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So far the new "Content update" sounds more like a Cartel Market update


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Please tell me there is more to come. So far it looks very disappointing as everything in 2.1 that was mentioned so far is either cartel coin restricted < char customization> or appears to encourage spending more extra cash on top of our subscribtion <dye access>. What's next? Content update with new area and dailies to which we'll need to buy passes with cartel coins? New PvP arena unlocked for few hundred coins but subscribers will get a discount? That's not good enough. Please there me there is more in 2.1 to get rid of the bitter taste. Subscribers are expecting to get their money's worth through regular content updatess we've seen so far. I am not expecting anything more than that. Please, let Cartel Market stay away from the promised regular 6-8 week content patches! Please tell us there is an actual content in the new patch , not just giving players ability to alter their characters and armors if they spend extra $ on top of their sub. That's not cool.


I realize that not all has been revealed yet but I am concerned when the only new things I hear about 2.1 is *cartel coins an cartel market*. Especially when they provide in-game services players have been asking for a long time and would gladly see as a fully accessible content to subscribers.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I'm afraid that's exactly where the game is headed. With the subscription becoming more and more obsolete, they are really making the cartel market the way to go.As in providing revenue to the company.


I said it before and I'll say it again ( and prove me wrong, please ^^ ) The Cartel Market will get more updates than the game every will.

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I'm afraid that's exactly where the game is headed. With the subscription becoming more and more obsolete, they are really making the cartel market the way to go.As in providing revenue to the company.


I said it before and I'll say it again ( and prove me wrong, please ^^ ) The Cartel Market will get more updates than the game every will.


Since f2p game received a really nice and frequent amount of updates on a regular basis and that's, pretty much, what I would expect to see in the future. I am gettng annoyed when new content patch is meant to come out and its loudest features are supposed to be cartel coin restricted.


Darn, even the title of the content patch is "Customization" and it's the thing which greatest emphasis appears to be placed on. And it's not cool when the major features of the content patch, especially if they are part of its name, are charged extra.


I hear TOR has two independent teams - one dedicated to the content patches and one to the cartel market updates. Which one worked on the character customization and dyes?

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I said it before and I'll say it again ( and prove me wrong, please ^^ ) The Cartel Market will get more updates than the game every will.


This, in and of itself, is not unreasonable. It makes sense, really, that they can make more of something when they have more funding. And of course, that funding cuts out if they stop selling the things that made it for them separately. It's a natural cycle: with more money, you can make more things, but to make even more things, you need to charge even more money.


That, really, is pretty logical.


However, when "here's what's coming in 2.1" becomes "here's what you can buy separately in 2.1", that's when things start looking bad. For that matter, according to Dulfy, they have also titled 2.1 "Customization". When they are outright naming a .X patch after a Cartel Market update (and by all current indications...that's what they're doing), it may be time to cut our losses.

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Darn, even the title of the content patch is "Customization" and it's the thing which greatest emphasis appears to be placed on.


Maybe someone made a mistake and the actual title of game update 2.1 is "Monetization"? :rak_05:

Edited by Pietrastor
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Please tell me there is more to come. So far it looks very disappointing as everything in 2.1 that was mentioned so far is either cartel coin restricted < char customization> or appears to encourage spending more extra cash on top of our subscribtion <dye access>. What's next? Content update with new area and dailies to which we'll need to buy passes with cartel coins? New PvP arena unlocked for few hundred coins but subscribers will get a discount? That's not good enough. Please there me there is more in 2.1 to get rid of the bitter taste. Subscribers are expecting to get their money's worth through regular content updatess we've seen so far. I am not expecting anything more than that. Please, let Cartel Market stay away from the promised regular 6-8 week content patches! Please tell us there is an actual content in the new patch , not just giving players ability to alter their characters and armors if they spend extra $ on top of their sub. That's not cool.


