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Let us buy lvl50 gear as lowlvls!


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Why can't i buy Battlemaster gear as a lvl 30? I wouldn't be able to equip it ofcourse but as soon as i got to 50 i could be at least decent. Alot of comms are wasted because i cant buy ranked comms below lvl 40 :|


Why cant we level by doing warzones and class quests and skip the boringass planet quests and invest in our character? Why cant we buy lvl 50 gear before we get to 50 with the same effort invested? It's just annoying to have so many comms laying around and not being able to buy what i want because of some arbitrary mechanic.

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Yes is a meaningless restriction just intended to increase the grind once level 50. They will most likely address it by increasing the level 20 and level 40 pvp gear cost by 100 times so you have something to spend the excess pvp currency on.
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This was doable on the Public Test Sever at one time, when I read about it I thought it was to be one of the best changes in 1.2; meaning someone who PVPed from level 10 to 50 would start the level 50 warzones with less of a disadvantage than a player who only played 25-30 or less when leveling. Unfortunately they changed it so that it's not possible.
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I'm against this and i'm an altaholic. There's so little to do at 50 for pvp'ers that looking at the new gear and planning what to get is a welcome distraction while waiting for warzones. It's not like it's hard to get.


I'm not against you having the gear or me having it on new 50's it's just that there's bugger all to do other than stand around waiting for warzones to pop as it is. That being said, Recruit gear could do with some stat boosting so you could compete easier.

Edited by Kabaal
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PvP is ****ed in this game sadly. I had so much hope for 1.2: Fast Leveling trough Warzones as PvP-Player and instant full Battlemaster when you reach lvl 50. But no. So many PvP-Players will be forced to switch to GW2 just because Bioware can't understand what PvP-Players want. I'm really shaking my head at Bioware atm.
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I'm very much for this as I have to wonder why bother doing pvp in the 10 - 49 after you get 2000 warzone commendations, when mercenary commendations were in game you had something to work on, requiring alot of effort to keep you interested in pvp'ing in early levels to gain the 1000 merc and 1000 wz commendations plus any lvl 20/40 gear you want.


Now I can't honestly see a reason why to pvp during this bracket, just bore myself to tears getting to 50 with solo content then buy the starter gear for 300k. With the loss of Merc commendations and being able to prep your character for 50+ and Ilum being no further use atm, there's little incentive to play for me to pvp in this bracket atm. Plus on Tomb of Freedom nadd, the most popular pvp server I've actually noticed a longer delay in the time it takes on a Weekend (when it should be most busy) to have the pvp match (enter/cancel queue) window appear, even in the match there always seems to be some slots not filled since 1.2.

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And I wish they would put the valor rank requirement back on the BM gear. They already gave a complete set to those that want to spend credits to buy it and you don't have to have done any pvp prior to obtain it. The next request after this will be to remove valor rank 70 from the War Hero gear which would be another slap in the face to those that spent time getting to that rank.
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