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[Suggestion] Hide inactive space missions on the galactic map?


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Okay. This one is primarily because I have the memory of a goldfish with Alzheimer's.


I tend to only do the orange/yellow difficulty space missions on any given day with two or three different characters. Occasionally I'll do more, but not often. Each character is at a different level (50, 38, 22 currently) and the respective missions are in different sectors of the galactic map.


Because of my goldfish syndrome, I'm clicking all over the map trying to recall which mission is where. But because ALL space missions are shown, irrespective of whether I've picked it up or not, that's a frustrating amount of left click, mouseover, "nope", mouseover, "nope", <Esc>, left click, mouseover, "nope", mouseover, "Yes!!" - do mission. Especially on the higher level characters where the number of missions I'm am doing is severely outnumbered by the missions I'm NOT.


The overall galactic map doesn't help. Because the tooltop shows "Space Missions Available" even if it's a low level space mission I didn't pick up.


Would it be possible to only show mission icons and "space mission available" for missions in the quest log which aren't complete? Or at least have it as a tickbox choice similar to the "map magnifier" on the world map to choose to hide inactive space battles?


I appreciate that there are people out there who are going to want to repeat space missions even if they don't have an active quest for them. So maybe the tickbox is one solution or perhaps changing the colour of the icons and the text in the tooltip to indicate if there is an active mission for those space battles.


This is a tiny quality of life improvement. But this small things add up and I want SW:TOR to not compromise quality for practicality. Plus as I say, my memory sucks and I need all the help I can get. :p

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