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FIX PVP (idea to get Bio/EA's attention)


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I've been a fan and faithful supported of this game since the first day of pre-launch. I pre-ordered the expansion (which you promised would be free) and waited with much anticipation for all the new content and many surprises you said were in store for us in the future. But instead i've watched the development team take this game from great to bad to worse. Your inability to deliver on the oh so many promises that you made to us the players is utterly unacceptable. Your refusal to listen to our suggestions, respond to our requests, and engage the subscribers while implementing your "fixes" all the while catering to the ftp cartel market only proves that this platform is nothing more than a money grab for you grubby little hands.


Well no more, your rush to put out a product riddled with bugs and flaws, of which many were pointed out by loyal fans who spent many thankless hours testing on the pts, only demonstrates a substandard team of developers or the fact that you just don't care about us. What other explanation could there be when we constantly see new items "for sale" in the cartel market but the same bugs and issues we've been begging to get resolved in game are still not fixed. You have received many suggestions on how to fix your end game pvp bolster system (just get rid of it) but are still hell bent on using a crazy complex mathematical formula, why? Just to appease your new ftp base, and continue to count the dollars you receive from their cartel coins? When are you going to listen to and engage us, the paid in full, not only with dollars but hours and tears, pvp community. What do we have to do get you to listen to our requests and suggestions on how to make this game better. Its still pre-season for rated war zones for christ sake and its been that way for over a year!!!! And your lead developers for pvp still refuse to engage our community and implement our thoughts and ideas, all the while bending over backwards to make the pvp aspect more enjoyable to players who admit that this aspect of the game is not their primary focus.


So what do we have to do bioware/ea to force you to make this part of the game more enjoyable for us? You've asked us to be patient and we have. You've asked us to test your product for bugs and glitches which we did. And you've asked for our thoughts and ideas which we have given to you. But we also see that you have a blatant disregard for our thoughts and ideas as you still plan on implementing a bolster system for 55 pvp that caters to non-pvp focused players, have made pvp gear utterly worthless in every aspect of the game both pvp and pve. Have no plan or desire on implementing cross server war-zones. And still have no timeline as to when preseason for rated warzones will end.


So tell me whats still in this game for us, and how can we justify to ourselves continuing to be a subscriber. Actions speak louder than words and all your actions seem to say, we just don't care about you. So i have ended my auto renewing subscription and purchased a one time 60 day pass, at the end of which if i have not seen an attempt to engage our community or a desire to implement or even consider any of our thoughts and concerns shall much to my dismay part ways with you and this game for good. And i suggest all others who feel that our thoughts and ideas have simply been ignored follow suit. I no longer take you at your word and believe until you no longer see our dollars at the end of this tunnel, have no incentive/desire to address any of our concerns.

Edited by buddafx
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The joke is on the OP. Bioware still squeezed 60 more days of paid game time out of him. Sorry dude. I'm not a PvP fan, but you've pretty much hit the mark. Damn shame too, but I doubt they'll even give you the time of day with an official response.
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Bw needs to change their tune. Either that, or 2.0 will be the beginning of the end for this game.


Still constant lack of communication, except on banalities, not taking our feedback seriously, and staunch stubbornness in not dealing with glaring balance issues. We understand that one guy thinks he knows the way balance should work better than thousands of us who spend more time playing the game than your devs do, but he's wrong -- and he's costing you subs, and will continue to do so.

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I pretty much feel the same way, and i've also been here since launch....Beta test weekend even.


If they are to restore any kind of faith from my part, they need to;


1. Fix the many issues we currently are seeing in pvp and now, not a month from now, not two weeks.

2. Live up to the promises they have made regarding pvp, such as incentives for open world pvp and "You can expect to see warzones and pvp content added on a regular basis". This is what you promised - No excuses.

3. Find a way to implement x-server queues.


But most importantly of all: Show us a pvp roadmap. We deserve to know what you have planned for pvp this year, and it better be content.

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