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spacebarspacebarspacebar... skipskipskip...


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Im going on a little rant here...


I havent done a flashpoint in ages where I havent seen this on a first cinematic. Spacebarspacebarspacebar... I have thought about thist behaviour and I see no sense in it. First of all normally there are about 4 cinematics per flashpoint. If the whole group spacebar through them, you will probably save 40 seconds. 40 seconds out of 40-60 minutes that the flashpoint usually takes!!! You will simply gain nothing.


I play mostly healers. And I would love to sit and watch the cinematics. Even, if I dont care about them a one bit, it is a good time to get a breather. Take a sip of beer, drink some watter etc. We have been running trough the flaspoint a long time, and then you cant sit and watch a short cutscene?


Seriously guys. Does 50% of the playerbase take speed or other drugs? Why are you so impatient? And why do you have to scream stuff that makes other players feel anxhious? Relax. Players will skip them if they feel like skipping them. Dont force it to others. IMO it doesnt matter if its a heroic or not.


This has made my game experience more and more unpleasent reasently.


....... And yes, I have played trough all of the flashpoints many times.

Edited by HakkaP
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If you are doing Storymodes, go ahead and see all the cinematics. On SM you can see 'em how many ever times you wan, and the crazy "skipeverything!!!1!1!" person can go ragequit if he needs to. 'Coz it is Storymode.


On HM though, it's considered polite to not waste people's time. And at 55 FPs take closer to 15-30 minutes, and cutscenes are annoying when all you want to do is gring that gear/speeder/pet.

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Agreed, no reason to skip them. People's fingers need a break sometimes, someone may go take a bio break or grab a drink. There's no denying it's less annoying to watch a cutscene than to sit and do nothing while someone afk's at a random time. These cutscene's are my favorite part of the FP to be honest.


I also will say, it seems the rushers are slowly giving up on it. They've realized they can't compel their feelings on us in this situation and that they are typically no more than 2 wanting to skip anyway. I can understand a 3 to 1 outvote, but 2 v 2 should go in favor of Bioware's intended method which is watching it.


Anytime someone yells about spacebar on the 1 and only cutscene in say Hammer Station, I add them to my ignore list after we finish. They are trying to save 10 seconds, and that shows me the ridiculous lengths they will go to shortchange the entire playing experience. I've found that these types are more likely to be ninja's, kick you for guildmates, or honestly just plain bad at their role due to rushing through the game and not understanding what to do. I just am not interested in having anything more to do with that person, ever.

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If you are doing Storymodes, go ahead and see all the cinematics. On SM you can see 'em how many ever times you wan, and the crazy "skipeverything!!!1!1!" person can go ragequit if he needs to. 'Coz it is Storymode.


On HM though, it's considered polite to not waste people's time. And at 55 FPs take closer to 15-30 minutes, and cutscenes are annoying when all you want to do is gring that gear/speeder/pet.


Is it 2012 already? This thinking is so 2 years ago. The general consensus has flipped since then.

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40 secs is a gross understatement. Sometimes doing fps I'm actually just helping out, or just trying to knock off a daily or farm comms before pvp. If you've been in a fp more than two or three times, then why would being asked to spacebar bother you? If it's the first time you're there, I certainly agree that you shouldn't have to spacebar. But, the thing is, you never HAVE to. It's your choice. If there are people in the group constantly spamming spacebar, and you've said you've never been before, then I can understand your frustration. But the option is there for convenience. And I make use of it when the group agrees. And, I've never seen someone spam "skipskipskip/spacebarspacebarspacebar" once it has been determined that even one player doesn't want do so. Perhaps you aren't communicating enough.
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On HM though, it's considered polite to not waste people's time. And at 55 FPs take closer to 15-30 minutes, and cutscenes are annoying when all you want to do is gring that gear/speeder/pet.