I realize that not all has been revealed yet but I am concerned when the only new things I hear about 2.1 is *cartel coins an cartel market*. Especially when they provide in-game services players have been asking for a long time and would gladly see as a fully accessible content to subscribers.

did you just fall off the turnip truck???? They have said for a LONG time that 2.1 was going to be a "fluff" patch to add in more shiny things for us to look at. Hell i am willing to bet you have not even killed any hard mode OPS boss yet, but you cry that you want them adding in more content you are not even trying to see. I also know for certain you do not have a full set of 72 gear that is min maxed right because the content has not been out long enough for it to of even be possible yet.

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did you just fall off the turnip truck???? They have said for a LONG time that 2.1 was going to be a "fluff" patch to add in more shiny things for us to look at. Hell i am willing to bet you have not even killed any hard mode OPS boss yet, but you cry that you want them adding in more content you are not even trying to see. I also know for certain you do not have a full set of 72 gear that is min maxed right because the content has not been out long enough for it to of even be possible yet.


Euhm... I think he, and lots of us, want something that DOESNT involve pure Cartel Coins. Ie. dyes and barbershop with in-game credits rather than everything revolving around the friggin CC's

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Personally I am of the view that the more they put into the Cartel Market the more they can afford to keep adding features.


Just a guess, but I would say that, though it is a bit of a bummer to have to pay for everything I'm just happy it's actually being added to the game.


If this is the way they have to do it, and if it means I will see steady improvements, changes and additions of the items players have been asking for since launch then I say I am all for it.

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Personally I am of the view that the more they put into the Cartel Market the more they can afford to keep adding features.


Just a guess, but I would say that, though it is a bit of a bummer to have to pay for everything I'm just happy it's actually being added to the game.


If this is the way they have to do it, and if it means I will see steady improvements, changes and additions of the items players have been asking for since launch then I say I am all for it.


If they had actual rewards for subscribers theyd have more people subscribing since as it is with this new update myself and a few people I know have already unsubbed which is costing them about $60 a month. That isnt much but Im pretty sure Im not the only person who's unsubbing due to Cartel updates


When was the last steady improvement youve seen? 2.0? 2.0 has been in the works since pre-launch (the Makeb part). All events (with maybe the exception of the Gree event) were already under development since pre-launch as well


People have been asking for stuff since before F2P and its only being released now half a year after F2P? Im almost starting to believe it was meant to be F2P from the get-go and as a marketing thing they had it subbased because F2P from the start would give bad press and give the impression its a cheap game

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If they had actual rewards for subscribers theyd have more people subscribing since as it is with this new update myself and a few people I know have already unsubbed which is costing them about $60 a month. That isnt much but Im pretty sure Im not the only person who's unsubbing due to Cartel updates


When was the last steady improvement youve seen? 2.0? 2.0 has been in the works since pre-launch (the Makeb part). All events (with maybe the exception of the Gree event) were already under development since pre-launch as well


People have been asking for stuff since before F2P and its only being released now half a year after F2P? Im almost starting to believe it was meant to be F2P from the get-go and as a marketing thing they had it subbased because F2P from the start would give bad press and give the impression its a cheap game


so you are unsubbing... then stop crying. Most MMOs carge real money for basically everything. In wow if you want to change anything more then hair color and style you have to pay real money, for new content you pay real money.


Tell me when has WoW ever added a new race and not charged for it???? oh yeah never.....

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so you are unsubbing... then stop crying. Most MMOs carge real money for basically everything. In wow if you want to change anything more then hair color and style you have to pay real money, for new content you pay real money.


Tell me when has WoW ever added a new race and not charged for it???? oh yeah never.....


Who's crying? Im posting a legitimate complaint and as Ive explained before its my right as a consumer to do so.

And maybe I just wanted to change my hair color and style, as you pointed out I could do it for free in WoW but here I have to pay. I never complained paying $10 for Makeb, it was well worth it, I was referring to casual content like FP's, WZ's and Ops.


Afaik most if not all WoW races were included in exp packs...

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so you are unsubbing... then stop crying. Most MMOs carge real money for basically everything. In wow if you want to change anything more then hair color and style you have to pay real money, for new content you pay real money.


Tell me when has WoW ever added a new race and not charged for it???? oh yeah never.....



oh i do not know, humm Expansions, BC had two, last one had one, which was not extra money but part of the Expansion themselves...nice fact checking there btw..lol.


