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Amazing operatives...


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After 5 months break from the game I am amazed to come back to experience that operatives are just as broken op as they were when I left. How extremely frustrating.


Vaguards were fixed. But truly operatives are so op when they run in packs that it hurts.


Same goes for smash/sweep jugs and sents.




This game has been running for a year now. Bioware, spend some serious time looking into balancing now, that'd be nice.

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After 5 months break from the game I am amazed to come back to experience that operatives are just as broken op as they were when I left. How extremely frustrating.


Vaguards were fixed. But truly operatives are so op when they run in packs that it hurts.


Same goes for smash/sweep jugs and sents.




This game has been running for a year now. Bioware, spend some serious time looking into balancing now, that'd be nice.


I really hope you are posting about healing operatives, which aren't even the best healers this patch (bubble stun hybrid sorcs are).

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you must have not heard about the metrics they have on operatives and how everyone has cancelled their subs due to the stunlocking groups of operatives ..


in 1.6 the ability to cancel subscriptions (50% proc off hidden strike, you see...) will be gone, replace with a 50% proc to stun keyboards instead. The 100% was too op they felt.

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As someone who has never played a dps op and always plays a healer which means ops often try to kill me....


Dust mites bite harder. I can kill ops without much trouble as a heal spec sorc. and which one on me I can heal my allies without fear of dying till about half health... which can take awhile. xD


I don't miss stunlocking monster ops of the past but they are pretty sad right now. Callin them op is trolololol.

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After 5 months break from the game I am amazed to come back to experience that operatives are just as broken op as they were when I left. How extremely frustrating.


Vaguards were fixed. But truly operatives are so op when they run in packs that it hurts.


Same goes for smash/sweep jugs and sents.


This game has been running for a year now. Bioware, spend some serious time looking into balancing now, that'd be nice.

Unsure if trolling. On the one hand, his argument (if you can even call it that) is just so unbelievably wrong that he has to be messing around. On the other, his incoherent posting suggests that he might be serious...


The forums are a pretty good indicator of what is truly unbalanced and what is not. There are as many "please dear gods of BioWare, buff Operatives/Scoundrels!" threads as there are "zomg mars/sents/bubbles threads". This is actually the first "serious" anti-operative thread I have seen in probably 8 months.


PvE damage is laughable. PvP damage, survivability, and utility just are not up to par with other classes. We can roll with them if played right, but even then, the lack of critical abilities (gap closers, better survivability, etc.) is just as noticeable as our reduced DPS output from constant Backblast nerfs.

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He is quite serious I'm afraid.


From OP

""""get rid of permanent anti jump screen - snipers are so rediculously op already. Insane amounts of damage and lots of cc's - the fact that no night can leap them makes them rediculously op... """""


He has been complaining about operatives from the start. He also complained that melee aren't powerful enough compared to ranged. At least I got a good chuckle from the message boards.

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After 5 months break from the game I am amazed to come back to experience that operatives are just as broken op as they were when I left. How extremely frustrating.


Vaguards were fixed. But truly operatives are so op when they run in packs that it hurts.


Same goes for smash/sweep jugs and sents.




This game has been running for a year now. Bioware, spend some serious time looking into balancing now, that'd be nice.


Skilled operatives/scoundrels cant be killed in any 1v1 even if you are a sin tank. Shoot first is bugin players, healing they get over 45 sec from recuperate (pugnacy) with 45 sec CD (lol basicaly u can keep it up regenerating 2 % HP over again) and the stunlock they put, plus the self healing they have. My scoundrel is only 45 now but i have no problem to kill any class in 1v1 (marauders die fastest of all). They have still some problems with buble pop and can be killed by skilled sages, this calss beeing buffed very much with buble pop and the instant healing. GL. Regarding operatives that spec as healers they are by far strongest in the game and you will see plenty of them healing the most powerfull rated teams.

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