Like I said its not about wasting time. Even if it takes 15-30 minutes, what you gain by skipping is NOTHING! One other thing that came to my mind was. Why do you play this game? You want to do stuff as fast as possible and not waste any time? Why do you play at all, if its not fun to you?

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40 secs is a gross understatement. Sometimes doing fps I'm actually just helping out, or just trying to knock off a daily or farm comms before pvp. If you've been in a fp more than two or three times, then why would being asked to spacebar bother you? If it's the first time you're there, I certainly agree that you shouldn't have to spacebar. But, the thing is, you never HAVE to. It's your choice. If there are people in the group constantly spamming spacebar, and you've said you've never been before, then I can understand your frustration. But the option is there for convenience. And I make use of it when the group agrees. And, I've never seen someone spam "skipskipskip/spacebarspacebarspacebar" once it has been determined that even one player doesn't want do so. Perhaps you aren't communicating enough.


Yeah that is true. But for me, i dont want to make any unnesessary problems between our group. So what I end up doing, is skipping because others want to. Its probably true, I need to ask for others that is it okay to watch them, but it feels very frustrating to do so, when I have been grinding the fp:s for hours. I asked about it today, that why cant we take a breather when watching a cinematics, and someone said, because this is a boring place.

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40 secs is a gross understatement. Sometimes doing fps I'm actually just helping out, or just trying to knock off a daily or farm comms before pvp. If you've been in a fp more than two or three times, then why would being asked to spacebar bother you? If it's the first time you're there, I certainly agree that you shouldn't have to spacebar. But, the thing is, you never HAVE to. It's your choice. If there are people in the group constantly spamming spacebar, and you've said you've never been before, then I can understand your frustration. But the option is there for convenience. And I make use of it when the group agrees. And, I've never seen someone spam "skipskipskip/spacebarspacebarspacebar" once it has been determined that even one player doesn't want do so. Perhaps you aren't communicating enough.


And there are people who've gotten kicked over not spacebarring. :p

It all depends on the kind of people you run into.

My experience has been more similar to yours though. Usually they give up after a while if it looks like someone won't be skipping after all.

Of course I'll generally go with what the group seems to want, so the times are few that I'll actually refuse to skip (never had it happen when a flashpoint is new and I'm doing it for the first time).

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Sometimes people ask me to spacebar if I even watch one or two of the scenes from old FPs.


When they do, I simply watch all them the rest of the time. They can deal with it.


They can leave if they don't like it. I like to watch the story again when I forget what it was about.

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@ two posters that replied to me.


I hear yaz. Negotiating the social space that is an mmo can often times be frustrating and difficult. Especially since a large number of stinky turds inhabit the interwebs. My suggestion remains the same though. It is better to voice your opinion (most times, and in most situations in life) rather than submit to the will of the vocal minorities.


Someone saying "this place is boring" isn't enough, in my opinion, to warrant spacebarring an fp that someone wants to watch, but turds are out there, what're you going to do? Try to group with guildies and people you put on your friends list I suppose. Not always an option I know, and probably this thread is meant simply to vent frustrations, which I also understand and appreciate. So ya, I agree with you guys to an extent.

Edited by VulgarMercurius
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Basically, what you are often seeing is a difference in progression.

This used to come up quite often when black talon/esseles HM's were part of the end-game, and daily routine for a lot of players at the time, and after seeing it 100 times, most are just not interested in seeing it again and just want to bang through it to get their comms.

These 2 in particular will add 15 mins to the fight if all the scenes are followed, Ive timed it. ;)

The most used argument, and one that I agree with, is that most of the flashpoints can be done solo in SM once you reach 50/55 easily, even with greens/blues, so you can take as much time as you want, and not have to worry about clashing with progression players.

For the ones that you cant solo, you will need to ask in guild or on the fleet if anyone is interested in doing them. Or, just keep doing them via group finder and hope you get a group thats interested in listening to all the story.