P.S. Mr T told me to tell you to stop jibba jabbing

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oh i do not know, humm Expansions, BC had two, last one had one, which was not extra money but part of the Expansion themselves...nice fact checking there btw..lol.


P.S. Mr T told me to tell you to stop jibba jabbing


you missed the point... but that was expected. You were forced to buy TBC to get the races... as in you could not play a new race without giving them money. same thing happened in cata and in pandaland. The races were not free you payed for them.

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If they had actual rewards for subscribers theyd have more people subscribing since as it is with this new update myself and a few people I know have already unsubbed which is costing them about $60 a month. That isnt much but Im pretty sure Im not the only person who's unsubbing due to Cartel updates


When was the last steady improvement youve seen? 2.0? 2.0 has been in the works since pre-launch (the Makeb part). All events (with maybe the exception of the Gree event) were already under development since pre-launch as well


People have been asking for stuff since before F2P and its only being released now half a year after F2P? Im almost starting to believe it was meant to be F2P from the get-go and as a marketing thing they had it subbased because F2P from the start would give bad press and give the impression its a cheap game


So if you unsubbed then I hope you wrote why on the exit questionnaire. No one here cares that you unsubbed, just tell Bioware and leave the forum. Stamping your feet and making noise on the way out isn't going to do anything except annoy people on the forums we are excited for these additions to the game.


As for your assertion that everything was in development since before F2P, well no **** Sherlock. The lead time on content for this game is probably 6-8 months, likely longer. We're not going to see actual content that was started after free to play until later this year.

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you missed the point... but that was expected. You were forced to buy TBC to get the races... as in you could not play a new race without giving them money. same thing happened in cata and in pandaland. The races were not free you payed for them.


And here you pay... separately! :D

With WoW you can look at it this way "I buy a race and get an exp pack with it!" or "I buy an exp pack and get races with it!", they went hand in hand. With 2.0 and the kitties it doesnt

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Ya we sub and get cc coins for that. BUT an update with the only stated features being avail for cartel coins is a bit bogus! There NEEDS to be something pretty big for subscribers in this update!


2.0 and the expansion cost money in addition to our monthly sub fees. If this update only has stuff avail for more money also that is a HIGE fail!!!!

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According to DarthHater, the Cathar will be a Cartel Coin purchase. Since F2P, that is what the reps from Bioware have said. However, the customization "barbershop" will be purchased via in game credits not cartel coins. I am sure that everyone will still cry but the fact of the matter is that Bioware does not make this product for you. If they are making the bulk of their cash via the Cartel Market they have to keep that fresh.


Personally, I want to know why the QA process of Bioware has the perception of taking too long. For instance, could we not have an 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 that is based on a reskinned version of the Rancor Pit in KP? How difficult is it to create another huttball map. I understand that FPs, and Ops may take some time due to the development process. It just seems that the team needs to be a little bit more effective on release times of content.

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From what I understand the problem is that what seems a pure cartel market update is being "sold" as an update they promised us every 6-8 weeks.


Why is that a problem? They said up front not every patch will be a new Op or new WZ or whatever. This patch gives us some much needed customization options, next will be whatever is ready next.

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I disagree with the guys saying this isn't worthy of an update. There're always going to be fluff updates, but the fact that it's nearly exclusively paid with Cartel Coins screaaaams milking.


I may have misread, but they're really charging to change something so simple as hair?

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you missed the point... but that was expected. You were forced to buy TBC to get the races... as in you could not play a new race without giving them money. same thing happened in cata and in pandaland. The races were not free you payed for them.




you are saying that you had to spend extra money to get the races, EXPANSIONS BC/CATA/PANDALAND all come with new races that was not extra cash, aka the whole thread is not about the expansion, but the penny pinching in the cartel market, aka all the focus seems to be there and not on actually game *Promised* Updates, lots of this should be in game currency not cartel market.


you only see things one way, your way, sign of complete ignorance there, guess i can't argue with stupid.


wash my hands, you just like to troll and argue.

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