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[Suggestion] Better / Clearer Target Marks


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Now that we can use keybinds for target marking, I'm actually using marking in raids and dungeons (*drink*)...

..and I'm noticing more than ever just how ineffectual and annoying the graphics for marks are.


They scale according to distance and the size of the mob being marked. In general, they're just fine if you are melee and are using a camera set to near first person perspective. For a ranged, especially someone like me who has camera set to max range as much as possible, the results are sometimes just plain comical.


To the point where I actually created an imageshack account so I can show the forums, I feel dirty. :p


Here's one of the lessor examples of the scaling. I've seen WAY worse in game - but this was the first example I could screenshot quickly after they started to irritate me enough to post on the forums tonight.



Note, I didn't change my position or camera view. All I did was swap the two markers around. Those two mobs must be less than 3 yards apart.


Then there's the whole transparency thing. I realise it's impacted a fair amount by the lighting. But there are occasions were the target marks are damned near invisible.


Tonight, I came across one of the worst example I've seen this week. But even when it's not this bad, it's still bad.



For the record.. there is an orange blaster and a blue shield on the two mobs in the middle of the screen. Though the blaster is going to be easier to spot than the shield. I can understand if it takes you a while to spot the shield. I feel like I'm explaining the rules to "where's wally?"


Personally, I almost feel like some of the raid markers are placeholder art until someone comes along to "really" design them. For me, the worst one without doubt is the red flame.


  • Could we please get non-transparent raid markers.
  • Could we please get raid markers scaling under control, especially for ranged players who use max range camera
  • Could some please consider reworking the target markers artwork itself. To give them a quality feel rather than a tatty one.

Hopefully, given the time of the evening and the day of the week - someone might review this before it hits page 17. Odd that I still remain slightly optimistic, even now.


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Edited by Woetoo
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