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But progression players aren't in GF FP's at this point in the content cycle. They have long since stopped queing


Although there would definitely be far fewer now at this stage of the games life, there will always be a portion of players partaking in progression, and be at different levels of said progression depending on when they started playing and of course, alts.

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I think the only FP where this does make a real time difference is the first one, Black Talon/Esselles.


These have quite a few cinematics, so skipping dialogue actually makes a good 15-20 minutes difference.


When the group is level-appropriate, I always ask at the start if folks want to skip dialogue. If someone wants to watch, no big deal to me.


Now high-level social point runs are different; there it's kind of expected that we'll be speedrunning it and everyone really should spacebar. If I lead one all members will know that from the start so there's no confusion.


The rest of the FPs in the game all have minimal cinematics, maybe three or four at the most. Watching dialogues shouldn't make that big a difference there.


..just my take on the issue.

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If I just want my dailies and comms then space bar all the way

If I want to specifically see cutscenes I will form a group on fleet with other like minded folks or solo it


Group finder usually means space bar

Form your own groups if you want specific expectations met

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If I just want my dailies and comms then space bar all the way

If I want to specifically see cutscenes I will form a group on fleet with other like minded folks or solo it


Group finder usually means space bar

Form your own groups if you want specific expectations met

This sounds fair to me, as long as you're talking about HM flashpoints.

Edited by Khevar
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If I don't care about the cinematic I spacebar. If I want to see it, I don't. I allow others the same courtsey. And to be frank, I don't care what the spacebar fiends will say about it.


After all, what is the rush anyway. If you don't have time to play you shouldn't be playing.

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I think the only FP where this does make a real time difference is the first one, Black Talon/Esselles.


These have quite a few cinematics, so skipping dialogue actually makes a good 15-20 minutes difference. .


Exactly this.


I have absolutely NO desire to watch Black Talon/Esseles over again. There is so much dialogue that skipping can shave nearly a half hour off the run. When it's your first time (or first several times) through they're really neat and worth watching all the detail, but if you're running it 50 HM you have no excuse to waste everyone else's time. If you want to see the story you can go do the storymode version solo.


Foundry is the only other one that makes me antsy since there's a fair bit of dialogue. I usually just skip to the end and alt tab. For the others, I agree it doesn't take that long to get through a cutscene.


The thing is, this is the inherent flaw in the game--its greatest strength (story) is one of its biggest weaknesses. I chain dungeon queue while leveling and while gearing for 55 endgame and I just have no desire to see story when I'm in the mood for dungeons.

Edited by Beltane
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I have no doubt that there are groups out there that will kick someone for wanting to watch the cinematics because they are all about getting the FP done quickly for whatever they're grinding for.


BUT in my personal experience, every single time I have started a FP from Group Finder where I've wanted to see the cinematics I just type "Hey guys, I haven't seen this one in a long time/haven't ever run this one before - mind if I let the cut-scenes play through?" at the very beginning of the run, and every single time I've had the group say "ok".


Yeah, people may default to wanting to fly through them, but if you ask you'll probably find most are willing to let you watch them, and letting them know is more polite than just ignoring their request that people spacebar.


tl;dr - It's ok to speak up at the beginning and ask if they mind you watching the cutscenes.

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Negotiating the social space that is an mmo can often times be frustrating and difficult.


Heh... yeah... it's feeling more every year like "social space" and "MMO" are becoming mutually exclusive. :p Thank goodness for friends and a good guild. :)


My suggestion remains the same though. It is better to voice your opinion (most times, and in most situations in life) rather than submit to the will of the vocal minorities.


Very much agree.

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Im going on a little rant here...


I just wanted to specifically say that I appreciate that you prefaced your thread in this manner. :)


So often, we get threads that are presented a "constructive feedback" but are nothing more then rants. I generally have no real issue with rants when people are frustrated... but I do dislike when they pretend that their frustration driven rant is somehow constructive feedback to the devs.


So again... thank you for your honesty and maturity. :)

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Im going on a little rant here...


