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Suggestion: Dueling ring on fleet


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Dueling ring on fleet!!!


I have often wanted to settle a dispute with someone while on fleet, though the 'no dueling on fleet law' forced us to travel to a daily area to resolve the matter.


So I think it would be nice, and very entertaining to have a specific place, ON FLEET JUST to duel.....I recommend a "boxing ring" type setting, behind the Character Creation Station/Cantena in the Cartel Bazaar. The way i see it that space is just going to waste being empty and there are always BIG talkers on general chat/ fleet, this would give them a place to say "put up or shut up", a place where everyone on fleet who is reading General Chat can go to watch the legacy fist fight, or however you choose to settle the matter!

PVP'ers would be able to settle the deputes which arise from warzones, one on one! And to increase population of spectators, you could even add a "double xp or reputation gain" for standing in the area by the dueling ring!


Just an idea Ive had for a while and wanted to share.

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I think this would be a good idea -- just make it accessible from one of the lifts that's already on the fleet, and presto, no need for a map overhaul or anything like that.


There's always people mouthing off on fleet gen chat who you just want to see somebody kick the teeth out of -- or, hell, do it yourself if you're feeling bold.

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There also needs to be a PvE dueling area, where a player can request a duel with a baddie from a large selection of possibilities which are level-matched. Some PvE opponents would only be available at higher levels.


And for the PvP dueling area, there should be a new /duel channel on Fleet, that gives a 1-minute announcement before the duel starts, so spectators can rush to the dueling area to spectate. The 2 people who are about to duel would have to wait 1 minute before the duel activates, but it'd make for an excellent spectator opportunity which would make it more fun overall.

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