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Hey guys lets try and grow the ranked pvp community.


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Hey guys lets try and get people exited about queuing Team ranked 4s. Im am going to link videos of ranked 4s matches and I request other people to use this link to do the same. Maybe if we can get more people watching these vids and looking at strats people wont be so hesitant to joins the team ranked que. I know there is no cross server ques, but there is no lack of people pvping on my server. Lets get them making teaming. BTW in these vids im playing a carnage mara not exactly the most op class ever. Que up people :)


* https://www.youtube.com/user/0catlikethief0/videos

* http://www.twitch.tv/catlikethief10/









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Hey guys lets try and get people exited about queuing ranked 4s. Im am going to link videos of ranked 4s matches and I request other people to use this link to do the same. Maybe if we can get more people watching these vids and looking at strats people wont be so hesitant to joins the team ranked que. I know there is no cross server ques, but there is no lack of people pvping on my server. Lets get them making teaming. BTW in these vids im playing a carnage mara not exactly the most op class ever. Que up people :)


* https://www.youtube.com/user/0catlikethief0/videos

* http://www.twitch.tv/catlikethief10/










It's nice to see optimistic posts like this one. We need more positive threads!

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I really admire you playing carnage marauder despite their.. awfulness right now..


Question, do you solo queue at all? If so, how do you deal with the pub 4-man premades always getting paired together? It's been really frustrating for me as someone trying to get into ranked on PoT5.

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I really admire you playing carnage marauder despite their.. awfulness right now..


Question, do you solo queue at all? If so, how do you deal with the pub 4-man premades always getting paired together? It's been really frustrating for me as someone trying to get into ranked on PoT5.


Yes I do solo ques on my mara. its terrible going against 4 man premades. Yes its terrible playing a mara in solos lol

sometimes you get lucky though lol.

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To be honest, i don't even see the point to go ranked anymore.


The best team seems to be 4 hatred assassins or 3 hatred 1 healer. No strat. No mind game. No tank required. Just farming pretty much like solo Q.


But maybe the casual atmosphere will encourage people to go ranked. so good luck.

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Hey guys lets try and get people exited about queuing Team ranked 4s. Im am going to link videos of ranked 4s matches and I request other people to use this link to do the same. Maybe if we can get more people watching these vids and looking at strats people wont be so hesitant to joins the team ranked que. I know there is no cross server ques, but there is no lack of people pvping on my server. Lets get them making teaming. BTW in these vids im playing a carnage mara not exactly the most op class ever. Que up people :)


* https://www.youtube.com/user/0catlikethief0/videos

* http://www.twitch.tv/catlikethief10/










Great idea in theory but after watching your vids the classes participating were pretty much the same ones each time. Yeah, you got the occasional healer merc, guardian, or sniper but for the most part though the teams consisted of sages/sorc, pt/vgs, and shadow/sins.


You're not going to see more people playing in ranked until the classes are relatively on par with one another in their designated roles. Right now that doesn't exist, every one knows it doesn't exist, and so they aren't going to queue up for it. They're just going to play their favorite toon in regs.


I'm fairly certain that this season is going to have the smallest amount of participation. Granted, that's not saying much since every season the number of people keeps getting smaller. But I think this year you will see a drop off that is larger than normal.

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To be honest, i don't even see the point to go ranked anymore.


The best team seems to be 4 hatred assassins or 3 hatred 1 healer. No strat. No mind game. No tank required. Just farming pretty much like solo Q.


But maybe the casual atmosphere will encourage people to go ranked. so good luck.


Sounds like the same excuses people always make. I heard the same excuses in season 1 with smash.

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Isnt the point of ranked 4s having the best comp to win? I really dont understand the whole "every ranked team runs FOTM." What do you expect competitive players to do? If you want to play casually thats all well and good but you cant whine about successful people doing what needs to be done to maintain that success.


Some classes fit better in certain compositions while others dont. Double sniper works for some against double hatred sin teams. Good ranked players play the toons that give them success its kinda he whole point of being "elite" end game PVPers.


We want you to que so there is variety. If you dont you dont it doesnt make the que less active because you dont, but understand that players will be playing the classes with the most success. Double sniper has ben really good. It counters my shadow very well but I dont blame the players for using what they've found to work.

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Anyone who thinks there isn't a problem with Madness sins right now is either trolling or playing one. The top teams in preseason are all running double madness. I transferred from Harb to Pot5 a week ago, and the last day I was on Harb, Tauntons was running two different double hatred teams. When the best players are exploiting the best classes, it forces other people to do the same or just get destroyed.


The OP plays on Pot5, and there are FAR less sins/sorcs in solo than on Harbinger, where they probably make up 75% of the solo que population.

