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The direction of PVP... The groundhog day complex


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Whilst remaining on a low pop server I have a lot of time to think in between warzones before they eventually come to an end at around 10pm.


Why do we not have more competitive games like hutt ball rather than groundhog day scenarios where we end up defending the same control points on voidstar, noveywhusit and civil war?


If they'd gone the competitive game route for pvp they could have a whole set of features and a planet based pvp hub controlled by hutts. Especially when it comes to ranked warzones and team registration and all that jazz.


Forgive me if it's not articulated well but surely there are competitive games which could have the same king of the hill style play etc with random traps and points of interest for players.


This planet hub could also host player gambling on ranked warzones, social interaction and advertisements for individual players looking to join a ranked team. It could also play host to bot controlled practice arenas and thanks too the new super servers the pvp community would be on neutral ground you could choose to chat with your enemies or lure them away from the safe zone into pockets of pvp enabled areas in the building and cut them down..... There could also be controlled points outside the pvp Hub that give players buffs within the arena or a minor head start giving us some open world fun on that planet.


Everything contained in one place, gambling, pvp, ranked registrations.... It could even tally MVP votes and when a favourite player joins the queue holo terminals and screens could project that player onto walls around the venue letting folks know they're going to be in the next set of matches, it could even highlight our top enemies etc etc


I don't know it's a vague idea but i think I'd prefer PvP games that worked as stand alone games rather than giving us a story to play over and over again, it'd also make more sense when ranked games come in to play as whose going to set up a game on contended land?


Silly idea, I'll go away now

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But for basic things like the warzones, I think to broaden PvP as a whole as the fan base wants there should be a hub where players can bet on scheduled ranked matches, can sign up teams, chat with the opposition around the facility although The Hutts not wanting everyone to get along will randomise areas in the facility and turn them from Neutral zones into PvP enabled areas. Etc.


The Open world PvP around the facility could have various points of interest for example controlled zones that do provide a mini buff in Warzone's or take a second off the barriers that prevent you getting into the field sooner. They could also have a random chest spawn announced in the main hub and factions would race to get to it, fight over it and get some cool PVP stuff like stims, commendations, etc.


With ranked Warzones coming in I really think they should have a centralised gaming system for servers, new arenas that make sense when the same faction goes up against each other and competitive play that highlights your nemesis, of course as a healer I wouldn't be anyone's nemesis :(


At the moment environments appear dead, we just wait around with little to no interaction with the world around us unless we still have quests to finish. The Fleet is the PvE Hub... it makes sense because ships take them to destinations, we join a queue and vanish. It'd be nice to have a place to go where Arena's are based and environments materialise in for players as some elaborate hutt game like televised sports! :)


I'd also like social points for PvP... we all talk, we all communicate, we can't play without a team and as a result we should get social points for it!

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