by the enemies- and that's a fraction of the development time that it would have taken to make a story mode that doesn't reward mastery or team play.

Edited by Verain
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TIE FIghter was also a stick-and-throttle game. It had several pages of keybindings, too: power (still here), the threat display, more targeting keys, wingman/fleet commands, and damage control. Putting a minigame which requires a joystick into a keyboard-and-mouse game... yeah.


I honestly don't think the console crowd would be able to handle it.


Rogue Squadron 3D was a serious shift in game mechanics, away from the sim and toward the arcade, so the N64 would be able to handle it. Free-flight three-space was gone. Power management was gone. The targeting computer was pretty much gone. Damage control was reduced from health+systems to health.

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I guess for this MMO audience this game will satisfy Old Republic gamers. I personally though would just go play some other flight combat game from WWII era to a jet fighter. I didn't know Star Fighter was enjoyed by so many. I would have thought it wouldn't be appreciated but I am wrong.
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With a tiny bit of an additional investment, I think It would have been pretty easy to create some kind of a campaign around GSF; Few dozen rotating missions tied together by story, cutscenes and talking heads. Objectives like win each map few times, play 50 games, defend a satelite. This quest structure could have been then used to replace the daily/weekly quests.


If GSF had gotten 1 million from budget of the daddy issue cinematic, things like this would ave been a cakewalk. Of course, ultimately, this would be little besides fluff and cake-icing. Just that fluff is one of the things GSF could have really used.



From the above, BW would have needed only few more short steps til reaching a place where they could claim " Pilot" is a new class. /cloudcastles.

Edited by Stradlin
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Wouldn't want a pilot class- other than that, the rest of your post is spot on. They could absolutely have added a bit of quest resources to the GSF stuff, especially with different objectives instead of just "play 2X / win X" daily and weekly quests that are handed to you by a low resolution gray box, with a quest voice acting of Shcsttthhh-shhhhhh.
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Funny thread.


TIE fighter was an amazing game and it didn't require a joystick to play.


GSF is a joke of an imbalanced mini game and wont ever be in the same sentence as TIE fighter.


BW doesn't care about gameplay or balance in GSF which is one of the major reasons it sucks so badly and has so few people playing it. They realized years ago that GSF was a major failure so they stopped bothering with it all together.

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