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Isnt the point of ranked 4s having the best comp to win? I really dont understand the whole "every ranked team runs FOTM." What do you expect competitive players to do? If you want to play casually thats all well and good but you cant whine about successful people doing what needs to be done to maintain that success.


Some classes fit better in certain compositions while others dont. Double sniper works for some against double hatred sin teams. Good ranked players play the toons that give them success its kinda he whole point of being "elite" end game PVPers.


We want you to que so there is variety. If you dont you dont it doesnt make the que less active because you dont, but understand that players will be playing the classes with the most success. Double sniper has ben really good. It counters my shadow very well but I dont blame the players for using what they've found to work.


You are right about players wanting to win, you can't blame them. But when one class is the answer to ALL comps, it's a problem. It's Biowares problem, and I'm guessing they will address it soon.

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Anyone who thinks there isn't a problem with Madness sins right now is either trolling or playing one. The top teams in preseason are all running double madness. I transferred from Harb to Pot5 a week ago, and the last day I was on Harb, Tauntons was running two different double hatred teams. When the best players are exploiting the best classes, it forces other people to do the same or just get destroyed.


The OP plays on Pot5, and there are FAR less sins/sorcs in solo than on Harbinger, where they probably make up 75% of the solo que population.


Both of those tauntaun teams lost to the double MM sniper Sin tank Sorc healer comp. POT5 is POT5 lots left due to dead ques. Much less variety now.


Isnt the point of ranked to either outplay or outclass the other players? If you cant outplay them, outclass them. If you cant outclass them, roll an alt.


Think about this honestly. How many people have leveled sins recently? Even after the update? Now each one most likely uses xp boosts and the such. Each xp boost is Cartel Coins which is money in BW's pocket.


They want you to level other toons lol. Its more money for them.


So much is overlooked by PVPers its insane.

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You are right about players wanting to win, you can't blame them. But when one class is the answer to ALL comps, it's a problem. It's Biowares problem, and I'm guessing they will address it soon.


I'm guessing they won't address it soon. There's no evidence that they even acknowledge that assassins are too strong in PvP at the moment, and no indication of how they would fix them (there are patch notes on the PTS about marauders and BH, for example).


The damage is dealt and ranked sucks at the moment. If we have to endure a few months of this, many people will lose interest.

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You are right about players wanting to win, you can't blame them. But when one class is the answer to ALL comps, it's a problem. It's Biowares problem, and I'm guessing they will address it soon.


I think with the success of double MM comp beating sins, BW might just leave sins as is.


Not saying they will but it is a possibility. IDC if they made me single target on my shadow id still have fun its smooth. It feels like pre 3.0 when globals were few and far between.


Either way if you want to do ranked have some ALTs. It will make things easier. The game doesnt cater to you. It caters to all players and classes so get 1 of each.


Really noone should whine about having to roll alts. Its another buff more toons to craft gather and do dailies with. You have a variety of toons to play instead of 1. IT TAKES 3.5 DAYS OF TIME PLAYED TO GET FROM 1-60.


*ps: You also get to know the classes you are facing.

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Either way if you want to do ranked have some ALTs. It will make things easier. The game doesnt cater to you. It caters to all players and classes so get 1 of each.


No, it does not cater to all players and all classes. If it did, you most certainly would see more variety in ranked.


Some people that want to participate in ranked don't have the time to reroll and gear up a new FOTM class. Others simply do not have the inclination to do so. They want to be able to participate with their favored class and not have that class be considered a detriment, real or imaginary, to whatever team that they are on simply because that class is considered under powered.


As I posted earlier, each season has fewer and fewer players participating in it. That is simply a fact.


BW's model of FOTM classes is actually harming the ranked scene far more than it is helping it.


If people want more players to participate and actually have ranked PvP thrive then all classes and their issues are going to need to be addressed. Yes, in some cases this might call for a nerf and in other cases a buff. I'm willing to bet that most people knew what classes where going to be FOTM just by looking at the 3.0 class changes.


If the players can tell just by reading what classes are going to fit in that category then the Devs most certainly did. If they didn't then they are terrible developers and don't know their own game.


In either case, the state of ranked PvP falls on them and it also falls to them to fix it. If they don't those participating in it will keep leaving and no amount of FOTM rerolling will bring them back.

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No, it does not cater to all players and all classes. If it did, you most certainly would see more variety in ranked.


Some people that want to participate in ranked don't have the time to reroll and gear up a new FOTM class. Others simply do not have the inclination to do so. They want to be able to participate with their favored class and not have that class be considered a detriment, real or imaginary, to whatever team that they are on simply because that class is considered under powered.


As I posted earlier, each season has fewer and fewer players participating in it. That is simply a fact.


BW's model of FOTM classes is actually harming the ranked scene far more than it is helping it.


