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Group frames in warfronts - Need some help please!

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Hey there,

I have been having trouble locating a feature for Warfronts and the group frames.


It seems my group interface on the side that I use to target players to heal is only showing about some of the players in the WF. My boyfriend who was in the warfront with me wasnt even on the list so I had to manually target him in the sea of enemies while he (and everyone around me) is moving all over the place and not to mention targeting seems unresponsive a little, so its very hard.


How can I bring more of the groups onto my screen to I can see everyone and manage everyones health? I breaks warfronts for me and I assume in a raid situation it would break that experience for me as a healer as well so if anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it.


Thank you!



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