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[Chat Suggestion] : Temporary /ignore per session for Reported Spammers


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I appreciate that any spam solution implemented by Bioware creates an escalation war of "Spammer Tactics" -vs- "Spam Solution". Implement a filter that filters specific phrases (like "1000k=8USD") and the spammers will start misspelling and using reserved characters to bypass the filters. And so on and so forth the escalation continues.


I also realise that some spam comes from accounts that have been hacked and that once one character name has served it's annoying purpose, a new character is created to start the whole thing again. In games where character deletion/creating is gated multiple accounts are used. No "clever solution" is ever clever enough to remain effective forever in the face of imaginative spammers with everything to gain and almost nothing to lose.


So I'd like to request a simple quality of life solution to make things a little less frustrating for players.


When a player reports a message / mail as spam - the offending character is put on a temporary /ignore list for the reporting player until that player logs out.


In that way, at least we as customers don't get whisper after whisper, minute after minute from the same player name offering the same deal. ofc, We could also /ignore the player after reporting the spam. But I think you can see already on the forums that that solution is more of an inconvenience to the players than it is the spammers.


I would hope this might increase the number of players reporting spam (since there is a tangible benefit now).

It would hopefully provide some relief to those players who's ignore lists are already full.

It would helpfully help those customers returning to the game to find they've been hacked and are on half the server's ignore lists.


It's not perfect. Players frequently relog onto alts. Spammers vary characters and approaches. Plus this solution would require technology not currently written into the game's infrastructure (per session ignore lists).

Plus lets face it, there are already a million and one quality of life suggestions of equal (and better) quality that are vying for developer time (and money). But don't ask... don't get. Mostly don't get.


Personally, I think I'm wasting my time requesting it. The game has long time been in a "if it doesn't generate revenue - it doesn't get done" mode. But it's Christmas - so my expectation needle popped slightly above "pointless" for a few minutes and the vain hope that enough quality of live improvements would mean increased respect from the community, which in turn could lead to more word of mouth referrals and ultimately more revenue for Bioware. Sadly this is a long term, ethereal solution that requires optimism. Oh the days of optimism, how I miss you.


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Edited by Woetoo
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