If people want more players to participate and actually have ranked PvP thrive then all classes and their issues are going to need to be addressed. Yes, in some cases this might call for a nerf and in other cases a buff. I'm willing to bet that most people knew what classes where going to be FOTM just by looking at the 3.0 class changes.


If the players can tell just by reading what classes are going to fit in that category then the Devs most certainly did. If they didn't then they are terrible developers and don't know their own game.


In either case, the state of ranked PvP falls on them and it also falls to them to fix it. If they don't those participating in it will keep leaving and no amount of FOTM rerolling will bring them back.


Isnt that what regs are for? Arent there reg arenas? If they arent inclined to gear a new alt when its powerful. And game has catered to most classes so far. Operatives had their time then jugg, mara PT til nerf, snipers, sorcs and sins. Mercs are strong in PVE but maybe their time is coming.


Seems like catering to me.


How could players know from the patch notes? Players still think snipers are garbage and sins cant be beat lol. People assumed strong classes would at least remain strong if not stronger. Its kind of an easy correlation to make. The ranked community gets smaller because people dont like working to win. Losing isnt fun but most teams dont have 4 players that are willing to work for the win.


Its funny that the top teams remain top teams even when FOTM changes. Its most likely because they do what they need to to win. Players want to be viable and a "top" team and win do the exact same thing. Figure out a counter. Its not all class balancing, its more general player laziness and stubbornness. If players truly wanted to be successful in ranked (like the top teams do) they would do what needs to be done instead of whining about a class being OP or UP.


They spend the time on the game getting better instead of complaining about it on the forums. For those who have asked, this is how they figure it out so fast.

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Im still here even though the game isnt that great and lags a ton. My favorite server is the only one that goes down. I put the time in to level and learn my toons to be successful. If something better comes BW can see its last penny from me.


At this stage complaining is useless. Its how this game is and will be remembered as when its gone. Terrible customer service since launch, horrific lengths of time to fix simple bugs. ( i fell through elevators for 2 months leveling my first toon, floors bugged out and killed you.) Yet Im still here because nothing else interests me.


There is no salvaging this game. There hasnt been hope for improvement since BW laid off a ton of people. Reroll or accept unviability until its your classes turn for FOTM. Do whats fun. Dont get worked up. You never know Sin or PT or even Sorc may be your absolute favorite class after leveling. You might have the most fun. At the end of the day thats what is important. I play PT because the ability animations are the coolest in the game to me. And my shadow has the best outfit to match a stealth class and i enjoy it. I spent a ton of time and credits to make my stronghold awesome and others think SH is the dumbest update since GSF.


Or spend 30 million dollars to institute real change.

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Isnt that what regs are for? Arent there reg arenas? If they arent inclined to gear a new alt when its powerful. And game has catered to most classes so far. Operatives had their time then jugg, mara PT til nerf, snipers, sorcs and sins. Mercs are strong in PVE but maybe their time is coming.


Seems like catering to me.


It all depends on why those changes were made. Was it done because the Devs didn't realize that in the application of buffs they were making them a FOTM, was it done in an attempt to get the hamster wheel moving again and have people reroll a different class, or was it done because people asked for certain classes to be buffed to the point where they become FOTM?


The first is incompetence/indifference, the second is the most likely, and the third is the only choice that is actually catering.

How could players know from the patch notes? Players still think snipers are garbage and sins cant be beat lol. People assumed strong classes would at least remain strong if not stronger. Its kind of an easy correlation to make. The ranked community gets smaller because people dont like working to win. Losing isnt fun but most teams dont have 4 players that are willing to work for the win.


Weeks before 3.0 went live you could read up on the class changes and with the discipline calculators you could plan out your build(s) well in advance of actually seeing them in game. With AP PTs you could see that they were going to get a Rail Shot proc every 6 seconds and people planned accordingly. People could see that assassins were getting 12 seconds of immunity, along with buffs to DoTs as well as the fact that the DoT became uncleansible.


These are just a couple of examples but they are by no means the only ones. People knew well beforehand which classes where going to be the new FOTM. If players didn't then they didn't read up on what BW was doing to the classes.


Its funny that the top teams remain top teams even when FOTM changes. Its most likely because they do what they need to to win. Players want to be viable and a "top" team and win do the exact same thing. Figure out a counter. Its not all class balancing, its more general player laziness and stubbornness. If players truly wanted to be successful in ranked (like the top teams do) they would do what needs to be done instead of whining about a class being OP or UP.


They spend the time on the game getting better instead of complaining about it on the forums. For those who have asked, this is how they figure it out so fast.


The whole point is players should not have to rely on whatever the new FOTM is and reroll that in order to be viable in ranked PvP.


Also a lot of the people that could challenge, or beat, the top teams have moved on simply because they got tired of the indifference that BW has shown to their PvP community.

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