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<The Shadow Knights> - Republic PVE/PVP Guild Recruiting!


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The Shadow Knights

Server: Jung Ma

Prime-time: 7-11pm EST

Website: skclan.net

VOIP: Mumble




Power is an illusion, there is only Knowledge.

Through knowledge, I may pass judgement.

Through my judgment, I act with honor.

Through honor, victories I shall gain.

Through my acts, the Shadow Knights will reign.


About Us:


Born in the fires of combat in 1998 under the banner of "The Shadow Knights", SK has transformed over the years into a mature, multi-gaming community that emphasizes fun over all. Our members are not bound by game or platform, they simply enjoy playing games either with a casual, competitive or tactical focus. The community members and leaders regularly take it upon themselves to organize events, raids, PVP, or community-wide gatherings.


Our Members:


We welcome all classes, roles, and levels of experience. Is SWTOR your first MMO? No problem! Have you been around the block with WoW/LOTRO/etc? We value your experience running with different types of game-play! Most of us have multiple level 55-60 toons, so we can help turn your character into a finely-honed machine.


Our members are also encouraged to do what needs to be done in real life. Most of us have jobs, families, kids, hobbies, school, etc. If you can only play from time to time or at odd hours, no problem!


Our Focus:


We have a strong PVE force (flashpoints, operations, etc.), and many of our members participate in PVP (both regular warzones, and space battles) in between events. We have participated in guild Conquest since shortly after it began, and have consistently gained a position in the middle of the leader boards. With new members in the guild, we will be a greater force to be reckoned with and will be better poised to move our way to first place.


We are open to adding RP-oriented members, but currently have no one to head that up. If you would like to develop role-play within our guild, let the leadership know and we would be happy to assist.


As far as an operations progression group, we have some people who are ready and able to work on HM/NM operations, but unfortunately not enough for consistent runs. If you would like to be a part of progression, we would be happy to run with you and figure out a good combination of players. The same can also be said for ranked PVP teams.


What We Look For:


We are seeking members who seek to improve their gameplay, participate in events as time permits, and have fun in a laid-back atmosphere.


Who to Contact:


Guildmaster: Endula'prime (aka Alethaprime, B'ubbles, B'uttercup)

Officers: Xorvath (Dors'quinn, Dryft) Rainsford (Aribell, Aridale), Zaf (J'en, Sweetcakes)

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