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Dynamic Story Events: Raid, FP, & Class


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To whom it may concern,

Something has occurred to me lately, this game keeps dumping on it's main selling point -- story. I've read recently on the forums that Bioware has officially stated that they are opposed to strong story content going forward -- epically class stories. It seems like this game had a lot more soul back before the "EA shake down", however, I will admit that we've gotten a lot more content since that event. It's just missing it's soul......


So, I have a few ideas to propose. I've noticed that in the new Raids (oricon) there are hardily any story elements....just boss fight after boss fight. It's still fun, but it is the same thing every time you run though it. So, why not add some dynamic events? For instance, one of the mob fights could be a giant quick time event....a floor could collapse...or a shield could come up in the middle of the raid separating the teams...players could event be given the chance to pull people back up or save them if they acted quick. Then after the event the teams would have to fight a mob (s) in different areas...nothing serious -- just fresh. I would also like to see some dialog trees like in the Class story or FP...nothing huge....just a short quibble here or there before a big boss. All of these ideas could be inserted into FPs as well. These small enhancements would make every run different, not in a big way....but big enough. I got this idea while running though the second boss fight in Dread Fortress....everyone splits up & takes a different path.


I play most games for the story personally, & this game has been no exception. Now, I still have 4 class story's to experience in this game, however, eventually I'm going to have played them all. I'd hate to see my focus shift to a different game.

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Giving this a slight bump considering that this was drafted before Kuat Drive Yards. KDY in a way is what my original suggestion was going for, but with a bit more polish. In my opinion, KDY lacks any real story.....it's very "same-y" (Copy-pasta)....and just in general lacks imagination. Now just imagine having this kind of format in raid! You could have several different bosses for each phase.....it would be like 2 or 3 raids in one!! And if not bosses then trash in-between each boss. They'd just have to give it a story & some cut scenes....as this was a major issue with KDY & DP/DF.
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