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boss damage types

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is it true that most operations bosses deal melee/ranged attacked with kinetic/Energy damage or is it all over the map?

How does one figure that out from watching the boss fight or is it just generally guessed at by the types of effects or ? (does it still use the white / yellow type indication/)


And is the accuracy of bosses assumed to be 100%?


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thanks. That's pretty interesting for DF/DP. OF course reason I am asking is that I am almost purely PVE and if the end game bosses are heavily weighted to F/T, then the argument about speccing with high defense is a bit off wack and I would rely more on my buff rotations/relics than my stats for defense...and given the change to the shielding, and what appears to be a limited amount of I/E damage types, shield becomes more attractive


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thanks. That's pretty interesting for DF/DP. OF course reason I am asking is that I am almost purely PVE and if the end game bosses are heavily weighted to F/T, then the argument about speccing with high defense is a bit off wack and I would rely more on my buff rotations/relics than my stats for defense...and given the change to the shielding, and what appears to be a limited amount of I/E damage types, shield becomes more attractive



Actually they are weighted more towards M/R, here are the weighted values (from KBN's thread)


Dread Fortress


M/R+K/E: 74.6510%

F/T+K/E: 20.4436%

F/T+I/E: 4.9040%

DtPS: 5987.66



Dread Palace


M/R+K/E: 68.5082%

F/T+K/E: 28.7756%

F/T+I/E: 2.7163%

DtPS: 6685.28


And I want to say the break point is around 60/40 MR/FT? But maximizing mitigation by tank varies.

Edited by Moradeth
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Gearing for these values is not the best thing. In df only nevra and draxus require high defense since they have a lot of melee ranged attacks. In dp only calphy want high defense.

If you disregard these bosses a fully minmaxed shadow want 150 defense. A vg 350 and a guardian 700.

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Gearing for these values is not the best thing. In df only nevra and draxus require high defense since they have a lot of melee ranged attacks. In dp only calphy want high defense.

If you disregard these bosses a fully minmaxed shadow want 150 defense. A vg 350 and a guardian 700.


Most tanks who want to min-max to that level will carry one set of gear (usually two pieces) with high defense for Nefra and Calphayus, and a second set of gear for everything else. Nefra is so incredibly M/R biased (and low-accuracy to boot) that the ideal statting for that boss specifically is almost 0 absorb.


Fortunately, it makes less difference than you would think. If you gear low defense, you will take a noticeably higher amount of damage on Nefra (as in, your healers will be able to see it). However, most other bosses are low enough damage that it doesn't make an enormous difference if your numbers are off of the ideal for that boss. In other words, two gear sets (one for Nefra, one for everything else) is more than ample, and even overkill for pre-nightmare content.


Personally, I just gear for the weighted average of all of the bosses. I might consider building a defense set for Nefra NiM, but I doubt it.

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