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Possible idea: Wait two weeks before suggesting changes.


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I have an idea, an idea that might (As in "probably won't") help lower the amount of "NERF X BUFF Y" threats that will for certain start popping up after 4.0.


Why would anyone want to do this?


It is my understanding that none of us here on the forums know for certain exactly how the 4.0 changes will change up PvP. We can (and will) guess, but it is just guesses, not certainties.


So instead of imminently suggesting changes, I propose we give ourselves around two weeks after the expansion drops to get toons to level 65, and to get a basic feel for the new changes before suggesting anything.


Disclaimer: No, I usually don't play FOTM. My mains are Engineering Sniper and Healing Operative, so no I'm not proposing this to try to get two extra weeks of FOTMness out of my sorc. ;)

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That is a perfectly rational idea, HOW DARE YOU SIR!!!! How dare you suggest people wait and see, instead of flying off the handle!!!! Everyone knows that only the class I play should be buffed, and all other classes are for bads so they should be nerfed into the ground so they can L2P.

may that be a lesson to you, and never use logic here again

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