I havent done a flashpoint in ages where I havent seen this on a first cinematic. Spacebarspacebarspacebar... I have thought about thist behaviour and I see no sense in it. First of all normally there are about 4 cinematics per flashpoint. If the whole group spacebar through them, you will probably save 40 seconds. 40 seconds out of 40-60 minutes that the flashpoint usually takes!!! You will simply gain nothing.


I play mostly healers. And I would love to sit and watch the cinematics. Even, if I dont care about them a one bit, it is a good time to get a breather. Take a sip of beer, drink some watter etc. We have been running trough the flaspoint a long time, and then you cant sit and watch a short cutscene?


Seriously guys. Does 50% of the playerbase take speed or other drugs? Why are you so impatient? And why do you have to scream stuff that makes other players feel anxhious? Relax. Players will skip them if they feel like skipping them. Dont force it to others. IMO it doesnt matter if its a heroic or not.


This has made my game experience more and more unpleasent reasently.


....... And yes, I have played trough all of the flashpoints many times.


I do sometimes space bar if I'm doing speed runs with my higher level alts on low level FPs (like a lvl 40 on black talon for one example), but if I get a player who is doing their first run, or like you just wants to chill and like you said take a breather for a few extra seconds for a cinematic I don't mind. Mostly I like to play watching the cinematic's because it gives a chance to talk to the other players and make fun of the NPCs and just have a good LOL together. I have got to admit I find the players going "gogogo" before you have a chance to blink on a target, telling you to skip because they want to rush, very rude and annoying! I do have to admit I'm getting very cross at the sheer level of abusive children there are as well, the cussing and harassment you get from some of them is in clear violation of the ToS of SWTOR yet they continue to be aloud to play and continue to be aloud to throw abuse at other players, (even here on the forums). when are they going to simply learn a game is for Relaxing and PLAYING and having FUN not rush rush rush, abuse abuse abuse?

Edited by BlackfoxKitsune
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Like I said its not about wasting time. Even if it takes 15-30 minutes, what you gain by skipping is NOTHING! One other thing that came to my mind was. Why do you play this game? You want to do stuff as fast as possible and not waste any time? Why do you play at all, if its not fun to you?


See, it's not the fact that they want to save time. It's just that seeing the same cutscene a million times is pure boring.


PvE is repetitive by nature. If a player can cut down on any repeated portion, they will. Why do PvErs willingly repeat the same missions? Because there's an incentive at the end. Gear, speeders, etc. There's no reason for them to go on watching cutscenes, because it doesn't give them anything.


I understand your point, Bioware's cutscenes have been beautifully crafted and expensive, and skipping it is a waste. Thing is, The first time you do it, you feel the story, the tension, the character. The second time, it feels stale but it's still there. The 10th time you do it, because you want that final piece of gear and haven't won a single roll yet, it's frustrating to have someone adamantly refuse to skip the same boring cutscene.


Which is why, if you wanna feel the the story, go do story mode, and if someone rages at you, screenshot their rage and put it in the "Weird people you meet in GF"-thread.:p

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I have no doubt that there are groups out there that will kick someone for wanting to watch the cinematics because they are all about getting the FP done quickly for whatever they're grinding for.


BUT in my personal experience, every single time I have started a FP from Group Finder where I've wanted to see the cinematics I just type "Hey guys, I haven't seen this one in a long time/haven't ever run this one before - mind if I let the cut-scenes play through?" at the very beginning of the run, and every single time I've had the group say "ok".


Yeah, people may default to wanting to fly through them, but if you ask you'll probably find most are willing to let you watch them, and letting them know is more polite than just ignoring their request that people spacebar.


tl;dr - It's ok to speak up at the beginning and ask if they mind you watching the cutscenes.


Honestly, I'd rather fly through things like Black Talon after doing them fifty times. But if someone wants to watch the cinematics, I'm not going to scream in party chat. More likely to whip out my phone and scroll reddit or play Words with Friends while I wait.

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