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Ideas for making ranked a little better.


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Cool down if you miss or leave a ranked warzone

  • 5 minutes first time
  • each additional time 10 minutes (you miss queue/leave 3 times you wait 25 minutes to queue again)
  • 10 minute reduction in queue time every 60 minutes
  • 10 minute reduction for every completed queue.
  • After 10 leaves with out complete reset completely suspended from rank queue until you talk to CS to resolve.


This way if you miss one to change the kids pants.. when you get back you can probably queue again. It sucks but it happens.

If you are trolling you are limited in how bad you can troll.


Gear check

  • must have xxx expertise and remove bolster from ranked warzones OR...
  • set each class to certain flat specs not based on gear so every player has set stats regardless of gear this way everyone can play ranked regardless of gear.


Peer Warning system: like a vote kick but not actual kicking. If there is a 'troll' or griefer other players right click them and select 'Warn Player' once that player gets so many warnings from unique players. Rank queue is disable for the user for a certain amount of time or until CS resets it. Tiered punishment up to being banned from queue for the season for the worst offenders.. i'm sure that may happen VERY little.


Cross server queues - similar to other MMOs. server groups 2 or three servers as one battle group. Gets more people available for matchmaking that could help with matchmaking issues? (below)


Other things I don't have a fix for:

  • Players doing 10 matches and quitting after they get a high rank get better rewards than people who win 80 matches but have a lower rank. (maybe extreme but i'm sure it happens)
  • Loosing rank when out numbered. 4v3 matches.. the team who is down a player should not lose rank when on a loss, if so maybe 1 but not 5. Or give the team with 3 the option to reset and wait for another?
  • Stupid matchmaking, 7 assassins in a match, bull crap. maybe its because lack of people in the queue?


These are just some general proposals that i'm sure probably have been posted somewhere sometime. Just reinforcing something like these could help.

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